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Move in now traducir español

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Since I am going to move in now... I think I should pay you a month's rent in advance.
Ya que voy a mudarmeya... me parece prudente pagarle el alquiler de un mes por adelantado.
There was more than one car tailing us today. They are ready to move in now.
Había más de un coche siguiéndonos y están preparados.
Say, if all this is going to be ours, why don't we move in now?
Dime, si todo esto va a ser nuestro, ¿ Por qué no nos mudamos ahora?
- Well, move in now, if it comes to that.
- Puedes instalarte, si quieres.
Just don't move and stay in here for now.
No te muevas y quédate aquí por ahora.
Take them out and put them in chains. Move now!
Llévenselos y encadénenlos. ¡ Muévanse!
You keep the windows covered while I go in. Now, move!
Cubrid las ventanas cuando yo entre. ¡ Moveos!
And will move the furniture out now. So we can put his little crib and table in there.
Tenemos que tirar parte del mobiliario para que quepa la cuna...
- When do you wanna move in? - I'm in now.
- ¿ Cuándo quiere mudarse?
You allow this chiseler to move in move in 22 other people 22 people I can't even find! And now...
¡ Admites a un estafador a otras 22 personas 22 personas que no encuentro!
All right. Now don't move, both of you or I'll blow you in two.
Si os movéis alguno de los dos, os vuelo por la mitad.
Far be it from me to start any trouble, but I'll lay you 8-to-5 right now that kid's going to move in on your gal.
No quiero causar problemas, pero te apuesto 8 a 5 a que el chico quiere a tu chica.
For now, we'll have your family move in here.
No soy Leonardo.
Now, you're gonna move in that direction.
Se moverán hacia allá.
Now that their plot's uncovered, my guess is that germany will move in a new direction and move quickly.
Creo que ahora Alemania preparará otra jugada y rápido.
Nothing in the world can move me right now.
Nada en el mundo me haría moverme ahora mismo.
I'd like to move in on her right now, tonight.
Yo preferiría interrogarla ahora mismo.
I'll go and get my things out, and you can move in right now.
Sacaré mis cosas y podrá mudarse ya.
Now that Harry is going to raise a family, are we going to move out? Or are they going to move in?
Ahora que Harry formará su propia familia ¿ nos iremos nosotras o ellos se mudarán aquí?
- You want to move in there now, honey?
- ¿ Quieres que nos vayamos allí?
- Nothing matters now except to move quickly, or your pyramid will go up in smoke.
Debemos actuar, o no habrá pirámides.
But now that she's away at school, Brewton makes no move to curb brock in anything.
Pero ahora que está estudiando, Brewton no lo vigila.
But now, steady's the word... One false move and four lives hang in the balance.
aunque ahora, atención era la palabra... ya que el mas pequeño error significaría la muerte para todos.
Now, if you'll move out in order, the buses are ready.
Ahora, si vais saliendo en orden, los autobuses están listos.
I judged that the time was now ripe to make a move in the matter of Edith D'Ascoyne. It's becoming cold.
Estimé que el momento ya estaba maduro para hacer un movimiento... en el asunto de Edith D'Ascoyne.
Now, all of a sudden, he makes his move... like he was sure you'd never get out of here... except in a box.
Y hace sus fechorías de modo que tú... nunca más puedas salir de aquí... excepto en un ataúd.
You're on the move in the real plush now. All you gotta do is push that wheel chair around... and you go anywhere you want.
Te puedes hacer de oro, solo tienes que guiar la silla de ruedas hacia donde quieras.
We'll have to move in, now.
Debemos atacar ahora.
So I threw him down and took his money, and now we've got to move in to Dragonwyck.
Y yo le acepté el dinero... y ahora debemos mudarnos a Dragonwyck.
Now, I will move in through the forest.
Iniciaremos el avance por el bosque.
Now, Burt, I know our next move. Put Nancy's picture in the paper or use her on the telecast.
Bert, el siguiente paso será publicar la foto de Nancy.
Right now, this is as close as our cameras are permitted to go, but as soon as possible, we'll move in for an even closer look at the action.
De momento no se nos permite acercamos más. Cuando nos sea posible, echaremos un vistazo al lugar.
Now you can move in your room then. Then you can have your own room back.
Nat dormirá con Reuben y tú en tu habitación.
Now you've seen, move it, we have to throw it all in.
Ya lo has visto, ahora vete. Tenemos que echar todo esto dentro.
Now, one of the alternatives... just in the event that this last treatment is not successful, is simply to allow you to move into a special area in which people of your kind have been congregated.
Una de las alternativas... en caso de que este tratamiento... no fuera exitoso... consistirá en...
- Now, move in and shake hands.
- Ahora acérquense y dense la mano.
Now, I want to know what Mrs. Brown's involvement is in all of this and I am not going to move one inch until I find out!
Bien, quiero saber qué pinta la Sra. Brown en todo esto y no me voy a mover un milímetro hasta enterarme.
Now, I'm gonna move in.
Bueno, ahora me acercaré.
and she was walking down the, you know, street and she fell down and broke something in her back something and now she can't move both her, you know, legs.
e iba caminando por la, tú sabes, calle y se cayó y se rompió algo en la espalda y ahora no puede mover sus, tú sabes, piernas.
Now, we should try to move the yacht to this side of the island in order to fix it.
Ahora, deberíamos tratar de traer el yate hacia este lado de la isla. Para repararlo.
Move it in now.
Tráiganlo ahora.
Now, at the most, you're gonna have two hours before the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines move in and make you put it back.
Como máximo, tendrá dos horas antes de que llegue el ejército y lo haga ponerlo de vuelta.
'Cause fast as we move'em in now, we're gonna herd'em out.
En cuanto llega el producto, lo vendemos.
Now let's move on to number 412 in the catalogue, one of the most valuable pieces in the collection.
Ahora pasemos al número 412 del catálogo. Una de las piezas más preciadas de toda la colección.
But I'm in command here and I say we move - now.
Pues yo estoy al mando, y digo que nos larguemos.
Clutch in, move gear, pedal down, clutch out, now all together.
Embrague, mover cambio, acelerador, desembrague, ahora todos juntos.
Now, gentlemen, I suggest we move outside to make a further examination of the hull in the event we've overlooked any minor damage.
Ahora, sugiero que salgamos a examinar el casco para verificar si pasamos por alto algún daño.
And coming through traffic now, making a move, is Peter Thorndyke in the # 14 car.
Ahora. Pasando por el tráfico... y haciendo su movida.
Now making a move is car # 53, Douglas, who also picks up about three cars as he goes charging through traffic... and is in hot pursuit of Thorndyke in the # 14 car.
Y ahora se mueve el auto número 53. Douglas... quién también adelanta a unos tres autos... con fuerza atraviesa el tráfico. Persigue ferozmente... a Thorndyke en el auto número 14.
They're gonna move in unless we stop them now.
Van a hacerse cargo a menos que los detengamos ahora.
Now I might just take you up on that offer, sis, if you'll excuse me if I don't move in too soon.
Quizá acepte tu oferta, pequeña, aunque discúlpame si no la acepto enseguida.

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