What you up to traducir español
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Oh, that's what you're up to.
Eso es lo que estáis haciendo.
Bottoms up. ♪ Well, I know that I've lied to you ♪ What are you drinking to?
De abajo a arriba. ¿ Por qué bebes?
Y-you can wait five, ten, 20 years for the perfect girl to come along to give you the perfect child, but what if she never shows up?
Puedes esperar cinco, diez o veinte años para que aparezca la chica perfecta y darle el hijo perfecto, pero... ¿ y si nunca aparece?
I'm sorry you got jammed up, Danny, but I could not let that bastard skate, so I did what I had to do.
Siento que te hayas visto involucrado, Danny, pero no podía dejar que ese cabrón se escapara, así que hice lo que tenía que hacer.
He must've known what you guys were up to at the bar.
Debía saber que ibáis a ir al bar.
I know what you're up to, I've been warned about you.
Sé lo que tramáis, me han advertido. - ¿ Sí?
As the kids say, it's going to get real up in here, but trust me, after that, once I've guided you through the extremely specific steps in deciding what goes back in the drawer and what gets thrown out,
Como dicen los niños, se va a poner difícil, pero créanme, después de esto, una vez que les haya guiado a través de los pasos específicos para decidir qué vuelve al cajón y que se tira,
What did you have to give up?
¿ A qué has renunciado?
So what, you just show up to class whenever you want?
Así que, ¿ sólo te presentas a clase cuando quieres?
I know what you got up to.
Sé lo que tienes entre manos.
Oi! What do you think you're up to?
¿ Qué crees que haces?
We are taking you right down to that store, and you are gonna march right up to that salesman and apologize for what you did, and for making your father humiliate himself.
Te llevaremos a la tienda te acercarás al vendedor y te disculparás por lo que hiciste y por la humillación de tu padre.
Oh, Raf. What are you up to?
Oh, Raf. ¿ Que piensas hacer?
Well, you'll be happy to know that I also want to go home now. What's up?
Bueno, te alegrará saber que yo también quiero volver a casa ahora. ¿ Qué pasa?
Let's make sure that they are held up as examples to everybody else in law enforcement as to what you do not do, and what the consequences are when you do what you should not do.
FISCAL DE DISTRITO DEL CONDADO DE MANITOWOC De asegurarnos de que fuera un ejemplo para las fuerzas del orden de lo que no se hace y de las consecuencias de hacer lo que no debes.
[Brendan ] Until they heard what they wanted. [ Barb] That's what you need to tell when you get up on the stand.
Eso es lo que tienes que decirles cuando subas al estrado.
"What are you guys up to?"
"¿ Qué están haciendo?".
What were you up to today, Makoto?
¿ Qué hiciste hoy, Makoto?
- What were you guys up to?
- ¿ Qué estaban haciendo?
Don't you know what I've given up to be here?
¿ Siquiera sabe a lo que renuncié para estar aquí?
- What? Are you going to chat all night or are you going to come up and sing with us?
¿ Vas a gritar o vas a venir a cantar?
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
¿ Qué quieres ser cuando seas grande?
I know what you're up to.
Sé lo que están tramando.
Step up to bat and do what you're gonna do.
Pasa al frente y pruebalo.
So good to see you. What's up?
A mí también. ¿ Qué pasa?
What are you really up to?
¿ Qué está tramando?
What is up with me is, I don't want to hear you bitch and moan that your employer makes you act in a professional manner.
Lo que me sucede es que no quiero escucharte quejarte de que tu empleador te pide que actúes de manera profesional.
I'm up all night. I can't sleep because I'm watching this video over and over and over again, screaming at the TV, "Just tell me what you want me to buy!"
Estuve despierto toda la noche, no dormí por mirar el video una y otra vez, gritándole al televisor : "¡ dime qué quieres que compre!".
What are you trying to prove getting up, anyways?
¿ Qué quieres demostrar levantándote?
- What she's trying to say is that if you fix it up a little bit, you can get a little bit more.
- Lo que quiere decir es que si la arreglas un poco, la podrás vender por más dinero.
You don't know what it is to wake up... and grab hold of life every day and fight with it.
No sabes lo que es despertarte y agarrar a la vida todos los días y luchar contra ella.
Well, you know what? He shouldn't have given it to you to fuck up.
Él no debería tener dado a que la cagas.
He also told me even though you've only been at Imperial for three years, that you were bright enough to at least listen to what I was recruiting for before making up your mind.
También me dijo que aunque sólo has estado en Imperial por tres años, que eras lo suficientemente brillante para al menos escuchar por lo que te estoy reclutando, antes de decidirte.
If he doesn't take this fight, you know what's going to end up happening?
Si no acepta este combate, ¿ sabes lo que va a pasar? Va a luchar contra algún don nadie.
I don't know what you're up to and I don't care. I'm just looking for the girl.
No sé qué trama, no me importa.
Speak up. I think you represent to the majority of this committee, what is great about capitalism as opposed to communism.
Creo que para la mayoría de este comité, usted representa lo genial del capitalismo en contraste con el comunismo.
I'll tell you this, if anyone knows what these pigs are up to... - Hey! -... it's Mighty Eagle.
Si alguien sabe lo que se traen es el Águila Poderosa.
What have you been up to tonight?
¿ Qué has hecho toda la noche?
With a professional grade equipment hub... That you didn't purchase, and you never once inquired... As to what they were up to?
Con un centro de equipo profesional, que usted no compró, y ni una sola vez preguntó ¿ qué se proponían?
I did think to about you, growing up what you being like.
Trataba de imaginar al crecer cómo es que serías.
And what you might do well to remember is that the pawn and the king end up in the same box at the end of the game.
Y te haría bien recordar que el peón y el rey terminan en la misma caja al final del juego.
We just blew it because they were supposed to bring you up immediately, and then I was waiting for you for, like, 20 minutes, and I don't really know what happened.
Los estuve esperando 20 minutos.
I got to say, though, Billy, the way you stood up to that arrogant prick in there, now, that, that's what we call in my world "a real movie moment".
Pero tengo que admitirlo, Billy la manera en que confrontaste a ese patán es lo que llamamos "un momento de película".
We were always kinda, you know, a little nervous before each step we went up the ladder. But we didn't realise what was to come.
Siempre estábamos un poco, ya sabes, un poco nervioso antes de cada paso que subíamos en la escalera, pero nunca nos dimos cuenta de lo que estaba por venir.
They had what you have... The will to never give up.
Tenían lo que Ud. tiene... la voluntad de jamás darse por vencidos.
What you want to lock the man up for?
¿ Por qué quieres encerrarlo?
- You know what? Let's go up to $ 10 a box.
Aumentemos a $ 10 la caja.
- Oh, what I want, is for you to stop fucking up.
Lo que quiero, es para que dejes de joder.
Hey, what's up? I need you to come backstage right now and practice the speech.
Debes venir a practicar el discurso ahora.
Now, what you want to do is, you want to lift up.
Está bien. Ahora, lo que tienes que hacer es..
- What are you up to?
¿ Qué tramas?
what you doing 662
what you see is what you get 43
what you gonna do 218
what you're saying 36
what you've done 36
what you mean 171
what you talking about 132
what you looking for 39
what you doing there 22
what you waiting for 35
what you see is what you get 43
what you gonna do 218
what you're saying 36
what you've done 36
what you mean 171
what you talking about 132
what you looking for 39
what you doing there 22
what you waiting for 35