Who would it be traducir español
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"If you could have lunch with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?"
"¿ Si pudiera cenar con cualquiera, vivo o muerto, con quién sería?"
Who would it be, then?
¿ Entonces quién te lo hizo?
If you could have dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be and why?
Si pudieras cenar con una persona, viva o muerta : ¿ Quién sería y por qué?
- who would it be?
- quién sería?
It would be foolish to send a birthday card to a child who doesn't know who sends it.
Sería tonto enviarle una tarjeta de cumpleaños aun niño que no sabe quién la envió.
And I think there are dozens of labels that would be ecstatic to have it and who, if you delivered this record, would call you up and, you know, be excited about it.
Y pienso que hay docenas de sellos que estarían extasiados de tenerlos y quienes, si les entregas este disco, Podrían llamarte y, ya sabes podrían excitarse.
Who would risk it? If the grenade went off, everybody would be killed.
Si la granada se escapaba, todo el mundo moriría.
I don't see very many people who stand by their principles the way that you do, and I truly believe our country would be a better place with you leading it.
No conozco mucha gente que defienda sus principios que si dirigieras nuestro país, sería un lugar mejor.
Anyone who saw you together would realize it's where you're meant to be.
cualquiera hubiera podido darse cuenta de que ahi es donde debes estar
Who thought it would be this?
Sí, ¿ pero quién pensó que iba a ser esto?
They would have seen everything Somebody who nobody on the plane they're not gonna testify against and they're on the payroll It would be against their own interests Except the only one who knew everything
ellos tienen que haber visto todo ninguno de los que iba en el avión iba a testificar contra el que les pagaba estaría en contra de sus intereses excepto para la única persona que sabía todo
- You'd watch it, it would be great- - - l'd give it to a professor who would give it to a student who now runs a studio.
Sería estupendo que lo Vieras y... Se lo diera a mi profesor y él a un alumno que tiene un estudio...
There's always a handful of people who'll think it's bathroom material. But I always held out the naive belief that there would be a reader or two who might find something stimulating beyond easy cultural references.
Habrá quienes piensen que es material para el baño pero siempre tuve la inocencia de creer que uno o dos lectores lo encuentren estimulante, más allá de la referencia cultural.
It would be easier if there was someone I could write to, someone who could write to me.
Y me gustaría... Sería más fácil para mí. Si yo tuviera a alguien a quien pueda escribirle.
It would have to be someone who's had access to this house over the years.
Tendría que ser alguien quien tuvo acceso a esta casa a través de los años.
- According to Charleston, it's done all the time. Yeah, it would be an opportunity to talk with someone who's been through it all and did it successfully.
Según Charlestón, esto se hace todo el tiempo guau, sería una oportunidad para hablar con alguien
If I were to write this down in my diary and I would read it... I would be like,'Who is this freak? This isn't me.
Si anotara esto en mi diario y lo leyera... diría : " ¿ Quién es esta loca?
They would be poets, painters, hack journalists, men and women who sensed a great change coming and were rushing to embrace it.
Iban a ser poetas, pintores, periodistas de poca monta, hombres y mujeres que sentían que se acercaba un gran cambio y tenían prisa por abrazarlo.
The appeasers, Churchill thought, were like men who imagined you could satisfy a ravenous wolf by throwing it a sheep or two, in the hope that when it got to you, it would be full.
Los apaciguadores, pensaba Churchill, eran hombres que imaginaban que uno podía satisfacer a un lobo hambriento dándole una o dos ovejas, con la esperanza de que cuando fuera tu turno, el lobo estaría lleno.
It serves as the foundation, the language of all of the sciences, so it's not just mathematicians who need mathematics, it's all scientists, all physicists, all engineers who need it and you would basically be raising the tide
Es la base fundacional, el lenguaje de todas las ciencias, de modo que no sólo los matemáticos necesitan a las matemáticas, sino todos los científicos, físicos e ingenieros la necesitan y entonces uno hubiera elevado todo el conjunto
No, I called in Dr. Garrison, who agreed that it would be malpractice to allow the pregnancy to continue.
No, llamé a la Dra. Garrison quien coincidió que sería negligente permitir la continuación del embarazo.
You'd hit a woman? No, no, but if there was a woman who could drive me to do it it would be her.
No, no, pero si hubiera una mujer que pudiera llevarme a hacerlo, sería ella.
Who's to say if they weren't having a laugh, it would be...
¿ Quién dice que es malo reírse un poco... quién...
¿ Y quién iba a ser?
You implied it would be better if I was dead and everybody else who knows your little secret.
Sugeriste que estaría mejor muerta... junto con los que conocen tu secretito.
Seems to me that it would be good for him... to practice with a man who can do that.
Me parece que sería bueno para él... practicar con un hombre que sepa hacerlo.
Yeah. I mean, who else would it be?
Sí. ¿ Quién más lo haría?
But if we investigate that something that is deceiving the investigation unit, as well as the man who seems to be the Laughing Man, Nanao A, it would seem that everything should fall into place.
Si averiguamos "quien" es el que está engañando tan bien al equipo de Investigación como quien es Nanao A, quien se supone es el Hombre Sonriente, las respuestas se revelaran solas.
I thought it would be b y making myself known to you. Telling you who I was and apologizing.
Pensé que lo lograría conociéndote, diciéndote quién soy y pidiendo perdón.
It's the man who would be your son-in-law.
