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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ N ] / Never heard of it

Never heard of it traducir español

1,265 traducción paralela
- Never heard of it.
- Nunca oí hablar de ella.
- l never heard of it!
- ¡ No se de que me hablas!
And where's this Grant Street anyway? I never heard of it before!
¿ Y dónde está la calle Grant?
I know, you've never heard of it.
Ya, ni te suena ese lugar.
Just because they have never heard of it before, they think that such a thing cannot be.
Sólo porque nunca han oído de ello antes, creen que una cosa así no puede ser.
I've never heard of it.
Nunca escuché sobre ello.
- I never heard of it.
- Nunca he oído hablar de él.
I've never heard of it.
{ \ cHFFFFFF } No me suena de nada.
Never heard of it.
Nunca he oído hablar sobre esto.
Never heard of it.
- No lo conozco.
Never heard of it.
Nunca he oído hablar de él.
They've never heard of it. Isn't it wonderful?
Ni saben lo que es. ¿ No es maravilloso?
Ni idea de su existencia
I never heard of it.
Nunca escuche sobre eso.
You've never heard of it.
Nunca oiste hablar de ello.
Never heard of it.
Nunca escuché eso antes.
- A place where we fought a war. - I never heard of it.
- Un lugar en donde peleamos una guerra.
Never heard of it.
- ¿ Membrillo?
California Penal. Never heard of it.
en California Pino nunca lo había oído
Have you never heard of it?
¿ No lo conoces?
I never heard of it.
No me suena.
Oh, you've never heard of it.
No lo conocerías.
Never heard of it.
Nunca lo había oido.
I never heard of it.
Nunca oí algo así.
It's not unusual. I just never heard of it.
No es raro, es que no conozco.
- I never heard of it.
Nunca oí mencionar eso.
Never heard of it.
- Nunca he oído hablar de él.
The original hubbub, have you never heard of it?
El caos original, ¿ nunca escuchaste hablar de él?
Oh, you've never heard of it?
¿ Nunca había oído hablar de eso?
- I never heard of it.
Nunca escuché de esto.
Never heard of it.
Nunca la he oído.
I've never heard of it. I'll check tomorrow. They should have your records.
No lo conozco Lo comprobaré mañnana Deberían tener su historial médico
Never heard of it.
No la oí nombrar.
Never heard of it.
Nunca había oído hablar de él.
- Never heard of it.
- Nunca la oí nombrar.
- Never heard of it,
- Nunca escuché hablar de ella.
Never heard of it.
No la conocía.
It's because you've never heard of them.
Es porque nunca has escuchado de ellos.
I've never heard of such an honour before It's very special
Nadie había tenido tal honor.
- Never heard of it. Sing it!
You don't take it on trust when someone you've never heard of phones and says they work at GCHQ and they want to talk.
Uno no suele fiarse cuando alguien a quien no conoces te llama, te dice que trabaja en el GCHQ y que quiere hablar contigo.
I mean, I had always heard... it was because of her anticommunist beliefs, but my aunt never really told me any of the details.
Me dijeron que porque era anticomunista, pero mi tía nunca me contó los detalles.
Yeah, I've heard of it, I just never gave it much thought.
Oí hablar de eso pero nunca me interesó demasiado.
Never to be heard from again. Believe it or not, Aunt raquel and uncle trevor are the best of the lot.
Créelo o no, tía Raquel y tío Trevor son los mejores de todos.
Call every hotel in New York? I wish to God I'd never heard of Neptune Gulch, wherever the hell it is.
Quisiera no haber oído hablar nunca de Neptune Gulch, dondequiera que esté.
HAVE THEY NEVER HEARD OF THREE-IN-ONE IN THIS CHATEAU? ( gramophone playing ) ( singing ) ♪ I CAN'T HELP IT... ♪
¿ No han oido hablar del tres en uno en este chateau? ♪ No puedo evitarlo. ♪
You're acting like you've never heard of it.
Está bien.
It was a motel, and they'd never heard of him.
Era un motel, y nunca oyeron hablar de él.
You know, I expect a lot of'em must come up to you... ask you for your autograph, then say it's for their small son... their niece, someone you've never heard of just to cover up, huh?
Me imagino que muchos se le acercan le piden su autógrafo, le dicen que es para su hijo o su sobrina, para cualquiera, sólo para fingir, ¿ no?
I've heard of meeting accidentally and going to dinner, but I never did it.
Es la primera vez que voy a comer con alguien de casualidad.
I'd heard a lot about it, but I never really understood... if it was a part of France or what.
Había oído hablar mucho de esto, pero nunca entendía si era parte de Francia o qué.

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