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They're really good traducir español

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- They're really very good.
- Son realmente buenos.
They're really good for hookworms, or when you go to a hot spring....
Son muy buenas para los anquilostomas, o cuando van a un manantial termal... "
They're not that good, really.
La verdad es que no son buenas.
But, really, monsieur, they're such good children.
De verdad, Monsieur, su hijos son muy buenos.
Wow, they're really good.
Son realmente buenos.
But they're good boys, really.
Pero buenos chicos, en el fondo.
- They're really good.
- Son muy buenos.
They're really good.
Están riquísimos.
If you ever do it again, they're really gonna give it to ya good.
Si vuelves a hacerlo, te hundirán a ti.
.. But they're really good.
¡ Muy buenas!
You know, they're really rather good, those copies.
Esas réplicas son bastante buenas.
They're really good people.
Son gente verdaderamente bondadosa.
Not just because I say so, they say we're really good at it.
No es porque yo lo diga, dicen que lo hago muy bien.
They're really good, giltheads.
Son muy buenos los dorados.
Well, I think customs people are quite necessary and I think they're doing quite a good job, really.
Yo creo que los agentes de aduanas son muy necesarios y que... hacen un buen trabajo.
They think you're really quite good, don't they?
Creen que eres fantástico y excitante.
They're really good!
Están realmente buenos.
You really think they`re good?
Realmente piensas que son buenos?
I mean it. They're looking for really good teachers.
Buscan maestros realmente buenos.
They're a good crowd. Really.
Son buena gente, en serio.
You know, they always work you a lot harder when you're really good.
Siempre te hacen trabajar mucho más cuando eres bueno de verdad.
Well, they're really very good, you know. I know.
Bueno, son muy buenas, ¿ sabe?
Have a taste of these eggs, they're really good!
Saboreen estos huevos. Van a ver que buenos.
Justice? Samurai are always showing off But they're really no good.
Los samurais siempre presumen de ello pero, en realidad, no son buenos.
They're really good for you.
Son muy nutritivas.
And when they're really good, you don't even hear the phone.
Y cuando son muy buenos, ni siquiera oyes el teléfono.
I feel like I'm slipping. But do people who are actually slipping feel that way... or is it always the really good people who are moving up... who invariably think they're slipping because their standards are so high?
Tengo la sensación de que empeoro, pero ¿ la gente que de verdad empeora lo nota o es siempre la gente buena que asciende la que siempre piensa que empeora porque se exige mucho?
They're really good medals.
Son medallas muy buenas.
They're really good kids, but don't let them fool you.
Son buenos chicos realmente, pero no permitas que te engañen.
You know, they're really good.
Son muy buenos.
The sun blessed these, so they're really good for you.
Qué bien. El sol los ha bendecido, así que son muy buenos para vosotras.
And the stuffed bell peppers, they're so good. Aren't they really good cooks?
Tiene un sabor tan natural y nutritivo, me encanta
They looked really good before he messed them up. He did this shit on purpose, man.
Esraban bien anres de que re las pisara.
The raisins are all around the edge of these cakes. They're really good.
Las pasas que están alrededor de estos pasteles están muy buenas.
they're really good.
realmente estan buenas.
- No! They're really good!
- No, son muy buenos.
- Oh, they're really good!
Están muy ricos.
They're really good. They could win.
Trabajaron tan duro para esto y son buenos, muy buenos.
They're really good.
Son muy buenos.
They're really good.
Están verdaderamente buenas.
They're really good. What's inside?
Están muy buenos. ¿ Qué tienen dentro?
They're really good burritos.
- Son unos burritos muy sabrosos.
They're really good for us.
de lo que es bueno para nosotros
And if you're really good, like Gladius over there... Well, they might even send a girl or two your way.
Y si eres realmente bueno, como Gladius bueno, hasta puede que te manden una chica o dos.
And then you have a band that you know is amazing... and, suddenly, everybody else in the world... knows that they're amazing and wants to get at them... and write about them and, you know... you start wondering if success is really a good thing... because it sort of makes people psycho.
entonces tienes una banda que sabes que es sorprendente... y, de repente, todo el mundo... sabe que es sorprendente y quiere conseguirla... y escribir sobre ellos... y empiezas a preguntarte si el exito es en realidad algo bueno... porque hace que la gente se enloquezca.
Whenever anybody says they're with a really good person it means they're about to leave them.
Cuando alguien dice que anda con una persona muy buena significa que está a punto de dejarla.
They're really good this year.
Son realmente buenos, este año.
I know it's a lot to ask. But they're really good kids.
Sé que es mucho pedir, pero son unos niños muy buenos.
They're really good. You want some of mine?
Está buenísima. ¿ Quieres un poco?
They're really good.
- ¡ Tarta caliente! - Están muy buenas.
Yeah, they're trying to pretend they're too old, but I can tell they're really excited. Oh, that's good.
Sí, pretenden ser demasiado viejos pero están muy emocionados.

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