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Turn it traducir español

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Turn it on.
- Turn it off.
- Apágalo.
Turn it off now.
Apágalo ya.
Turn it around.
Darle la vuelta.
That was my game and I didn't want to turn it over to somebody.
Ese era mi juego, y no quería que lo continuara otro.
Hey! At least turn it down!
¡ Al menos, ponla bajo!
- Yes. You won't turn it off when the suspicious sister, co-worker, or gay best friend investigates the abandoned cabin by the lake where they find proof to expose the killer and they get hit in the head with a hammer?
¿ No me harás quitarla cuando la hermana, el compañero o el mejor amigo gay investigue la cabaña abandonada del lago donde encuentra una prueba y le dan un martillazo?
Turn it over.
Dale la vuelta.
I'm afraid to turn it off.
Me da miedo apagarlo.
"Turn computer on." Did you turn it on?
"Encender el ordenador". ¿ Lo has encendido?
And then you make it into a song and you take all your anger and you turn it into hyperactivity.
Y luego la conviertes en una canción y tomas toda esa ira y la conviertes en hiperactividad.
Turn it on.
Help me turn it, help me turn it.
- Ayúdame a girarlos, ayúdame.
I can't turn it.
- No podemos girarlos,
You can't turn it like this!
- ¡ No puedes girarlos! ¡ No puedes!
- [Kumpaya] Turn it now.
- Dale vuelta.
- to turn it. And time.
- y tiempo.
It's difficult to turn it around.
Es difícil modificar eso.
Take a small amount of food and turn it into a large amount of food that can feed a lot of people.
Tomas una porción pequeña de comida y la transformas en algo enorme que puede alimentar a mucha gente.
It'll take any shirt and turn it into a tank top in less than a second.
Coge cualquier camiseta y la convierte en una sin mangas en menos de un segundo.
It's a turn of phrase.
Es una forma de hablar.
When it's your turn, I notice.
Cuando sea su turno, se lo haré saber.
Yeah, maybe it's my turn to go cry on your bathroom floor.
Sí, igual es mi turno de ir a llorar en el suelo del baño.
'Cause it's your turn.
Porque te toca a ti.
I never turn my back, but still... there's no stopping it.
Nunca le doy la espalda, pero aún así... No hay nada que lo detenga.
It always was in the back of my mind that one day he's gonna turn loose one and come upside my head with it.
En lo profundo, siempre creí que algún día, se le escaparía una y me daría en la cabeza.
- Hey, is it your turn?
- Oye, ¿ es mi turno?
- It's all right, you know, Mom had it and beat it and now it's my turn, you know.
- Está bien, mamá lo tuvo y lo superó. Ahora es mi turno.
Now it's your turn.
Ahora es tu turno.
They don't because it's my turn.
No quieren porque me toca a mí.
When it's my turn, there's no time left to talk about me.
Y cuando me toca a mí, ya no queda tiempo.
It's time to turn that corner.
Doy el paso.
It was your turn for a few curveballs.
Te tocaba recibir bolas malas.
- Well, it was my turn to walk Finn.
- Me tocaba pasear a Finn. - Claro.
But I doubt it can turn his coat from red to blue no matter how hard you work at it.
Pero dudo que puedan cambiar su casaca de rojo a azul sin importar lo mucho que te esfuerces.
- [DAGEN] Thane, it's your turn.
Font color = "# 808080" DAGEN : Thane, es su vuelta.
It helps to prove ISIS's contention that the West is at war with Islam, which in turn helps to radicalize disaffected Muslims, and inspire new attacks.
Ayudó a probar la teoría de ISIS... de que Occidente quiere guerra con el Islam... radicalizando a musulmanes no practicantes... e inspirando nuevos ataques. De sus hermanos franceses que se unieron a ISIS.
Come, Kamla. It's your turn.
Ven, Kamla es tu turno
If your case gets registered, it will turn into a communal issue.
Si su caso queda registrado, se convertiria en un problema nacional
'If your case gets registered, it'll turn into a communal issue.'
Si su caso se hubiera registrado, se hubiera convertido en un problema nacional
Looks like it's my turn to befoul someone else's abode.
Parece que me toca ensuciar... la residencia de alguien.
It's a real turn-off, Horace.
Es un verdadero bajón, Horace.
Turn it, turn it, turn it.
- Gira, gira, gira.
( LATIN MUSIC PLAYS ) Hurry! Turn it!
- Gira... ¡ Gira!
You know, it's... it's not my turn.
Ya sabes, no es mi turno.
Well, it'll be my turn sometime.
Bueno, ya me tocará a mí.
Okay, it's our turn. Let's show them how it's done!
Te vamos a mostrar como se hace!
Okay! Now it's your turn, bro-dad!
- Ahora te toca a ti, papito.
Anyway, besides, it's your turn.
Da igual, además, es tu turno.
All these years, telling cops to put in their papers before charges get filed... now it's my turn.
Todos estos años, diciendo a los policías para poner en sus documentos antes de los cargos quedan archivados... Ahora es mi turno.
Ohh, actually, I hate to be a Johnny-Asserts-Himself instead of a Little-Timmy-Goes-Along, but I believe it's my turn to choose the restaurant, and this new vegan place just opened.
Ohh, en realidad, no me gusta ser un Johnny - Asserts-Mismo En lugar de un pequeño-Tim-Va-Along,

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