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If a bad aftershock hits next to this cliff, she could be buried alive.
Si una mala réplica golpea al lado de este acantilado, que pudiera ser enterrado vivo.
I think she gathered all the Chanels here in one place, so she could knock them off one by one.
Creo que reunió a todas las Chanels aquí en un sólo lugar, para poder eliminarlas, una por una.
She could've led us... right up the food chain. But you wanted to settle an old score.
Ella podría habernos llevado directo a lo alto de la cadena alimenticia, pero lo que tú querías era ajustar cuentas.
I di- - I didn't think she could do it.
Yo, pensaba que no podría hacerlo.
She could be anywhere.
Podría estar en cualquier sitio.
She could tell something was up.
Se dio cuenta algo estaba pasando.
Major André left a woman he loves back in Philadelphia so she could introduce him to a Continental general there.
El Mayor André dejó a una mujer que que ama en Filadelfia para que pudiera presentarle a un general Continental allí.
This woman, she could be working alone or she could be working for a foreign intelligence service.
Esta mujer podría estar trabajando sola o podría trabajar para algún servicio de inteligencia extranjero.
She could have fallen and hit her head on a blunt object.
Pudo caer y golpearse en la cabeza con algún objeto.
If the point was to kill her, why would he shoot her at a place where she could be saved?
¿ Si la intención era matarla, por qué dispararla en un lugar donde podrían salvarle la vida?
And when he died, there just wasn't anyone else for my mother to lean on, and so it was very important that she knew she could rely on me.
Y cuando murió no quedó nadie más para apoyar a mi madre y por eso era muy importante que supiera que podía contar conmigo.
She could make anybody laugh, even my father.
Podía hacer reír a cualquiera, hasta a mi padre.
So when... when Sadie left, I thought that she could...
Así que cuando... cuando Sadie se fue, pensé que podría- -
She could never be happy doing this whole baking business, and this is her big chance to get out.
Ella nunca podría ser feliz haciendo todo este negocio de panificación, Y esta es su gran oportunidad de salir.
She could've ID'd them.
Podía haber Identifican ellos.
- Linda in my garden club is bipolar, so I asked if she had someone she could recommend.
- Linda, de mi club, es bipolar, así que le pedí que me recomendara a alguien.
- She could get a job.
- Podría buscar trabajo.
Is there a chance that she could live?
¿ Existe la posibilidad de que ella podría vivir?
If we don't lower it, she could stroke out.
Si no bajamos, que pudo salir accidente cerebrovascular.
She could die.
Ella podría morir.
She wanted to make sure that if she was called upon, she could reach it.
Ella quería asegurarse de que que si ella fue llamado, Podía llegar a ella.
She could bleed out.
Ella podría desangrarse.
She could be drugged or... or kidnapped.
Podrían haberla drogado o secuestrado.
She could beat you up with a gun!
¡ Podría darte una paliza con una pistola!
And how La Fiamma, you know? She could give up anything to do a concert.
Y en cómo la Fiamma podía renunciar a todo para hacer un concierto.
Major Andre left a woman he loves back in Philadelphia, so she could introduce him to a Continental general there.
El Mayor André dejó a la mujer que ama en Filadelfia para que ella pudiera presentarle a un general Continental de allí.
Christina Symonds moved to Oregon so she could have the same choice.
Christina Symonds se mudó a Oregon para poder tener la misma opción.
Asked if she could give them to you personally.
Preguntó si podía entregarlos personalmente.
And though she could neither hear nor speak, Shirley Dixon's words live on in the poetry she left behind.
Y aunque no podía oír ni hablar, las palabras de Shirley Dixon viven en este libro de poesía que ella dejó atrás.
She would walk past you way too often, just so she could see however you were cooking, whatever you were cooking.
Pasaba a tu lado muy a menudo solo para poder ver cómo cocinabas lo que estuvieras cocinando.
They killed Delphine before she could expose them.
Mataron a Delphine antes de que pudiera exponerlos.
She could have.
Podría haberlo hecho.
The bag she put in the car could be product.
La bolsa que puso en el coche podrían ser productos.
We were super close. That girl was like my sister. She was the only person in my life that I felt like I could be really real with.
Éramos super cercanas... esa chica era como si fuera mi hermana, era la única persona en mi vida con la que me sentía que podía ser realmente yo misma, se lo contaba todo.
Inducing signs of dementia in recent weeks could have set the stage for the tale we were all meant to believe- - that in her confused state, she wandered off her balcony to her tragic end.
La inducción de señales de demencia en las últimas semanas podría tener establecer el escenario para el cuento de que todos estábamos destinados a believe- - que en su estado de confusión, ella se alejó de su balcón a su trágico fin.
And you thought if she showed signs of dementia, you could have her ruled incompetent and have the will thrown out.
Y usted pensó que si mostraba signos de la demencia, usted podría tener su dictaminó incompetente y tienen la voluntad echado.
She said that if we had leverage, we could force change.
Me dijo que si teníamos una ventaja, podríamos forzar el cambio.
Any amateur magician could do what she does.
Cualquier mago aficionado podría hacer lo que ella hace.
She knew a dozen operatives that could have done her dirty work for her.
Ella conocía a una docena de agentes que podrían haber hecho el trabajo sucio para ella.
Could you find out how she's doing?
¿ Podría averiguar cómo se está haciendo?
This could mean she's on the road to remission, and then I'm sure they'll drop the lawsuit.
Esto podría significar que es el de la carretera a la remisión, Y entonces estoy seguro de que tirarán la demanda.
She told me I could hang out here when I'm in the city.
Me dijo que podía quedarme aquí cuando esté en la ciudad.
If she could have sold us to the circus, she would have.
Si nos hubiera podido vender al circo, lo habría hecho.
I brought her back on a tourist visa in hopes that I could get her the surgery that she needs.
Yo la traje con visa de turista Con la esperanza de que podía conseguir su la cirugía que ella necesita.
If she can, it could help clear the fluid in her lungs and save her.
Si ella puede, podría ayudar a limpiar fluido en sus pulmones y salvarla.
Now that you did, she may have information that could help.
Ahora que lo hizo, ella puede tener información que podría ayudar.
You could see in her eyes that she would've killed to be me.
Se veía en sus ojos que mataría por ser yo.
So, she can just sit on her ass and do nothing, or for the first time in your life, you could do the right thing.
Así que, se puede quedar de brazos cruzados, o, por primera vez en tu vida podrías hacer lo correcto.
Could she have hit her head on something?
¿ Podría haber golpeado la cabeza en algo?
She said it was about work, but when she came back to pick him up, I could tell she was upset about something.
Dijo que se trataba de trabajo, pero cuando regresó a buscarlo me di cuenta de que estaba molesta por algo.
Could this be the reason that she got involved with you again?
¿ Podría ser la razón por la que volvió a salir contigo?
she couldn't 58
she couldn't make it 29
she could die 33
she couldn't have 22
she could be 30
she could be anywhere 56
she could have 16
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
she couldn't make it 29
she could die 33
she couldn't have 22
she could be 30
she could be anywhere 56
she could have 16
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
couldn't agree more 58
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could be more 16
could you please 43
couldn't have done it without you 30
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could be more 16
could you please 43
couldn't have done it without you 30