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That wasn't fair traducir español

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Now, that wasn't fair.
¡ No hay derecho!
And that wasn't fair to her, was it?
Pero no es justo, ¿ a qué no?
That wasn't fair.
Todos tus clientes lo hacen.
That wasn't fair.
¡ Es indigno!
That wasn't fair.
Esto no es ningún juego.
That wasn't a fair race, Thomas. You're daffy.
No fue una carrera limpia, Thomas.
Perhaps that wasn't fair.
Quizá eso no fue justo.
That wasn't fair.
No fui justo.
That wasn't fair. Of course it wasn't.
- ¿ No es justo?
She said that she couldn't live here with you, and it wasn't fair to marry you, so...
Me dijo que no podía vivir aquí contigo,... y que no sería justo casarse contigo.
That wasn't fair!
¡ Eso no fue justo!
That wasn't fair of me, nor you!
Eso no fue justo de mi parte, ¡ ni de la tuya!
Sorry, that wasn't fair, you can hardly swim after him.
Lo siento, eso no fue justo. Sólo podrías seguirle nadando.
I wasn't fair to you. Don't say that Phil.
No digas eso jamás.
Johnny, that wasn't fair!
¡ Johnny, eso no ha estado bien!
It wasn't fair to do that to Vicki.
Es injusto hacerle eso a Vicki.
That wasn't fair.
Me he equivocado.
- That wasn't very fair.
Eso no me parece justo.
But the food was fair and even she didn't have the effrontery to charge me for my visits. Not that she wasn't capable of doing even that.
Pero la comida era muy buena... y mi tía no tenía la desfachatez de cobrarme mis visitas,... aunque fuera capaz de hacer cosas así.
Bert thought it wasn't fair that a little child couldn't go to heaven.
¡ Bert creyó que no era justo que un niño no pudiera ir al paraíso!
That wasn't very fair, was it?
lo que no era muy justo que digamos.
I used to be fair with a scattergun but then that was when the bird wasn't too far away or flying too fast.
Yo solía ser bueno con la escopeta pero eso era cuando el pájaro no estaba lejos o volaba demasiado rápido.
- That wasn't fair. I wasn't ready.
No estaba preparado.
Oh, that wasn't fair.
Has elegido a una niña impresionable a la que has sobreimpuesto tus propias dudas.
That wasn't quite fair of you, Emma. You knew I had a plane to catch.
Eso no estuvo muy bien por su parte Usted sabía que iba a coger un avión.
It wasn't fair! Like, Sue was just messing around, just as much as us. The rest of the classroom and now Sue's in so much trouble just because of that one teacher ;
Pero no es justo, Sue solo estaba haciendo tonterías, como el resto de la clase.
Hate a messy killing - That wasn't fair!
Odio una muerte sucia. ¡ No es leal!
Exactly, that wasn't very fair. Was it, Sire?
Precisamente, no era justo
I'm dumb, I said that because it wasn't fair of you!
¡ Yo soy medio tonto! ¡ Lo dije porque no es justo!
That wasn't fair.
No es justo.
That wasn't playing fair.
Eso no es jugar limpio...
That wasn't fair.
- No es justo, ¿ verdad?
It wasn't fair to have gone like that.
No fue justo que se fuera así.
That wasn't a fair do.
Como ve, no era justo.
He sold that company for a fortune! Half of that should have been mine! It wasn't fair!
Vendió la compañía por una fortuna... la mitad me pertenecía, no era justo.
That wasn't fair.
Eso no es justo.
I'm sorry. That wasn't fair.
Lo siento, no he sido justo.
That wasn't fair to Sarah, either.
Ni tampoco con Sarah.
- That wasn't fair.
- Ten, Bob. - No es justo.
It wasn't a fair fight, I grant you, but that's it.
No fue una lucha justa, te lo garantizo, pero así fue.
Well, it wasn't fair of me to do that.
No fue justo que hiciera eso.
Now, that wasn't fair. I didn't turn you down, I just...
Aléjate de mi chica.
That wasn't fair.
Aquello fue una injusticia.
So I argued that it wasn't fair to us and he agreed.
Así que dije que no era justo y él estuvo de acuerdo.
It wasn't fair to ask your father for that kind of support.
No era justo pedirle a tu padre ese dinero.
That wasn't fair!
¡ Eso fue injusto!
That wasn't any fair.
Eso no fue justo.
It wasn't fair. I mean, I would have said yes to anything at that point.
Entonces habría dicho que sí a todo.
We settled this and I reneged. That just wasn't fair.
Estábamos de acuerdo y me eché atrás. ¡ No tue justo!
- It wasn't fair to say that to you.
Escucha, no fui justo al decirte lo que dije.
That wasn't playin'fair, missy!
Eso no fue justo, señorita.

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