Not his traducir español
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That was my mortar shell, not his.
Ese era mi mortero, no el suyo.
It was not his name, it was his image that was sensationalized.
No fue su nombre... FUNDADOR, ♪ CUT50 fue su imagen lo que fue sensacionalizado.
Not his.
No de él.
- No, it's not his style.
- No, no es su estilo.
He altered his size, but not his shape.
Alteró su tamaño, pero no su forma.
So it's not his word against ours, like you said.
Entonces no es su palabra contra la nuestra, como dijiste.
It's not his decision.
No es su decisión.
I once posed as a hot prom date for my cousin, both helping him and later, according to his therapist, not helping him. Oh, hey, Eleanor, thanks for coming in.
Una vez fingí ser la cita ardiente de mi primo para su graduación, al mismo tiempo ayudándolo y después, según su terapeuta, no ayudándolo. CAPÍTULO 6.
Not with his eyes.
No con sus ojos.
of the killer of Trayvon Martin, including through changing the jury instructions to require that a jury be told that someone like George Zimmerman has a right to stand his ground, but not that someone like Trayvon Martin has a right to stand his ground against someone like George Zimmerman with a gun assailing him.
Cambió las instrucciones del jurado para que se le diga al jurado que alguien como George Zimmerman tiene derecho a defenderse, pero no que alguien como Trayvon tiene derecho a defenderse de alguien como George Zimmerman que lo atacó con un arma.
I'm not stopping him from doing his job.
No voy a detenerlo.
He's not gonna drag his ass in here every day.
No va a venir aquí todos los días.
You're in it because of Sutter, and he'd be demanding you have this case dismissed whether we have his other business or not.
Estás aquí por Sutter, y estaría exigiéndote que desestimes su caso tuviéramos o no el resto de sus negocios.
It's not our job to reunite him with his family if it comes to it.
No es nuestro trabajo reunirlo con su familia si se llega a eso.
He's not selling out his own client.
No traicionará a su propio cliente.
As in not reacting to the possibility of his beloved wife drowning?
¿ Como no reaccionar ante la posibilidad
And the money was only to get the witness to change his story, not kill him.
Y el dinero era para que el testigo cambiara la historia, no para matarlo.
He's not here to give his version, so I'm gonna hold off on mine.
No se encuentra aquí para dar su versión, así que voy a aferrarme a la mía.
You're not even good enough to say his name!
¡ No eres lo bastante buena para pronunciar su nombre!
Not a sincere bone in his body.
Sin un hueso de sinceridad en su cuerpo.
You may not, but Gabe might be a little sad to lose his big brother.
Puede que tú no... pero Gabe podría estar un poco triste por perder a su hermano mayor.
Did he not want his associates at Mara Tres to know his sexual orientation?
¿ No quería que sus socios en Mara Tres supieran su orientación sexual?
Mara Tres obviously doesn't know the Seal was taken from Rey's warehouse or they would have hired us to return it, not identify his killer.
Mara Tres obviamente no sabe que al sello se lo llevaron del almacén de Rey o nos habrían contratado para recuperarlo, no para identificar a su asesino.
You're not to come within 50 yards of Mr. Vachs or any of his properties, effective immediately.
No pueden acercarse a menos de 45 metros del señor Vachs o de cualquiera de sus propiedades, efectiva de inmediato.
Not at first, but eventually he agreed to keep his distance from us.
Al principio no, pero al final estuvo de acuerdo en mantenerse alejado de nosotros.
I mean, he's not getting his deposit back, but once the rage passes, he's fine.
Quiero decir, no consigue que le devuelvan el depósito, pero una vez que se le pasa la furia, está bien.
- He's part owner of a cool tech company and invents apps when he's not dick-punching Peter Sarsgaard in his latest movie.
- Él es copropietario de una compañía tecnológica molona y crea "apps" cuando no está dándole patadas en los huevos a Peter Sarsgaard en su última película.
At least he's not running around with a razor, threatening to slice up his grandmas!
¡ Al menos él no está corriendo por aquí con una navaja de afeitar, amenazando con rebanar a sus abuelas!
And not just visions, but his actual future.
Y no sólo visiones, pero su futuro real.
I do appreciate his oeuvre, but that's not the reason for my pop music reveille.
- Sí aprecio su oeuvre, pero no es el motivo por el que te despierto con música pop.
He did not need to abduct his friend's wife to get his hands on it.
No necesitaba secuestrar a la esposa de su amigo para apoderarse de él.
I do not know this darksider, but I know his kind.
No conozco a ese miembro del Lado Oscuro, pero conozco a los de su clase.
They had shown me his text message and said that I had met him, and that I must have not remembered it because it was so traumatizing.
Me habían mostrado su mensaje de texto y dijeron que me había encontrado con él, y que quizá no lo recordaba porque era muy traumático.
MacGyver and his team missed their exfil, and they're not responding to comms.
MacGyver y su equipo no han llegado a su punto de extracción, y no responden a las comunicaciones.
Okay, maybe, but then what about all the times she went for a run by his house, after he asked her not to, after he broke up with her?
Quizá, ¿ pero qué hay de todo el tiempo? que fue a correr por su casa. luego de que él le pidió que no, después que rompió con ella.
I have to believe, General, that he's in Algeria trying to help his country, not get killed by it.
Él conocía los riesgos, Señor. Tengo que creer, General, que está en Argelia tratando de ayudar a su país, no haciéndose matar por él.
He had a good reason for not being in his seat when the bomb went off.
Tenía una buena razón para no estar en su asiento cuando estalló la bomba.
Brian here has a bad habit of not paying back his debts promptly.
Brian aquí tiene un mal hábito de no pagar sus deudas a tiempo.
But I'm not killing people in his name.
Pero no estoy matando gente en su nombre.
Because I want to honor his memory, not destroy it.
Porque quiero honrar su memoria, no destruirla.
Telling your friend that you've moved on while you're quietly running searches for Nikki behind his back's not a good look.
Antes decirle a su amigo que se ha movido en mientras que usted está en silencio realizar búsquedas para Nikki detrás de su espalda no es un buen aspecto.
Were it not for his unfortunate devotion to good, we'd be an item.
Si no fuera por su desafortunada devoción a lo bueno, seríamos algo.
Oh, Han left another note telling us not to put our stuff on his stuff.
Han ha dejado otra nota diciéndonos que no pongamos nuestras cosas en sus cosas.
There's not enough alcohol in the world to get my stuff on his stuff.
No hay suficiente alcohol en el mundo para que yo ponga mi cosa en su cosa.
A writer's either getting his pictures made, or he's not.
Un escritor consigue que hagan sus películas o no.
Why does our Spanish persecutor not go home to his Pope?
¿ Por qué nuestro inquisidor español no se va a casa con su papa?
Mm, this hair belongs to a single white man alone, and not by choice, but so set in his ways...
Este pelo pertenece a un hombre blanco soltero, solitario y no por elección, pero con unas costumbres tan inflexibles...
And I could tell by the look in Chestnut's eyes and the wine on his mane that they're not coming back.
Y podría decir que por la mirada de Chestnut y el vino en su melena que no van a volver.
Not now. Levi, would you please take him to his hotel room?
Levi, ¿ lo podrías llevar a su habitación en el hotel?
Tell Detective Matthews that Oscar is not here and then follow him to his hotel.
Dile al detective Matthews que Oscar no está aquí y luego síguelo a su hotel.
I repeat, did not kill his wife.
Repito, no mató a su mujer.
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his watch 21
his name is 110
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his shoes 20
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34
his birthday 23
his watch 21
his name is 110
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his shoes 20
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34