Supposed to be traducir español
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Sorry, dear, were we supposed to be paying attention?
Disculpa. ¿ Teníamos que prestar atención?
Also, I'm supposed to be the wild card.
Además, yo soy el comodín.
You're supposed to be helping us.
Tienes que ayudarnos.
How am I supposed to be able to grind corn with all your talking, Maurice?
¿ Cómo puedo moler maíz con tu parloteo, Maurice?
Riding's supposed to be about freedom, but most of the time you're a prisoner to the road.
Pasear en moto se supone que es acerca de la libertad, pero la mayor parte del tiempo eres un prisionero a la carretera.
There's supposed to be a plague at the end.
No se supone que es una plaga en el extremo.
But it wasn't supposed to be for this.
Pero se suponía que no era para eso.
We're supposed to be gods together, and yet you want to destroy our destiny?
Se suponía que íbamos a ser dioses juntos, ¿ y aun así quieres destruir nuestro destino?
My fires are supposed to be out.
Todos mis ardores deberían haberse apagado.
I'm the one's supposed to be making the amends here.
Soy yo el que debería estar pidiendo disculpas.
It's supposed to be about Boston.
Tiene que ser de Boston.
You were just supposed to be my way into the family, Cam.
Se suponía que tú solo ibas a ser mi acceso a la familia, Cam.
You're supposed to be flying. Why are you on the ground?
Se supone que tienes que estar en el aire. ¿ Por qué estás en el suelo?
But before she did, she wrote and conducted over fifty pieces at a time when women were supposed to be muses, not artists.
Pero antes de hacerlo, escribió y dirigió más de 50 piezas en una época donde las mujeres se suponía que fueran musas, no artistas.
They're supposed to be in the school library, but..... I'm too afraid to check because what if they...?
Deberían estar en la biblioteca del colegio pero me da miedo comprobarlo porque, ¿ y si ellos...?
Everyone is supposed to be eating!
Todos se suponen que deben estar comiendo.
It's supposed to be soothing.
Se suponía que fuera relajante.
I'm not supposed to be here.
No se supone que esté aquí.
The one that was supposed to be here but got sent down to us instead?
¿ La que se suponía que estaría aquí, pero nos fue enviada a nosotros en su lugar?
Lisa, the bus is supposed to be crazy.
Lisa, se supone que el autobús es una locura.
He says having a stout man around actors who are supposed to be starving to death is demoralizing.
Dice que un hombre fornido entre actores... que deberían estar muriéndose de hambre, es desmoralizador.
Listen, man, maybe it was Micki dying or Phil Tessla, but it kind of focused Ava and me on what's really important in life, and how short it is, and maybe we're supposed to be together, man.
Oye Amigo, puede que fuera... la muerte de Micki o Phil Tessla, pero eso hizo que Ava y yo... viéramos lo importante de la vida... y lo corta que es... y puede que debamos estar juntos, amigo.
The kind of man I'm supposed to be. ♪ Living in strife ♪
El hombre que debo ser.
'Cause, Lord I'm just trying to be the kind of man I was supposed to be.
Señor, solo intento ser ese hombre... que debo ser.
We're supposed to be at the firehouse by 7 : 00.
Nos esperan en el cuartel a las 19 : 00.
But 43 % of the borrowing is to pay for tuition at public schools, which are supposed to be affordable, but which have been raising their tuition rates to make up for dwindling state spending.
Pero el 43 % de los préstamos... es para universidades públicas, que deberían ser asequibles, pero que han aumentado la matrícula... para compensar la reducción estatal.
She was supposed to be here at 4 : 00.
Se suponía que estuviera aquí a las 16 : 00 hrs.
It's supposed to be extra goopy. Huh.
Se supone que es extrapringosa.
I'm only at half the yield that I'm supposed to be by now, and Cygnus is two weeks from arrival.
Produzco la mitad de lo que se supone tendría que producir, y la Cisne llegará en dos semanas.
This was supposed to be in the third person.
Esto se suponía que tenía que ser en tercera persona.
I'm actually supposed to be somewhere, but why don't you come?
En realidad debería estar en otro sitio, pero, ¿ por qué no vienes?
You were supposed to be there, but you broke your promise as soon as it wasn't convenient for you, and now I have a very bulbous dog.
Se suponía que estuvieras ahí pero rompiste tu promesa tan pronto como te fue conveniente y ahora tengo un perro muy redondo.
We're supposed to be the party of innovation.
Debemos ser el partido de la innovación.
This was supposed to be a lease negotiation.
Se suponía que era una negociación de alquiler.
That was supposed to be six years ago, but then the state teacher's pension fund decided to invest its money with william Sutter
Eso tuvo que haber pasado hace seis años, pero el fondo de pensiones de maestros del estado decidió invertir su dinero con William Sutter.
And we can't ask the SEC because they're supposed to be on the other side.
Y no podemos pedírselo a la Comisión de Valores y Cambios porque se supone que están del otro lado.
She's supposed to be.
Se supone que estuviera.
This isn't supposed to be melting.
Esto no se supone que esté derritiéndose.
The northern lights are supposed to be great in Finland, but they start in 20 seconds, so, I have to leave soon.
Las auroras boreales deben ser geniales en Finlandia esta noche, pero empiezan en 20 segundos, así que tengo que irme pronto.
If the book says what her ending was supposed to be, then that's a clue we need.
Si el libro cuenta como debió ser su final, nos dará una pista.
It's supposed to be a conversation, you know?
Se supone que debe ser una conversación, ¿ sabes?
Where's your uncle? He's supposed to be here.
¿ Dónde está tu tío?
Tariq Bolad's identity was supposed to be sealed.
La identidad de Tariq Bolad se supone que debería estar sellada.
Oh, darling, this is supposed to be private.
Cariño, se supone que esto es privado.
Where the fuck is that trailer supposed to be?
¿ Dónde coño se supone que está el camión?
I'm off on Monday and the weather's supposed to be great.
Descanso los lunes y se supone que el clima es excelente.
- DNA Center has an exhibit on the reproductive habits of sharks that's supposed to be great.
- El centro ADN tiene una exhibición sobre los hábitos reproductivos de los tiburones que se supone es grandioso.
Gin was supposed to be my game, you know?
Se suponía que el gin sería mi juego, ¿ sabías?
We're supposed to be helping him.
Se supone que debemos ayudarle.
And if you don't drop this thing, you'll be lucky if they let you out a day before you were supposed to get out anyway.
Y si no dejas esto, tendrás suerte si te dejan salir un día antes de lo que te corresponde en todo caso.
But how am I supposed to do the show if I can't be within 500 feet of- -
¿ Pero cómo voy a hacer el show si no puedo estar a menos de 150...?
supposed to 22
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be with you 30
to be happy 39
to be blunt 18
to be free 36
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin with 126
to begin 33
to be happy 39
to be blunt 18
to be free 36
to be honest with you 224
to be fair 354
to be completely honest 27
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin with 126
to begin 33
to be sure 151
to be frank 90
to be safe 60
to be 126
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be frank 90
to be safe 60
to be 126
to be precise 156
to be alone 26
to be clear 133
to be specific 31
to be married 16
to be exact 289