People died traducir español
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You fire me, and I tell the world that you and your wife were the real reason all those people died on flight 197.
Que despedirme, y le digo a todo el mundo que usted y su esposa fueron la verdadera razón todas aquellas personas murieron en el vuelo 197.
I was trying to snag and bag the bloodstone, and people died because you wouldn't let me do my j- - what am I doing?
Estaba tratando de etiquetar y embolsar la piedra sanguinaria y gente murió porque tú no pudiste dejar hacer mi tra- - ¿ Qué estoy haciendo?
While you kept your mouth shut, 4 people died!
¡ Mientras mantuviste tu boca cerrada, murieron 4 personas!
People died because of what I did.
Hubo gente que murió por lo que hice.
My people died while doing my work!
Mi gente murió llevando a cabo mi misión!
The Church will never pursue your mother's case because the last time someone did, people died.
La Iglesia no lo va a tocar porque la última vez murió gente.
Those were firecrackers, this is a bomb, people died!
- Pero esos fueron petardos. ¡ Esta es una bomba, hay muertos!
Yes, I read here that during the transport 15 people died.
Sí, leo aquí que durante el transporte murieron 15 personas.
People died because of your business.
La gente murió a causa de su negocio.
And all those people died right after making the movie?
¿ Y toda esa gente murió tras filmar la película?
With, uh, about 30... we lost... about 30 people died, I think.
Con cerca de 30 personas... perdimos... cerca de 30 personas murieron, creo.
Look, people died here, Kate.
Mira, murió gente aquí, Kate.
A lot of people died.
Mucha gente murió.
Sixteen people died on the border between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.
Dieciséis murieron en la frontera entre Uzbekistán y Afganistán.
Even if people died.
Incluso si murió gente.
Three people died.
Murieron tres personas.
Six people died.
Seis personas murieron.
All those people died because of me.
Todas esas personas murieron por mi culpa.
They told me people have died.
Ellos me dijeron que habían muerto personas.
Ten people know where I was and what I was doing when that girl died.
Diez personas saben dónde estuve y qué estaba haciendo cuando murió esa chica.
The indignant people will rise and you won't have died for nothing.
El pueblo indignado se levantará y ustedes no habrán muerto en vano.
People who I cherished, they died while doing my work.
Gente a quien yo estimé, murió llevando a cabo mi misión.
There are more people alive now than have died in all of human history.
Hay más gente viva ahora que la que ha muerto en la historia dela humanidad.
More than 700 people have died.
Más de 700 personas han muerto.
La gente a muerto allá arriba gente que nosotros conocíamos.
Of the six people who performed the'70s experiment, two died one committed suicide and three went missing.
De las seis personas que realizaron el experimento de los años 70's, dos ya murieron uno se suicidó y tres desaparecieron.
Some people have definitely died here.
Definitivamente algunas personas han muerto aquí.
In the past three years, four people, including your sister, have died here- - all women in their 20s.
En los últimos años, cuatro personas, incluyendo a su hermana, murieron aquí. Todas las mujeres de veinte años.
How many people have died for you since you got here?
¿ Cuánta gente ha muerto por ti desde que llegaste?
It is rather for us to be here dedicated... to the great task remaining before us... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause... for which they gave the last full measure of devotion... that we here highly resolve that these dead... shall not have died in vain... and that this nation, under God... shall have a new birth of freedom... and that government... of the people, by the people, for the people... shall not perish from the earth.
Nos toca a nosotros consagrarnos a la gran obra que nos aguarda y aceptarla de los muertos que honramos, dedicando más abnegación a la causa por la que ellos ofrendaron más de lo que cualquier hombre puede dar. Prometamos aquí que estos muertos no habrán caído en vano y que esta nación, con el favor de Dios llegará a obtener una renovación de libertad y que el gobierno del pueblo por el pueblo y para el pueblo no desaparecerá de la Tierra.
Black people marched and died for the right to fight and treat each other like shit.
Los negros marchamos y morimos por el derecho a pelear y tratarnos mal.
My grandma told me it's usually people who still have stuff to figure out, or sometimes it's the ones who died suddenly or in a bad way.
Mi abuela me dijo que por lo general, es gente que deja cosas pendientes, o a veces, es gente que murió de manera repentina o trágica.
But what people didn't know was that before Dolores died, she gave birth on the..
Pero lo que no sabían, era que antes de morir Dolores, ella había dado a luz.
People have died!
La gente ha muerto!
Ever since my father died, she's terrorized the people and ruined the land.
Desde que murió mi padre ha aterrorizado al pueblo y ha arruinado la tierra.
And by the way, all the people in that movie... they died.
Y, a propósito, todos los que salen en esa película... murieron.
When Alex and Stephanie got to Claridge, more than 700 people had died.
Cuando Alex y Stephanie llegaron a Claridge, mas de 700 personas habían muerto.
Once we start using these, we owe it to the people who died alongside us.
Una vez que empezamos a usar esto, se lo debemos a quienes murieron.
You know, the people that we fought and that died next to us... if they were to see what was going on today, they would literally spin in their graves.
Si aquellos que luchamos en contra, y los que que murieron de nuestra parte, por lo que es... Ellos se convertirían en sus tumbas.
They say the ghosts of all the people that died... still roam the halls.
Dicen que los fantasmas de todos los que murieron... están en sus pasillos.
About a dozen people at Disneyland have died and... they're still open.
Una docena de personas han muerto en Disneylandia y todavía están abiertos.
People might have died here, yeah?
Debe haber muerto gente aquí, ¿ no?
And the people who saw that, suffering from the curse, died too.
Y la gente que lo ve, sufren de la maldición, y también mueren.
Many people around him had died ever since he came. You're right.
Tienes razón.
People nearly died.
La gente casi muere.
And one winter night, while recalling a Catholic tract he'd read, which stated that the only people guaranteed a place in Hell were not murderers, were not rapists, but were those who had died by their own hand.
Una noche de invierno, recordó un texto católico que había leído que afirmaba que los únicos que tenían garantizado un lugar en el infierno no eran los asesinos, no eran los violadores sino aquellos que habían acabado con su vida por mano propia.
Lots of people near the port died, Emilie's dad said.
Emilie dice que habido muchos muertos, se lo ha dicho su padre
He's not gonna have that problem if he's going for a poo. Loads of people have died on the toilet.
No va a tener ese problema si es que va a cagar.
Three people have died within a day.
Tres personas han muerto en un día.
'People have died.
- Ha muerto gente.
I was around people for over 20 years in my hometown that didn't give a damn whether I lived or died.
He estado rodeado de personas por 20 años en mi pueblo natal que nunca les importó si yo estuviese vivo o muerto.
died 275
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people 5151
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died in 24
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
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people can change 59
people like you 105
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people talk 81
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people are dying 81
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people are dead 47
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47