Start a family traducir español
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I want you to start a family.
Quiero que formes una familia.
We didn't want to start a family feud.
- No queremos causar un conflicto.
I'm happy to see someone return to the island with a wife, to start a family.
Me satisface ver que alguien vuelve a la isla, con una esposa para crear una familia.
At first, it was just because of the family tradition and all that rot, but now I'll need the money to start a family tradition on my own.
Al principio, era solo por la tradición familiar y esas bobadas, pero ahora... ... necesito el dinero para formar una tradición familiar propia.
I made a mistake by giving you a fixed salary. You are not licenced yet, and you want to start a family.
Yo creo que hago mal pagándote, porque, con esto del sueldecito fijo, tú no te preocupas de la carrera.
Pull yourself together, and let's start a family... Well, Nisa?
Céntrate... y formemos una familia... ¿ de acuerdo, Nisa?
" Now I have enough to start a family.
" Ya tengo edad para formar una familia.
Pretty soon, they start a family.
Muy pronto, comienzan una familia.
Before one becomes a parent one must first receive education, find employment, enter into marriage, and only then should one start a family ".
Así que, si queréis ser padres, primero hay que terminar de estudiar, encontrar un trabajo y casarse ; y entonces es el momento de formar una familia ".
And they want to prepare themselves... with a home and some of the things they would like to have... before they start a family.
Y quieren llegar a tener... un hogar y otras cosas que les gustan... antes de empezar a tener hijos.
Does this mean you will start a family again?
¿ Esto significa que volverá a formar una familia?
No, a lie is no way to start a family.
No, no quiero formar una familia, comenzando con un engaño.
I don't want to, like, start a family.
No quiero formar una familia.
She wants to start a family to have something to do.
Ella quiere comenzar una familia para tener algo que hacer.
It's time for you to start a family.
Es hora de que fundes una familia.
You know, we were gonna start a family this year.
Sabe, íbamos a comenzar una familia este año.
You can't ask me to start a family just like that.
No puedes pedirme que empiece una familia, así nada más.
Mrs M, if we were the last three humans on earth I'd be trying to start a family with Baldrick.
Sra. M., si fuésemos las tres últimas personas de la Tierra intentaría formar una familia con Baldrick.
Elizabeth and I have made a commitment. - We're even gonna start a family.
Elizabeth y yo nos hemos comprometido a comenzar una familia.
That way we could have a beautiful place to come back to, a place to start a family.
Así tendríamos un lugar hermoso al cual regresar un lugar donde comenzar una familia.
You come into an honest, middle class family, and start behaving like a caveman!
¡ Se le acoge en una casa honesta, familiar, burguesa... y se comporta como un troglodita!
Well, if I'm going to start fainting in my old age... I may as well have a doctor in the family.
Bueno, si voy a empezar a desmayarme a mi edad... será mejor tener un médico en la familia.
Release the family, start from scratch... before Berlin comes down on our necks.
Libere a la familia y comience de cero Antes de que Berlín exija nuestras cabezas.
We've decided to start a family Bible.
8 fotografías en total.
It's about time you start raising a family of little swimmers.
Ya era hora de comenzar a criar una familia de pequeños nadadores.
Yes. I want to start a new family, a new life.
Sí, quiero empezar una familia, una nueva vida.
A magnificent right he's got to come back in his best head of the family manner and start taking charge as if he's done nothing at all.
? Qué derecho tiene a volver con esa actitud de jefe de familia...
She's entitled to go away and start a new life... to start her own traditions along with her own family.
Tiene derecho a salir de aquí y empezar una nueva vida, crear sus propias tradiciones con su nueva familia.
Mario, if he got married again, would you start him in a store like the rest of the family?
Si se volviera a casar... ¿ le pondrías una pequeña tienda?
In case you're both wondering why I'm here... I've just come over to start looking through the family estate.
Si se preguntan por qué estoy aquí sólo vine a comenzar a examinar la fortuna de la familia.
