There was one traducir español
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I said there was one more test, didn't I?
Dije que había una prueba más, ¿ no?
Now, if there was one thing my father instilled in me as a child, it was, "Trust no-one."
Bueno, su hubo una cosa que mi padre me inculcó de niño fue : "no confíes en nadie".
Infamously, there was one brilliant polymath who worked on that display who disappeared shortly after.
Infamemente, hay un brillante erudito que trabajó en esa exhibición, el cual desapareció poco después.
In a world weary of war, there was one man who didn't care.
En un mundo de guerra inclemente, había un hombre al que no le importaba.
There was one night I had a absolute horrible nightmare.
Hubo una noche que tuve una pesadilla horrible.
But there was one bag that had obviously been sliced open not just with a rock or something, but some kind of sharp instrument.
Pero había una bolsa que de forma evidente habían cortado y no con una roca, sino con algún tipo de instrumento afilado.
And there was one at 364 Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.
Y había uno en el 364 de Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.
There was one order with all the things.
Hubo un pedido con todo.
Ah. Did we think there was one?
Ah. ¿ Creíamos que había alguna?
Listening to his calls, there was one name that just kept popping up.
Escuchando las llamadas, había un nombre que seguía apareciendo.
At one point, there was a commitment.
En un momento, llegamos a un acuerdo.
Because I learned that there is another exam Next week and the teacher told me that this one was important for the school
Porque sabía que íbamos a tener otro examen... la semana siguiente... y el profesor me dijo que era importante...
There was no one I could call.
No tenia a nadie que pudiera llamar.
It was late at night and there was no one I could call and say,
Era tarde en la noche y no habia nadie a que pudiera llamar y decir :
I looked, but there was no one to help.
Miré, y no había quien ayudara ;
There was Ed Sheeran, week one - no idea.
También estuvo Ed Sheeran en el primer programa, ni idea.
For thousands of years, there was only one way of crossing this spartan landscape in the vast, dusty heat of North Africa.
Durante cientos de años solo había una forma de cruzar este paisaje espartano en el vasto, polvoriento y caluroso norte de África.
And then there was the 405 Mi16, which sounded like it was a machine gun, and it went like one.
Y luego estaba el 405 Mi16, que sonaba como una maquina de guerra, y se conducía como si lo fuera.
But then one day, in Paris, there was a meeting.
Pero luego un día, en Paris, hubo una reunión.
Which would indicate that either her assailant was extremely strong or there was more than one.
Lo que indicaría que o su asaltante era extremadamente fuerte o había más de uno.
There was this one guy.
Había un tipo.
Sheriff, I was the first one down there.
Comisario, fui el primero aquí abajo.
In my time, there was only one, it is no longer so today...
Cuando yo iba al colegio solo había una manera, pero eso es algo que ya ha pasado a la historia.
There was that one night we did something else on it.
Fue una noche en la que hicimos algo diferente en ella.
Now, I talked to my NSA guy, he says there are only six safecracking guys out there who'd even have the stones to try to break into this bad boy, and only one of them was in New York.
Ahora, he hablado con mi gente de la NSA, me ha dicho que solo hay seis ladrones de cajas fuertes que tengan los taladros para intentar abrir a este chico malo, y solo uno de ellos estaba en Nueva York.
The year she went missing, there was a guy she worked for who owned a couple of buildings in Queens, and one of them was being rented by a-a councilman who was running for reelection.
El año que desapareció, había un tío para el que trabajaba que tenía un par de edificios en Queens, y uno de ellos estaba siendo alquilado por un concejal que estaba presentándose a la reelección.
Well, I don't know where you expect me to think you got that crystal over there, but the only way your dumbass assin'ass asses could ever have one is if it was stolen.
No sé qué bola me ibais a contar sobre dónde conseguisteis el cristal, porque la única forma en la que unos tontainas tontos del culo como vosotros pueden tener uno es robándolo.
A man was murdered in open view, and no one called 911, and there was not one measure in place to prevent it.
Un hombre fue asesinado la vista, y nadie llamó al 911, y no hubo ninguna medida en el lugar para prevenirlo.
Um... well... it takes place at a camp a lot like this one, where just beyond the woods, there was a black lake.
Bien... ocurre en un campamento muy parecido a este, donde justo detrás del bosque, había un lago negro.
But they said Mr. O. was in there last night with a couple of whores, and they saw the whole thing, and not one of'em is running scared.
Pero me dijeron que el Sr. O. estuvo allí anoche con un par de putas y que ellas lo vieron todo y que ninguna salió huyendo asustada.
There was no one around when she kissed me.
No había nadie cerca cuando me besó.
No one saw her'cause she was never there.
Nadie la vió porque nunca estuvo allí.
There was no one to see but the stones.
- Lo vimos. Nadie había para ver, sólo las piedras.
Th-There was just one man.
Solo había un hombre.
There was only one place I could feel any measure of peace.
Solo había un lugar donde sentirme verdaderamente en paz.
Was there one night you do remember?
¿ Recuerdas alguno, de alguna noche?
There was only one attacker.
Sólo había un atacante.
I'm not one to scare easily, but something was in there.
No soy de asustarme facilmente, pero algo estaba alli.
I'm not one to scare easy, but something was in there.
No soy asustarme facil, pero algo estaba alli.
There was no one outside the door.
No había nadie en la puerta.
A leg, where you could feel the knee, the ankle, and the actual foot itself... and one of the bags containing the legs, there was like small holes that had gotten torn into the bag where we could actually look in,
Una pierna, en la que podías notar la rodilla, el tobillo, y el mismo pie... y en una de las bolsas que contenían las piernas, había unos pequeños agujeros que habían conseguido desgarrar la bolsa en los que podíamos mirar,
When I was in Halawa, there was only one reason to get out.
Cuando estuve en Halawa, solo tenía un motivo para salir.
And I ran to the store in Los Angeles and looked, and there was my father, described as an ex-con from Sing Sing who'd kill a man with one hand behind his back.
Y fuí a la tienda en Los Angeles y lo ví, y allí estaba mi padre, descrito como un ex convicto de Sing Sing que mató a un hombre con una mano en la espalda.
I was sort of the one who brought them out there in the first place.
Estaba preguntándome quien los trajo aquí en primer lugar.
On Mad Max, there was a lot of hanging around, so one of make-up artists was knitting one day and I was like, "That seems like a good way to kill time."
En Mad Max, había muchas cosas colgando, así que uno de las maquilladoras estaba tejiendo un día y yo pense, "parece una buena forma de matar el tiempo".
Clearly, there was only one steely-eyed helmsman to take on this challenging job.
Claramente, solo había un timonel de mirada penetrante que pudiera hacerse cargo de semejante reto.
Actually, the reason why I'm not shocked is because I've been in their shoes, and I was just as bad, and this is all just one big horrible reminder that there's always gonna be a part of me that's capable of doing what they're doing.
De hecho, la razón por la que no estoy impactada es porque he estado en sus zapatos, y fui así de mala, y todo esto no es más que un gran y horrible recordatorio de que siempre va a existir una parte de mí
There was only one attack?
- ¿ Sólo hubo un ataque?
- There was no-one else.
- No hubo otra.
There was someone who claimed to have information about the case but no one came.
Decía tener información sobre una investigación, pero no fue nadie.
You're lucky no one from the academy was there.
Tienes suerte que nadie de la academia estuviera ahí.
there was one thing 29
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38
there was blood everywhere 37
there was a 177
there was something 46
there was a fire 52
there was a fight 36
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38
there was blood everywhere 37
there was a 177
there was something 46
there was a fire 52
there was a fight 36