Need to know traducir español
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Well, Dad, I need to know... did you have Wilkins killed?
Papá, necesito saber... ¿ Hiciste matar a Wilkins?
The people of K'un-Lun need to know why they were abandoned.
En K'un-Lun, quieren saber por qué los abandonaste.
Tell me what I need to know.
Dígame lo que necesito saber.
But we need to know if this thing actually works, right?
- Coincido. Pero averigüemos si realmente funciona.
Is there anything else I need to know?
¿ Hay alguna otra cosa que deba saber?
I need to know.
Necesito saberlo.
Mariah and Shades... I need to know what they're up to.
Quiero saber en qué andan Mariah y Shades.
That's all you need to know.
No necesitas saber más.
Now, somebody tell me what I need to know about the Hand, so I can be on my way.
Cuéntenme lo que necesite saber sobre La Mano para poder irme.
Seems like now is the time for you to tell us everything we need to know.
Es el momento de que nos cuentes todo lo que necesitamos saber.
So, what do I need to know about the architect?
¿ Qué tengo que saber sobre el arquitecto?
We need to know what the people who represent us are doing with their time on our dime.
Necesitamos saber lo que las personas que nos representan... están haciendo con su tiempo con nuestra moneda de diez centavos.
I need to know everything about my husband's business, it's my business.
Necesito saber todo de mi esposo, de los negocio.
I need to know what he did right, what he did wrong and what around here is worth saving!
Todo lo que hizo bien y mal, ¿ de acuerdo? Todo lo del rancho, valdrá la pena el esfuerzo.
I need to know what you want.
Necesito saber lo que quieres.
Well... If I'm going to the Gala, I'll need to know how to dance. - You aren't going to the Gala.
Bueno... tengo que saber bailar.
Welcome to Speedbird, the only thing you need to know.
? Bienvenido a Speedbird. Es lo?
I need to know how long I've changed this,
Necesito saber cuánto tiempo me queda.
You don't need to know Dave.
No necesitas conocerlo.
You got money to spend on girls and that's all I need to know.
Tienes dinero para gastar en chicas y es todo lo que quiero saber.
But you need to know this -
Pero necesitas saber esto :
I need to know where Mr Silver Tooth is hiding. Your new friend.
Necesito saber dónde se esconde tu amiguito el Señor Diente de Plata.
I need to know why you're seeking me?
Necesito saber por qué estáis buscándome.
Okay, here's what you need to know.
De acuerdo. Esto es lo que necesitas saber.
I need to know a good poison I could use... Undetectable.
Necesito un buen veneno que pueda usar y no lo descubran.
They need to know.
Ellas necesitan saber.
What does she need to know?
¿ Qué necesita saber?
- I just need to know one thing.
Sólo necesito saber una cosa.
If I can't be here to look out for them, I need to know that you do.
Si no puedo estar aquí para cuidarlos, necesito saber que tú lo haces.
He'll tell you everything you need to know.
Él le dirá todo lo que necesita saber.
I need you to know how serious I am.
Necesito que sepas que hablo en serio.
You like to dine alone, I know. But I feel the need to make amends.
Sé que te gusta comer sola, pero siento la necesidad de resarcirte.
If you want a chance to save yourself here, you need to reconsider how well you know these vigilantes. That clear?
- Si quieres salvarte reconsidera cuánto conoces a estos justicieros.
So if you know where he's going, you need to tell me.
Si sabes adónde va, tienes que decírmelo.
I am as concerned as you are about the need for citizens to know what their elected leaders are doing.
Estoy tan preocupada como ustedes... por la necesidad de que los ciudadanos sepan... lo que sus líderes electos están haciendo.
Hey, you know, speaking of which, um, I think we're gonna need to make some changes around here.
Hablando del tema, creo que tendremos que hacer unos cuantos cambios por aquí.
Listen, I know that they're not allowed to leave the property, but I need their help in bringing back these horses.
Sé que no pueden salir de aquí, necesito su ayuda para recapturas los caballos.
I-I-I... no, I just literally need you to have a look at my back, you know, make sure there's no moles or, like, unsightly hairs, bumps, zits, you know, - that kind of thing.
Literalmente, quiero que me cubras las espaldas, ya sabes, mirar que no tenga lunares, pelos antiestéticos, moretones, espinillas, este tipo de cosas.
You know at some point we're gonna need to talk about New York.
En algún momento tendremos que hablar de Nueva York.
I just need you to know there's a lot of support for what you're going through.
Solo quiero que sepa que tiene todo el apoyo en lo que estás pasando.
You know, I don't need you to protect me from him.
Sabes, no te necesito... para protegerme de él.
You know, these guys, you know, they're going to need more verification to know that we're on the same page.
Sabes, estos chicos, ya sabes, van a necesitar más verificación... para saber que estamos en la misma página.
His indie films... You know, every once in a while I need you not to be Nina Devon, the producer.
Sabes que de vez en cuando necesito que no seas Nina Devon, la productora.
Uh, I know you need to get out of here.
Sé que necesitas irte de aquí.
You know, I need to tie up loose ends.
Ya sabes, atar cabos.
No, you don't need to explain nothing, because I know who you are.
No, no tienes que explicar nada, porque sé quién eres.
All I know is that I need to pack for the south of France.
Solo sé que tengo que hacer las maletas para el sur de Francia.
All I know is we need to see weapons.
Debemos ver armas.
And you were right, I need to stop living in the past - and get a hobby, you know?
Necesito dejar de vivir en el pasado y buscar un pasatiempo.
I need to get a faculty Advisor to sign off, and I know someone who will do it, Mrs. Poluski.
Debemos conseguir un asesor académico para que firme, y sé de alguien que lo hará. La Sra. Poluski.
Until I'm into a good BFA program, I need to protect my singing voice, you know?
Debo proteger mi voz para cantar hasta que entre en una buena licenciatura de bellas artes ¿ entiendes?
need to 17
need to talk to you 16
need to talk 21
to know 22
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
need to talk to you 16
need to talk 21
to know 22
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
known what 18
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
know what this is 16
known what 18