We all did it traducir español
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We all did it.
Lo hicimos todos.
Perhaps we all did it!
¡ Quizás lo hicimos todos!
It might be fun if we all did it together.
Sería divertido ir todos juntos.
We all did it.
Todos lo hicimos.
- How did we manage to ruin it all?
Te quiero más que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo
You pulled it off on schedule all right. It's a good thing you did. If you hadn't, we'd be in a nice sweet jam.
Menos mal que fue a tiempo, o estaríamos apañados.
Queen of the Swedes, the Goths, and the Vandals, promise you... to be a good and just king... to protect you all... and to guard the kingdom as our father did... to rule wisely, and with God's help... to keep the standard as we received it from our fathers.
Reina de los suecos, los godos y los vándalos, promete... ser un monarca justo y bueno... para protegerlos... y proteger el reino como lo hizo nuestro padre... gobernar sabiamente, y con la ayuda del Señor... mantener el estandarte como lo recibimos de nuestros padres.
We had some tea, she lost her jewels and all we did was talk it over.
Tomamos té, ella perdió sus joyas... y todo lo que hicimos fue hablar de ello.
And we all thought Ronny did it.
- Ronnie no fue.
Of course, it took plenty of scurrying around to get together what we did. But I knew that as soon as we stopped arguing'.. and grumbling'about what had to be done... and started finding'ways to do it, that we'd manage all right.
Claro que fue a las carreras que conseguimos todo... pero sabía que en cuanto dejáramos de discutir... y de quejarnos de lo que tenía que hacerse... y empezáramos a hallar formas de hacerlo... nos iría bien.
We couldn't help it, all we did was flatter him a bit.
Lo único que hicimos fue halagarle un poco.
After all, we did have to drag it out of...
Creía que era totalmente sincero. Tuvimos que sonsacárselo.
However, that's all behind us now, and it looks as though all this training we did is going to come in pretty handy after all.
Pero eso es agua pasada. Todos aquellos entrenamientos les van a ser muy útiles.
We did all we could to help, but it was no good.
Hicimos todo lo que pudimos, pero fue inútil.
It's just fate. I don't want you to rupture your brain, but did you ever stop to figure... if we all showed up with apples, we'd all come out with peanuts?
No quisiera dañarte el cerebro, pero ¿ has pensado que si todos llegamos con manzanas acabaremos con calderilla?
Well, the next time his gas valve gets jammed, he can fix it himself. All I did was offer to go to work and help so that we could get married real soon.
Todo lo que hice fue ofrecerle trabajar y ayudar para que nos pudiéramos casar más pronto.
Oh, the money's not important, it's what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters!
¡ Oh, el dinero no es lo que importa! ¡ Lo que importa es lo que le ocurrió a la muchacha y lo que todos le hicimos!
All we know is, whoever did it ran off with your dad's cattle.
Todo cuanto sabemos es, quien hicieron esto, se llevaron el ganado de su padre.
We were in France, and I didn't know all the right words, but the priest did it there and then, we took the bus back to lunch.
Estábamos en Francia, no conocía las palabras, pero el sacerdote lo hizo allí y luego volvimos a comer.
During the next four days, we hardly made a dent in Mike's $ 700 because all we did was lie around and yak it up.
En los siguientes cuatro días, no nos gastamos casi nada. Lo único que hicimos fue descansar y hablar.
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
Since you knew all along that we were never gonna be able to make it... why did you tantalize me by bringing it up in the first place?
Si sabias desde el principio que no iba a ser posible... ¿ por qué me torturaste mencionándolo para empezar? .
We did it, all right.
Lo hemos conseguido.
This way we can all have steak and ice cream. Did you know that your aunt ordered it for you?
¿ Sabías que tu tía los encargó para ti?
In the meantime, should it be that all these came about the same thing as we did?
En tanto, ¿ vendrán todos esos a lo mismo?
We have not forgiven the wrong you did our royal person. But when danger threatens, it is a king s duty to put his subjects above all else.
No hemos olvidado el mal que hicisteis al rey, pero ante el peligro, el deber del rey es pensar en el bien de sus vasallos.
Mrs. Bayles? I don't know how we did it, but he's going to be all right.
¡ No sé cómo lo hemos hecho, pero se va a poner bien!
The storm did all it could, the ship did all it could, I did all I could, but the captain knew nothing, we ran into a cliff and got shipwrecked.
La tormenta hizo todo lo que pudo, el barco hizo todo lo que pudo, yo hice todo lo que pude, pero el capitán no sabía nada, chocamos con un arrecife y naufragamos.
We knew it was you who did it all along, but we wanted to stop another argument.
Sabemos que eres tú desde el principio. Pero queríamos evitar otra pelea.
I didn't like it, what We did. I didn't like it at all.
No me gusta, no me gusta para nada.
She said it did not matter since we will all die very soon.
No le importa lo que diga. Todos moriremos pronto.
I often wonder why it is... that we communicate so much less with all these marvels at our disposal... than we did in a more primitive day, without the wireless and the television.
Con frecuencia me pregunto por qué nos comunicamos cada vez menos con todas esas maravillas a nuestra disposición que en los días primitivos sin televisión y todo lo demás.
The Dalek supreme has ordered they are to be pursued through all eternity. We did it!
El Dalek Supremo ha ordenado que les persigamos por toda la eternidad.
