There was a woman traducir español
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The other day, in the pastry shop, there was a woman.
El otro día, en la pastelería, había una camarera.
There was a woman and a big dog.
una mujer... y un perro enorme.
There was a woman with him?
¿ Había una mujer con él?
- There was a woman in the car.
- Había una mujer en el coche.
If there wasn't money to rip off, and there was a woman you would rip off the women, isn't that right?
Si no había dinero que sacar, y había una mujer usted sacaba algo de la mujer, ¿ no es así?
When I was a kid there was a woman who taught me what was right and what was wrong.
Cuando era niño una mujer me enseñó lo bueno y lo malo.
I think maybe like 30 years ago there was a woman that wanted to sing, a black lady wanted to sing opera...
Creo que hará quizás unos 30 años, una mujer negra que quería ser cantante de ópera...
Once upon a time there was a Woman in the village, and she married a travelling man...
Había una vez una mujer en la aldea, que se casó con un hombre errante...
there was a Woman in the valley.
una mujer en el valle.
There was a woman like fine porcelain, with deep blue eyes almost like a bird's.
Había una mujer fina como porcelana, de ojos azules. Como los de un pájaro.
There was a woman who had been turning tricks in a camper... in the parking lot.
Había una prostituta haciendo sus trabajos en una camioneta... en el estacionamiento.
There was a woman with a gold mask.
Había una mujer con una máscara de oro.
There was a woman who was attacked by a Count, like Doris.
El conde ataco a una mujer.
There was a woman.
Había una mujer.
Now, there was a woman who could cook my goose... just the way I like it.
Ésa era una mujer que sabía cocinar... como a mí me gusta.
The nature of the bill shows that there was a woman in the case.
La naturaleza de la factura... mostraba que había una mujer en el caso.
Now you claim there was a woman present.
Dicen que había una mujer.
There was a woman present.
Había... una... mujer.
Yeah. But there was a young woman.
Pero había una mujer joven.
And among these great men, there was also a great woman.
Entre esos grandes hombres, hubo una gran mujer.
No... no, there was this house... in the woods... and a woman.
No, había una casa en el bosque, y una mujer.
But somehow there was a direct link between my lower body... and the intense and sweet-smelling moisture of a woman.
De alguna manera había una conexión entre mi cadera y un olor agradable, fuerte, a humedad femenina.
There was scarcely a woman about.
No había una sola mujer.
There was a young woman at the concert at my parents'house.
Había una mujer joven en el concierto en casa de mis padres.
Well, to kind of wind up the news tonight, there's so often so much death and tragedy a man in Texas was arrested today for shooting and killing his wife, son, two daughters his mother and father, all four of his grandparents, his dog, his mailman three neighbours, and a woman who works at the filling station!
Y para finalizar las noticias de hoy... Siempre hay tantas muertes y tragedias un hombre de Texas fue arrestado hoy por disparar contra su mujer, su hijo, dos hijas su madre y su padre, sus cuatro abuelos, su perro, el cartero tres vecinos, y una mujer que trabaja en la gasolinera!
Was there a young police woman here?
- ¿ Ha visto usted a una muchacha en uniforme?
I remember years ago there wasn't talk about what a woman was, what a man was.
Hace años no se hablaba de qué es una mujer y qué es un hombre.
There was just one hitch. The thief insisted on a woman go-between.
Sólo había un problema, el ladrón quería una intermediaria,
Rhoda, Pug's an admirable man, and you're a wonderful woman, but there was a rift in your marriage before we ever met. There had to be.
Rhoda, Pug es un hombre admirable, y usted es una mujer maravillosa, pero no hubo una ruptura en su matrimonio antes de que la conociera.
There was a young woman here a short time ago, wearing an army jacket.
Hace apenas un rato vino una muchacha... que vestía una chaqueta militar.
He wants me to tell you a story of when there was nothing in the world except for a man and a woman,
Quiere que te cuente una historia de cuando no existía nada en el mundo. Excepto por un hombre y una mujer.
And then there was this woman... a real Berliner, and she said to me...
Y una mujer una auténtica berlinesa me dijo :
This was a woman. Some almost reached the barbed wire, some got there and stayed there, for it was electrified.
Algunos estuvieron cerca de alcanzar la alambrada, y los que lo lograron se quedaron allí electrocutados.
Yesterday, we were walking... there was an add with a breast naked woman.
Ayer, mientras paseábamos, vimos un cartel con una mujer desnuda en la parte de arriba. ¿ Sabes que ha dicho Matteo?
I mean, first there was man and then there was woman.
Vamos, primero se hizo al hombre y después se hizo a la mujer.
He asked God of a woman and she was able to give Him to him, because there is nothing on earth or in heaven that love is not capable of giving. "
Él ha pedido Dios a una mujer y ella era capaz de dárselo, porque no hay nada en el cielo y en la tierra que el amor no sea capaz de dar ".
For a while I thought there was another woman.
Por un tiempo pensé que había otra mujer.
- Was there a woman there?
- ¿ Había una mujer allí?
Was there a third woman in his life?
¿ Había una tercer mujer en su vida?
Your arms were tense, your chest was heaving. there were tears in your eyes, but still you tried to catch that woman in the lead.
Tenías lágrimas en los ojos pero, aun así, intentabas alcanzar a la mujer que iba a la cabeza.
There was a young woman by here about six months ago.
Estuvo aquí una mujer hace unos seis meses.
When that happens, when I look out there among those chairs... and see a young woman's face... and see me in her eyes... the way I always wanted to be, maybe once was...
Cuando sucede eso y miro hacia esas sillas y veo el rostro de una mujer joven me miro reflejado en sus ojos de la forma que quise ser, que tal vez fui.
If ever there was a one-woman man, it's Eddie LeBec.
Si alguna vez hubo un hombre de una sola mujer, es Eddie LeBec.
You know... there was another woman that disappeared... in a car, in a lake, a couple of years ago.
Hubo otra mujer que desapareció... en un automóvil en un lago hace un par de años.
I was dragged in front of all the men, clothed in a single robe stained in my own blood. The sight of a woman made men laugh. My husbands were there.
Me arrastraron ante los hombres con mi ropa ensangrentada y ellos se rieron.
Was there a woman present?
¿ Había una mujer?
Was there or wasn't there a woman?
¿ Había una mujer o no?
Was there or wasn't there a woman?
¿ Había o no una mujer?
Was there a woman present?
¿ Había... una mujer... o no?
There she was, saying nothing, she seemed a broken woman!
Aquí estaba, no decía nada, parecía una mujer quebrada!
In our town there was a barber shop for men only, run by a beautiful Alsatian woman :
En nuestro pueblo había una peluquería para hombres solamente, dirigida por una hermosa mujer asiática :
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90