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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ S ] / She knows something

She knows something traducir español

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She knows something we ignore.
Ella sabe algo que ignoramos.
Maybe Carter knows something about the stolen money... and if Pauline's his girl, maybe she knows something, too.
A lo mejor Carter sabe algo del dinero robado, y siendo Pauline su chica, quizá sepa algo también.
I don't think so, but she knows something.
No lo creo, pero sabe algo.
She knows something.
Ella sabe algo.
She knows something.
Sabe algo.
Then she knows something's happened.
Entonces sabe que ha ocurrido algo.
Why would she be coming to New York? Because she knows something.
Bah, ¿ por qué tenía que volver a Nueva York?
She knows something and she won't tell me.
Sabe algo y no lo quiere decir.
I wanna have a little talk with Rhoda because she knows something.
Quiero hablar con Rhoda. Ella sabe algo.
She knows something, all right. Oh.
¡ Ésa también sabe algo!
She knows something, all right.
¡ Repito que ella sabe algo!
I hope she knows something because if she don't, there'll be a hell of a row.
Espero que sepa qué hacer porque si no, estaremos en problemas.
You really think she knows something?
¿ Crees realmente que sabe algo?
She'll give me a blast when she knows something.
Me dará un toque en cuanto sepa algo.
Her maid's house. She knows something's up.
Sabe que algo está mal.
I'm sure she knows something!
Estoy seguro de que sabe algo.
I mean, she knows something.
Ella sabe algo.
She knows something. I'm gonna find out what.
Ella sabe algo y yo voy a averiguar qué es.
I don't know what she knows about it, but she knows something, which is a lot more than you guys.
No sé qué sabe ella de eso, pero sabe algo, lo cual es mucho más de lo que ustedes saben.
Perhaps she knows something.
Quizá ella sepa algo.
Perhaps she knows something.
Quizás ella sepa algo.
My female intuition tells me she knows something!
¡ Mi intuición femenina me dice que ella sabe algo!
Maybe she knows something.
Quizá ella sepa algo.
She knows something, doesn't she?
Ella sabe algo, ¿ verdad?
She knows something, doesn't she?
Ella sabe algo, ¿ cierto?
Well, maybe she knows something. ( phone rings )
Lo que llevas puesto es perfecto... para un recepcionista.
Think she knows something we don't?
¿ Crees que sabe algo que no sabemos?
By the gods, she knows something.
Por los dioses, que ella sabe algo.
She laughs at me, sir, as if she knows something I do not.
Ella se ríe de mí, señor, como si supiera algo que yo no sé.
She said that she knows something about some healing technique.
Me dijo que sabe algo de un tratamiento curativo.
You take us down below, wherever that is, introduce us to Marta. Maybe she knows something you don't.
Nos llevas abajo, donde quiera que eso sea, nos presentas a Martha... y veamos si sabe algo que tu no sepas.
There's something she knows about the ship's going aground... that I can't repeat over the air.
Sí, claro que puede. Sabe algo sobre por qué encalló el barco que no puedo repetir por teléfono.
Oh, uh, I met someone who knows you the other day. A girl. She says her name is Ellen something or other.
El otro día conocí a alguien que le conoce una chica ; dijo que se llama Ellen no sé qué más.
She knows there's something up - something pretty big.
Sabe que está pasando algo, algo gordo.
I think Madame Sautier is hiding something because she knows that prisoners die. More precisely, she wants to protect people.
Una vez muerto, ¿ no podría preferir la Sra. Sautier ser la viuda de un héroe,... mucho más que la de un traidor, ejecutado por sus propios camaradas?
Hay que hacer algo.
Oh, well, then you do think that Rhoda knows something that she isn't admitting.
Entonces, ¿ cree que Rhoda nos ha ocultado algo?
But how can she accuse us of something she knows nothing about?
¿ Cómo puede acusarnos de algo que no sabe?
And miss Vanne knows something about murder because she spent the night in house.
Y que la Srta. Vanne sabe algo porque pasó la noche en la casa.
Something crazy went on at the last school she was in, but no one knows what it is.
Hizo alguna locura en la escuela a la que iba antes, pero nadie sabe cuál fue.
She surely knows something.
Da igual. ¡ Buscadla!
She knows there's something different.
Ella sabe que hay algo diferente.
God knows, she hasn't got two brass farthings to rub together, yet every time they go round she gives them something.
Dios sabe que no tiene ni dos monedas para hacerlas sonar en el bolsillo, y sin embargo, siempre les regala algo.
Sé que ella sabe algo, y voy hacer que me lo diga!
Why don't you show my mom something you learned... so at least she knows what's going on nowadays?
¿ Por qué no le muestras a mi madre algo de lo que aprendiste para que al menos sepa lo que se hace hoy en día?
It's like, she knows too much about me, or something?
Es como si supiera demasiadas cosas de mí.
Maybe she's seen something or knows somebody.
Quizá ha visto algo, o conoce a alguien.
I'm sure she knows how to cook something.
Seguramente sabe cocinar algo.
No, no, she just came to take something. No contact at all. And she knows that I haven't no time for others at all.
Estas enfadada, pero si no paso nada.
I Have to say that this is clumsy situation, he / she didn't make this knows, that something you connections.
Esto es incómodo.
- Because I think she knows something about a boy named Max. - Really?
- ¿ Ah, sí?

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