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Move it traducir español

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Come on, move it!
Vamos, ¡ muévete!
Move it.
Move it, move!
¡ Muévanse, muévanse!
- Move it! - Come on, guys!
Go, go, move it.
Move it.
Rookies, move it!
Move it up.
- All right, move it!
- ¡ A un lado! - ¡ Atrás!
Let's move it.
Move it!
¡ Muévete!
Just make a little thing and move it along.
Solo haz un gesto y sigue.
Move it.
Move it, people.
Moverlo, la gente.
Move it.
- Vamos. Caminen.
Move it!
¡ Mueve el culo!
- Move it!
¡ Vamos!
Move it.
Anden. Rápido.
Just move it. Oh, God, I have not been like this for years!
Dios, ¡ hacía años que no estaba así!
If we're quick about it, we can move freely.
Si somos rápidos, podemos movernos libremente.
You can't just shake it off, say it's okay and move on.
No puedes olvidarte y seguir adelante como si nada.
Even if Eliza hadn't found out, it was time for you to move.
Aunque Eliza no se hubiera enterado, ya tocaba que te mudaras.
When I'm ready to make my move, it's gonna be a lot less conspicuous.
Cuando esté lista para actuar, será mucho menos evidente.
It takes three for a move.
Hacen falta tres.
Okay, I got it so don't move around.
Okay, entendí, así que no se mueva.
It seems that the decision of Marshal Skony to move the prisoner They triggered a series of unacceptable risks.
Parece que la decisión del Marshal Skony en mover al prisionero desencadenaron una serie de riesgos inaceptables.
I could not tell you the deal until Harrison make his move because I knew you were going to find a way to screw up and you did it anyway.
No podía decirte del trato hasta que Harrison hiciera su movimiento porque sabía que ibas a encontrar la manera de cagarla y lo hiciste de todas formas.
She wants it to end quickly, so she can move on to burying us...
Quiere terminar pronto para seguir enterrándonos...
It's the best move, Mr. Fisk.
Es la mejor opción, Sr. Fisk.
In fact, it's the only move.
De hecho, es la única opción.
So, Frank is in prison, and everyone's retreated to their corners, including my bosses, one of whom has repeatedly told me to let it go and move on.
Y Frank está en prisión. Todos se replegaron en sus vidas, incluidos mis jefes. Uno me reiteró que olvidara esto y pasara a otra cosa.
Doesn't move half the product but... but it's still more than everyone else.
No mueve ni la mitad de la mercancía, pero igual supera a los demás.
This is a bold move, isn't it?
Este es un paso valiente, ¿ verdad?
Or let it go and let his family move on.
O déjalo pasar y que su familia salga adelante.
- It's a sentimental move, Lucy.
- Es un movimiento sentimental, Lucy.
Don't move, or wobbly head gets it.
No te muevas, o la cabeza tambaleante se la carga.
We have to move her now, before it comes back.
Tenemos que moverla ahora, antes que regrese.
You find somewhere safe, and when it's compromised, you move on.
Encuentras un lugar seguro y cuando está en peligro, te mudas.
It's still just a beginner move.
Aún es sólo un movimiento principiante.
And if I don't get it, then I'll move to Naperville with you guys.
Y si no lo consigo, me mudaré con ustedes a Naperville.
Cover your target with the barrel then move with it to get its pace.
Cubre tu objetivo con el cañón y muévete con él para seguirle el paso.
If you're a nomadic hunter and you're moving and you take away that chance to move, you can imagine it's the beginning of the end for you.
Si eres un cazador nómada y te mueves y te quitan la posibilidad de moverte, puedes imaginar que es el principio de tu fin.
It's time to move on.
Es el momento de trasladarse.
I think it might help to move things along.
Creo que aportaría al desarrollo.
If you move, it'll get messed up.
Si te mueves, se arruinará.
So we yank the drapes as we move through it, blast the place with sunlight.
Entonces, arrancamos las cortinas a medida que vamos subiendo explotaremos el lugar con luz solar...
I had to move back to the house because Mom couldn't take it.
Me tuve que mudar a casa porque mamá no podía aceptarlo.
And you had to move back home because it took a toll on your mommy.
Y tuviste que volver a tu casa porque tu madre necesitaba ayuda.
It's the smart move.
Es lo más inteligente.
We need to move the body before somebody discovers it.
Tenemos que mover el cuerpo antes que alguien lo descubra.
- It won't go down. - We got to move this gun down!
No caeré. ¡ Tenemos que mover este cañón!

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