But if you put Dr. Stearnes on the stand and start dragging out their family skeletons I don't have to tell you what they'll make out of your mother.
Pero llevar a Stearnes al estrado y empezar a ventilar secretos de su familia no hace falta que te diga lo que sería para tu madre.
They're going to forget I'm a member of the family, start charging me room and board.
Después vana a decir que me olvido de la familia.
Then we'll find you a nice woman, you'll get married start a family, that's all, what else is there?
Entonces encontraremos una bella mujer, te casarás...
Now, before we start, a little family discussion.
Antes de empezar, tendremos una pequeña charla de familia.
Now if I were you, Miss Simpson, I would stop going to those sinful art theatres, and start seeing more good, wholesome American family-type pictures.
Si yo fuera usted, señorita, dejaría de ir a esos teatros artísticos pecaminosos, y vería más películas americanas sanas.
You used the reward that you got... to start raising a family.
Usaste la recompensa que te dieron... para empezar una familia.
- And I'd probably get to like... the luncheons and the teas and the cocktail parties, and I'd start coming home late and serving you TV dinners... and neglecting my family.
Empezaría a llegar tarde a casa, les serviría cenas congeladas... y descuidaría a mi familia.
I want to control it before she gives it to the family. When a herd of elephants start sneezing, it's like a hurricane.
Buena teoría, pero es difícil organizarlo.
The ushers and attendants The family dependents I see them and I start to sniff
A los monaguillos, a toda la parentela pregunto si les sobra un pañuelo.
Despite Cathy's increasing affection for Heathcliff I could see from the start that his presence bred ill-feeling in the family.
A pesar del creciente aprecio de Cathy por Heathcliff pude ver desde el principio que su presencia incomodaba a la familia.
I think that we should try to negotiate with... - the Grisanti family, before we start a war. - Bullshit!
Creo que debemos tener la mediación de... la familia Grisanti, antes de iniciar una guerra.
You know, you start shouting, and you sound just like my family.
Empezáis a gritar y parecéis mi familia.
You'll start the family history program on my mark.
Inicio del programa de historia familiar a mi señal.
Someone would take me in, and just when I ´ d start to think... "Wow, this is my family"... they ´ d move or have a new baby... or have an allergy.
Alguien me adopta y justo cuando empiezo a acostumbrarme cambian de casa o tienen un bebé o tienen una alergia.
As a matter of fact. I told you I wanted to start a new family.
Es más, te dile que quería una nueva familia.
We'll fly the whole family to London, England to start a two-week vacation extravaganza you'll never forget.
LLevaremos a toda la familia a Londres, Inglaterra empezando con unas vacaciones de dos semanas que nunca olvidarán.
We'll start looking for your family over in...
Empezaremos a buscar a tu familia en casa de Heugh.
Perhaps for a start, you'd like to tell me just who owns what in the Poindexter family.
Para empezar, podría decirme quién es dueño de qué cosa en la familia Poindexter.
So take the truck, take the money, start a new life, start your own family.
Toma el camión, el dinero, comienza una nueva vida, forma tu propia familia.
I came here to start over begin a new family, have a son.
Vine aquí para empezar de nuevo iniciar una nueva familia, tener un hijo.
We bought a house in the country. Gonna write my novel. We're gonna start a new family.
Compramos una casa en el campo... voy a escribir mi novela... vamos a empezar una familia...
start a new life 38
start again 149
start at the beginning 53
a family member 19
a family man 18
a family 195
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
start again 149
start at the beginning 53
a family member 19
a family man 18
a family 195
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
start 326
started 37
starting 51
starts 18
starter 51
start your engines 41
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
start 326
started 37
starting 51
starts 18
starter 51
start your engines 41
start over 169
start now 30
start the car 139
starting today 94
start walking 49
start the clock 31
starting with you 38
start from the beginning 53
start packing 25
starting over 33
start now 30
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starting today 94
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starting tomorrow 111
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starting now 197
starting at 23
start with 28
starting tonight 30
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start it up 34
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start it 31
starting with 39
starting now 197
starting at 23
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