Unless you traducir español
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"Waves of dreams never reach the shores unless you strive"
"Las ondas de los sueños nunca llegan a las costas a menos que se esfuercen."
You always will be unless you get involved in village life.
Siempre lo serás a menos que te involucres en la vida del pueblo.
No, you are making a mistake, unless you want to be arrested for withholding evidence.
- No, tú estás cometiendo un error, a menos que quieras ser arrestada por retener evidencia.
So, unless you're here to buy a pair of crotchless panties for that special someone in your life, I suggest you grab your hat and your books, and you get the hell out of my store.
Así que, salvo que venga a comprar lencería... para alguien especial en su vida, le sugiero que tome sus cosas y se largue de mi tienda.
But unless you live on the North Pole, you need energy to keep the ice cold, and that wastes even more energy.
Se necesita energía para mantener el frío del hielo. Eso significa más pérdidas.
Unless you want to tell me what you were arguing about first.
A menos que quieras decirme antes de que estabais hablando.
Well, unless you have any more information.
Bueno, a menos que tengas más información.
That is, unless you find her trigger.
Eso es, a menos que consigas su gatillo.
You know, all of the kids... not just Anissa, all of them... they know... there's no closed doors in this house unless you're... fresh out of the shower or getting ready for bed.
Sabes, todos los niños... no sólo Anissa, todos ellos... Ellos saben... que no hay puertas cerradas en la casa al menos que estés... saliendo de la ducha o preparándote para dormir.
Unless you want a two-hour answer.
A menos que quieras una respuesta de dos horas.
You don't pull a trigger after it goes off the first time unless you mean to.
Uno no jala del gatillo una segunda vez a menos que se quiera hacerlo.
We're not here to hurt you unless you give us an excuse.
No hemos venido a lastimarlos a menos que nos den una excusa.
Uh... well, you're the only one listed on her emergency contact and because she's on suicide watch, we can't release her unless you sign.
Bueno, eres el único como contacto de emergencia y como está en vigilancia por riesgo de suicidio no podemos dejarla ir hasta que firmes.
Unless you live in Louisiana, which is why we started a FundMe page for Too Sweet to help him get one.
A no ser que vivas en Louisiana, y es por eso que hemos abierto una página en FundMe para ayudar a Too Sweet a conseguir uno.
Well, I mean, unless you want me to help with the lights.
A no ser que necesites ayuda con las lueces.
Unless you ask.
A no ser que preguntarais.
Well, you can't compete unless you make an offer.
Bueno, no puedes competir a no ser que hagas una oferta.
Unless you take risks, do what must be done, there will always be limits to your abilities.
A menos que tome riesgos, hacer lo que debe hacerse, siempre habrá límites a sus capacidades.
You can look, but keep your manipulators off the merchandise unless you're buying.
Puedes echar un vistazo, pero ni se te ocurra manipular nada a menos que lo compres.
I told myself that I would wait to decide until I saw you because you wouldn't let me walk into this unless you were sure that you could pull it off.
Dije que esperaría hasta verte para decidir porque no me dejarías involucrarme a menos que estuvieses seguro de poder lograrlo.
Oh, man... don't you ever talk to me about movie trivia unless you've seen Blazing Saddles.
Oh, tío... no vuelvas a hablarme de pelis hasta que hayas visto "Sillas de montar calientes".
Unless you ever return to Primm.
Por si regresáis a Primm.
You found a cure but you refused to share it unless you were crowned Supreme Ruler.
Encontraste una cura pero te negaste a compartirla a menos que te coronaran Líder Supremo.
Unless you want to start putting your customers on the menu.
- ¿ O quieres a tus clientes en el menú?
Unless you're already dead.
Salvo que ya estén muertos. Entonces...
You wouldn't be here unless you were scared we might actually win this fight.
No estarías aquí si no temieras que podamos ganar esta pelea.
Not unless you were in Chiswick, Mr Francatelli.
No, a menos que fuera en Chiswick, Sr. Francatelli.
Oh, well, unless you have something else to tell me that I don't know, you must excuse me.
Bueno, a menos que tengáis algo más que decirme que no sepa, debéis disculparme.
But you will never know, unless you ask him, Victoria.
Pero nunca lo sabrás si no se lo pides, Victoria.
Boys, don't poke the bear unless you want... a bear that's angry.
Muchachos, ¡ No empuje el oso a menos que desee... un oso que está enojado.
You wouldn't... unless you were planning on coming back.
Usted no lo haría... a menos que estaban pensando en volver.
Unless you don't feel up to it.
A menos que no te sientas capacitado.
Only humans pick their mating season, unless you're a human who spends a lot of time waiting in line at Comic-Con.
Sólo los seres humanos elegen su temporada de apareamiento, a menos que seas un humano que pasa mucho tiempo esperando en la cola en la Comic - Con.
You're gonna love it... unless you're in the mood for one of the specials,'cause they're out of those.
Usted está va a encantar... A menos que esté en el estado de ánimo para uno de los especiales, Cecause están fuera de ellos.
I mean, unless you're busy that night.
Es decir, a menos que esté ocupado esa noche.
We'll do a whole thing, unless you shoot the place up first.
Lo haremos todo, a no ser que tiroteéis el sitio primero.
Unless you're hiding a fish.
A menos que usted está ocultando un pez.
Unless... of course you have been stealing.
A menos que, por supuesto, Ud. haya estado robando.
Oh, yeah, and you're gonna be picking up the Side Street tab unless we get out of here soon.
Sí, y tú vas a tener que reservar mesa en Side Street a menos que salgamos pronto de aquí.
You should sweep that up'cause that could get in your paws unless...
Barra eso para no lastimarse las patas.
You're never going to sell this place unless we go ahead and stage it.
Nunca van a vender este lugar salvo que lo redecoremos.
That's what I pay you for, unless I put something in it, I pay you to keep your mouth shut.
Para eso te pago, a no ser que ponga algo, te pago para que cierres la boca.
Well, we don't want you cutting your cane unless we can grind it right away.
No queremos trabajar en tu caña a no ser que podamos molerla de forma adecuada.
You know, I'm not gonna be happy unless I get tits.
¿ Sabe qué? No podré ser feliz hasta que tenga tetas.
Unless Guillaume gives you other instructions.
Salvo si Guillaume le da otras instrucciones.
And you hit the ball unless it's a bad pitch.
Y hay que batear la bola siempre y cuando te vaya franca.
Unless, of course, you want to?
Salvo que quieras hacerlo tú.
But, Chloe... don't you take that bullet unless it's going to save him.
Pero, Chloe... no recibas esa bala a menos que vayas a salvarlo.
No man would give you up, Drina..... unless he knew that it was his duty.
Ningún hombre renunciaría a ti, Drina... a no ser que sepa que es su deber.
Why give you something to remember him by, unless he thought he wasn't going to be around?
¿ Por qué darte algo para que lo recuerdes, a menos que pensara que no estaría aquí?
Just to be clear, did you just threaten to withhold evidence unless we give you a "first call" guarantee?
Para que quede claro, ¿ nos estás amenazando con retener pruebas a menos que te garanticemos "llamarte a ti el primero"?
unless you want me to 18
unless you want to 32
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
unless you want to 32
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
your phone 169
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601