Wanted to tell him many nonsense, serving it well, thought to be his fault the fact that I was an adulteress. Oh, big deal if this is all evil we did in this valley of tears.
tengo ganas de contarle todos los detalles se lo merece todo y es culpa suya si soy una adúltera sería estupendo que eso fuera todo lo malo que hacemos en este valle de lágrimas
After all, we did pay for it.
Después de todo, la pagamos nosotros.
Daddy did it all for me. When can I have it, daddy? Not until we bury you?
Para mí, pero sólo podré tenerlo cuando tu estés enterrado.
We did all the necessary checks and fueled it.
Hicimos todos los chequeos necesarios.
We discovered sometime later... when the correspondence was made public by Hanoi... that four days before our letter could arrive in Hanoi... a letter arrived there, sent over PresidentJohnson's signature... which was a very hard line letter indeed... which restated all the previous conditions regarding cessation of the bombing... and even added some new ones... and which was, in our judgment... intended to do what it did do... which was to break off any possibility of negotiation at that time.
Descubrimos algo después cuando la correspondencia fue hecha pública por Hanoi que cuatro días antes de que nuestra carta pudiera llegar a Hanoi había llegado una carta firmada por el Presidente Johnson la cual era una carta muy dura que volvía a exponer todas las condiciones previas con respecto al paro del bombardeo e incluso agregando algunas nuevas y que era, a nuestro juicio iba dirigida a hacer lo que hizo, terminar con cualquier posibilidad de negociación en aquel momento.
We called it off right after that. What else did Peralez say about all this heroin?
Nos fuimos de inmediato. ¿ Qué más dijo Peralez sobre toda esta heroína?
- By the way, once, we did hear that Lady Marjorie's appearance - at a certain ball wasn't all that it should have been.
Pero me gustaría saber porqué el aspecto de Lady Marjorie... en cierta fiesta no fue el que debería.
All we knew that they did not become airplanes of tachos and pans, but it was good, all capsize that it was a critical situation.
Los pilotos y nosotros sabíamos que no se puede hacer un avión de cacerolas y sartenes, pero era un buen material esto hizo que la gente se diera cuenta que estábamos en situación desesperante
Our Agency did not have to be able to stop the sales of rubber tires, but we emit an order to the same one e we order an anonymous difundiz it, for all the cabinets of the Secretariat of Management of the Production, that they had to get rid itself of the paper, already it had much bureaucracy.
Nuestra agencia no tenía poder para detener la venta de neumáticos de caucho, pero emitió una orden a la misma enviar un anónimo y difundirla, para todas las oficinas el Departamento de Gestión de la Producción, tuvieron que deshacerse del papel, había un montón de burocracia.
All I can say, sir, is whoever did it, we'll get'em.
Todo lo que puedo decir es que quien lo haya hecho lo pagará.
We were all there and nobody did anything to prevent it.
Todos estábamos presentes y nadie hizo nada por evitarlo.
All we know is that he did it.
Sôlo sabemos que lo hizo.
Did we get it all?
¿ Lo sacamos todo? Porque si no,,
When I was young, we did it all the time.
Cuando era pequeña, lo hacía muchas veces.
Now, if, as you also claim it is God's opinion that we should all make our own decisions and abide by them accordingly then I must also rule that on the basis of the evidence... ... or rather the lack of it that as much as we all may think that what we saw here today was real God did not, in fact, appear here before us.
Ahora, si, como también alega usted opina Dios que tenemos que tomar nuestras propias decisiones y cumplir con ellas entonces también mando que, basado en las pruebas o mejor la falta de ellas que, aunque nos parezca a todos que lo que vimos hoy fue real en realidad, Dios no apareció aquí ante nosotros.
All right, girls, just like we did it in the simulators.
Muy bien, chicas, tal como lo hicimos en los simuladores.
So it appears that if we find Alan Akroy... and make him tell us exactly what he did in that lab... then we can throw away all of our surveillance equipment... and the Explo formula will be ours, free and clear.
Eso quiere decir que si localizamos a Alan Akroy y lo forzamos a que nos diga lo que hizo en ese laboratorio podremos deshacernos de nuestro equipo de vigilancia y la fórmula Explo nos pertenecerá.
The reason I can see it is that some of us, not all of us... Some of us need to justify to ourselves what the fuck we did there.
Lo entiendo porque algunos de nosotros, no todos algunos necesitamos justificar por qué demonios estuvimos ahí.
we all fall down 16
we all love you 31
we all make mistakes 158
we all have secrets 32
we all good 23
we all are 398
we all have problems 17
we all do 427
we all go 23
we all 59
we all love you 31
we all make mistakes 158
we all have secrets 32
we all good 23
we all are 398
we all have problems 17
we all do 427
we all go 23
we all 59
we all set 21
we all know it 33
we all did 260
we all know that 100
we all die 73
we all saw it 27
we all would 18
we all have our secrets 25
we all have them 20
we all have 105
we all know it 33
we all did 260
we all know that 100
we all die 73
we all saw it 27
we all would 18
we all have our secrets 25
we all have them 20
we all have 105
we all were 82
we all know 42
we all agree 23
we all will 42
we all want the same thing 40
we all do it 32
did it work 301
did it hurt 105
did it again 22
did it 665
we all know 42
we all agree 23
we all will 42
we all want the same thing 40
we all do it 32
did it work 301
did it hurt 105
did it again 22
did it 665