She kept saying traducir español
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"I thought she said it to cheer Mrs Timmons up, but she kept saying it after we left, " so I guess she really thought it was nice. "
Creí que lo decía por la Sra. Timmons, pero continuó diciéndolo después de irnos, así que supongo que le gustó de verdad.
Oh, I liked her very much, but she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected.
Me cayó bien, pero no paraba de decirme que yo no era lo que ella esperaba.
She kept saying, "Take that, you cur, and that and that!"
Repetía : "Toma eso, canalla, y eso y eso!".
She kept saying
No dejaba de decir :
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care... she kept saying.
Margo no sabía dónde estaba y le daba igual... o eso decía.
- Oh, I liked her very much. But she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected.
- Me cae bien... pero me dijo que no me imaginaba así.
She kept saying he had something of hers, but she couldn't find it.
Decía que tenía algo suyo pero que no podía encontrarlo.
All she kept saying was, " Take me to London,
No para de decir : " Llévame a Londres.
Knowing your attitude, I told her you would not be interested. - She kept saying all evil must end... but how could it? Are you?
Conociéndole, le dije que no estaría usted interesado, ¿ lo está?
But she kept saying that you were going to be married.
Pero ella seguía diciendo que se iba a casar.
She kept saying she was praying for me.
Siempre decía que me recordaba en sus plegarias, que hacía votos... algo por el estilo.
"lt was the baby." She kept saying it over and over again. "It was the baby!"
"Ha sido el bebé". Lo repetía una y otra vez. Hasido el bebé.
Yes, well, she kept saying that.
Sí, bueno, lo repitió varias veces.
Oh, Ed, she kept saying such wild, crazy things.
Y estaba totalmente fuera de sí.
"What a shame," she kept saying.
No dejaba de decir : " Qué pena.
She kept saying, "She's so pretty, my daughter, so pretty."
No paraba de repetir "mi hija es muy guapa".
We talked about the war and she kept saying...
Hablamos sobre la guerra, y ella dice :
Right till the end, she kept saying Norman was the one who was crazy.
Hasta el final, ella siguió diciendo que Norman estaba loco.
But she kept saying :
Ella siempre me decía :
She kept saying that she had to talk to you
Ella no paraba de decir que tuvo que hablar contigo
She kept saying, this afternoon, he was very kind and nice.
Ella insistía esta tarde, que él era muy amable y bueno.
She kept saying it.
She kept saying, "I bought them for Betty, and she never even saw them."
Decía : "las compré para Betty, y ella ni siquiera las vio."
When you went out with Easton... she kept saying how sad it was for her son.
Cuando salieron con Easton ella seguía diciendo lo triste que era para su hijo.
She kept saying she wasn't that depressed.
Decía no estar tan deprimida.
She kept saying it was her fault.
Repetía que era culpa suya.
She kept saying, "You'll get him into trouble."
Solo repetía, "Lo meterás en problemas."
But she kept saying, "No, no."
Porque ella decía : "No, no".
- "Let me in", she kept saying.
¡ Me rogaba que Ie abriese! ¡ Fuera!
- "Let me in," she kept saying.
¡ Me rogaba que Ie abriese!
"He killed my pigeons." That's what she kept saying over and over.
"Mató a mis palomas." Es lo que decía... "Mató a mis palomas." Es lo que decía una y otra vez. "Mató a mis palomas."
She kept saying romantic things.
Me decía cosas románticas.
She kept saying he was making bedroom eyes.
Dice que él la miraba de manera lujuriosa.
I kept telling her that it was my friend Rita... and she kept saying she didn't know any Ritas.
Le decía que Rita era amiga mía y ella decía que no conocía a ninguna Rita.
She didn't know howto say "annals", so she kept saying...
No sabia como decir "Anales", así que dijo...
Kept tossing her head like she was saying,
Movía la cabeza como diciendo...
She kept interrupting, saying that she wasn't such a washout herself.
Ella lo interrumpió y le dijo que ella no era un fracaso.
I kept saying to myself, "she is struggling with herself, " she's struggling with her shadow, she's going to kill herself. "
Y me decía : "está luchando sola, lucha con su sombra, acabará matándose".
And he kept saying how much happier she'd be if we sent her to him.
Y no dejaba de decirme que ella sería mucho más feliz,... si la enviásemos junto a él.
No sabía lo que me estaba gritando.
She kept on and on saying that.
Ella siguió diciendo eso.
She was so good, the director kept saying "She's greater than Eleonora Duse!"
Actuaba tan bien, que el director decía : "¡ Es Eleanora Duse vuelta a nacer!".
She just kept saying :
Sólo seguía diciendo :
My mom kept saying she was gonna fix it up when she got into a long run.
Mi madre decía que lo iba a remodelar cuando tuviera tiempo.
She was interested A man would've kept saying :
Se interesaba Un hombre habría dicho :
She kept on saying :
¿ Adonde van tantos coches?
I had a hard time staying awake, but she kept poking me and saying his left's as good as his right.
Me costaba estar despierto, me golpeaba y me decía, su izquierda es tan buena como su derecha.
Me repite una y otra vez lo feliz que está.
She kicked me, he bit me, and some little punk kept saying,
Ella me dio una patada, él me mordió, y un pequeño vago seguía diciendo,
He kept saying how she was only doing the paper round to save up to see her nan in Jamaica. How he shouldn't have let her.
Siguió diciendo cómo ella sólo estaba haciendo la ronda de papel para salvar a verla nan en Jamaica. ¿ Cómo que no debería haberla dejado.
We tried to stop her, but she just kept saying, " Don't you love me?
Intentamos detenerla, pero ella sólo decía : "¿ No me amas?"
saying 381
saying what 64
saying good 22
saying that 31
she knows what she wants 19
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38
saying what 64
saying good 22
saying that 31
she knows what she wants 19
she knows it 34
she knows 359
she knows everything 48
she knows about us 17
she knows me 38