Es el hombre que debía ser tu yerno.
- Who else would it be?
- ¿ Quién iba a ser si no?
It is i who would be honored, sir.
Soy yo quién tendrá el honor, señor.
to those who then accused us of relishing that atmosphere it would be easy to reply... the we are keeping ourselves well away from the blackness... and the cunning cruelty of the days to come.... if rather than blurred newspaper clips... today we have a perfect image of the event... we owe this to the eye of one woman.
A quienes nos acusen de que nos complace este ambiente... será fácil responderles... que nos mantuvimos muy lejos de la oscuridad... y la crueldad de los días venideros · ·. Si en vez de tener vagos clichés de prensa... hoy tenemos unas imágenes perfectas de este acontecimiento... es gracias a la mirada de una mujer.
I'd like to introduce Father Mario. He's the priest who's in charge of the elective course on religion. I thought it would be interesting to hear... the church's vision on this point.
Les presento al padre Mario, es el sacerdote que está a cargo del curso electivo de religión, bueno, me pareció interesante que escucháramos la visión... de la iglesia sobre este tema.
I thought if I didn't go... my whole life would be one of sorrow... the life of one who wanted something with all her heart but didn't get it.
Pensé que si yo no me fuese... mi vida entera iba a ser así, una vida de tristeza... una vida de quien quiso de cuerpo y alma, y aún así no se hizo.
Thanks for coming in so late, but I was about to finish my evaluation on Marcus Dixon, and I didn't feel that it would be comprehensive without getting some input from the person who knows him best.
Gracias por venir tan tarde pero estoy terminando mi evaluación sobre Marcus Dixon y sentí que no sería exhaustiva sin algunos datos de la persona que lo conoce mejor.
Well, I would've, but it's Thursday, which means everyone who should be in the weekly briefing is dead.
Bueno, lo haría pero es jueves,... lo que quiere decir que todo el que debería... estar trabajando en la semana está... muerto.
- I guess it would just be a guy who... you know, grabs bananas and runs... or, uh, a banana that grabs things.
Supongo que sería un personaje que arrebata plátanos y huye... o un plátano que arrebata cosas.
So, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you mind if we got the name who sold you the artifact?
Entonces, si no es mucho problema ¿ me podría dar el nombre de la persona que le vendió el artefacto?
If anyone causes even one of the little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea!
Si alguien hace que uno solo de los pequeños que creen en mi peque... seria mejor para él que se colgara una piedra de molino alrededor del cuello... ¡ y se hundiera en el fondo del mar!
Nothing. I mean, it's just- - You know, who would've thought that the skinny, uptight prude I met in my freshman year would be my best friend?
¡ Quién iba a pensar que la mojigata que conocí el primer año iba a ser mi mejor amiga!
At the end of it, the young boy and all who loved him would never be the same.
Al cabo del día, el joven y todos los que lo amaban jamás serían los mismos.
It would mean you used to be a guy who had dreams and ambitions, and though things didn't work out, it'd explain why you're the way you are, and make you human.
Habrías sido un hombre con sueños y ambiciones. Aunque no te hubiera ido bien, habría explicado tu modo de ser... y serías humano.
It would just be peaches. But then it occurred to me a guy who looked a hell of lot like you used to be that guy.
Sería estupendo, pero luego pensé... que el tipo que lo hacía se parecía muchísimo a ti.
Look, if you helped us though, if you led us to them, it would be a message to them... that the brokers are not the only ones who have to follow by the rules, so do the kidnappers.
Si nos ayudara, sería un mensaje para ellos : No sólo los intermediarios deben seguir las reglas. Los secuestradores también.
It would be nice to go to Tribal Council, get rid of Ryan, who is one of the... one of the leaders of the weak.
Estaría bien ir al Consejo de Tribu y echar a Ryan, que es... es uno de los líderes de los débiles.
- Who said it would be a good idea?
Me pareció una buena idea. Esto realmente se está poniendo duro, Claudio.
Would it be out of line if I asked at this juncture who you are and what you're doing in my home?
¿ Estaría fuera de lugar si preguntara en esta coyuntura quién es usted y qué hace en mi casa?
It must be. Who else would ride a thing like that?
Tiene que ser él. ¿ Quién más se montaría en una cosa así?
For once, it would be nice to find a man who wants me for what's in here instead of what's down here.
Por una vez, sería bueno encontrar un hombre que me quiera por lo que está aquí en vez de lo que está aquí abajo.
The door had to be always open, we never knew who would come. Once it was locked and they asked me who I was.
La puerta siempre tenía que estar abierta, porque nunca sabíamos quien se iba a refugiar, y pasaba que a veces yo quería abrir y estaba con llave, y me abrían la puerta y me decían ¿ y usted quién es?
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who would know 21
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who would you pick 16
who would do such a thing 43
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who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would do such a thing 43
who would you choose 19
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who would 60
who would that be 34
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who would do something like that 20
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who would do this 52
it belongs to me 35
it begins 43
it better be good 19
it beats me 19
it belongs to you 21
it better 38
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
it belongs to me 35
it begins 43
it better be good 19
it beats me 19
it belongs to you 21
it better 38
it belongs to us 19
it better not 20
it better be 85
it belonged to my mother 21
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who was there 49
it better not 20
it better be 85
it belonged to my mother 21
who were you with 40
who was it 877
who was that 1077
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who was 108
who was there 49