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Who was with you traducir español

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Who was with you?
¿ Quién estaba con Vd.?
Who was with you, Loui?
¿ Quién estaba contigo, Loui?
Haley you gave up your singing career to be with nathan Who was at least as screwed up as me or sam When you got ahold of him.
Haley, tú renunciaste a tu carrera como cantante para estar con Nathan que estaba al menos tan arruinado como Sam o como yo cuando tú te acercaste a él.
The other day I ran into a friend, who's no longer a friend, and he said he'd smashed the car up. He was in plaster from hip to ankle, so I said : "I can't believe what you've just done", and he says : "Tana, it was an accident... with a stroke of luck".
Yo el otro día, sin ir más lejos, me encontré con un amigo que ahora pasó a ser ex-amigo, y me cuenta que chocó el auto que le quedó hecho percha, que estaba con un yeso del tobillo a la cadera y le digo : "Boludo, qué cagada lo que te pasó, no lo puedo creer" y me dice : "No, Tana, pero vos sabés que dentro de todo fue una desgracia con suerte." Yo, a mí me gustaría que alguno me explique cuál es el concepto de "desgracia con suerte" porque no entiendo cuál fue el componente de "suerte"...
Willie moved from Chicago in here, moved in with his brother, who was still, you know, fresh out of college.
Willie se mudó de Chicago para acá con su hermano, que acababa de terminar la universidad.
I just wish I was the one who could lavish you with expensive dinners.
Sólo esperaba que fuera yo quien te agasajara con cenas fastuosas.
I don't know who that guy was you were leaving your kids with.
No sé para que el chico salga de sus hijos.
You know, there was a time when an artist was somebody who could... paint and write with skill.
Hubo una època... en la que un artista era alguien que podìa... pintar y escribir con habilidad.
Actually, you're the one who was supposed to be eating them at your breakfast meeting with Jorge Navarro.
En realidad, eres el único que se suponía que los iba a comer en tu desayuno con Jorge Navarro.
Mental illness was invented by psychiatrists, because you start with some small thing that would go away on its own, and you end up with a Del Vecchio, who stuffs you with pills.
Te digo que la enfermedad mental es un invento de los psiquiatras, Porque uno comienza con una cosa de nada, Una bobada que podría pasar con el tiempo, y después uno se encuentra con un Del Vecchio cualquiera, que para evitar problemas, te llena de pastillas.
What was the first one? SL Mercedes? Yeah, a brand-new car, that was the first one I bought.
You came down here, presumably, utterly bewildered that there's a bleak airstrip in the middle of England with a man who won't take his helmet off called Stig, who takes you out in a not-very-exciting car with the steering wheel
You came down here, presumably, utterly bewildered that there's a bleak airstrip in the middle of England with a man who won't take his helmet off called Stig, who takes you out in a not-very-exciting car with the steering wheel
LAUGHTER The crazy thing is, I went so far off the track, and then next time around, he was in that same exact spot. I thought, "He's got balls!"
That time at the hospital, it was Na Ae Ra who stayed with you until dawn.
Esa vez en el hospital fue Na Ae Ra la que se quedó con usted hasta que amaneció.
How could I share myself with you if I had no idea who I was?
¿ Cómo podía compartirme contigo si no tenía idea de quién era yo?
All I know is that a man that didn't know who you were was with you in that room for half an hour and came out besotted.
Yo solo sé que un hombre que no sabía quién eras estuvo contigo media hora y salió embobado.
She was beautiful, like you who tells me I worry too much who tells me I ought to smile more who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks.
Era hermosa, como tú. Me decía que me preocupaba demasiado. Me decía que debía sonreír más.
* and you go watch the geek... * braudis : he was a redneck and very popular with the people who controlled this valley then.
El era un campesino bruto, muy popular con la gente que controlaba este valle entonces.
Your friend, who you must have had some intense cross-cultural eye contact with was a terrorist a-hole, who turned out to be a coward who wanted to go to Disneyland.
Y tu amigo, con quien tuviste un intenso contacto era un terrorista que resultó ser un cobarde que quería ir a Disneylandia.
I don't want you to think I'm the kind of guy who tries to impress girls with violence, but that was kind of for you.
No soy de los que tratan de impresionar chicas con violencia, pero eso fue para defenderte.
Who was the woman who got on with you?
¿ Quién era la mujer que iba con Vd.?
I mean, you're in love with April, who used to be in love with Lucas, and then she fell in love with you, but you were in love with Summer, who was always really in love with Hampton.
Estás enamorado de April, ella estaba enamorada de Lucas se enamoró de ti, pero estabas enamorado de Summer que siempre estuvo enamorada de Hampton.
That was around the time you discovered Modigliani and became obsessed with his painting of this woman who had a blue scarf on, holding a baby.
Fue entonces que descubriste a Modigliani. Y te obsesionaste con su pintura de una mujer que tenía un pañuelo azul y sostenía un bebé.
I was with my friend Norah, who you don't know but you would really like her because everybody likes Norah and she left me tonight, which is...
Estaba con mi amiga Norah, A quien tú no conoces pero seguramente te gustaría, porque a todo el mundo le gusta Norah y ella me dejo, cosa que..
All right, who wants to tell me what was going on back there with all of you?
Bien, ¿ quién quiere decirme qué pasaba con todos ustedes allá adentro?
- They were the only people who knew I was going with you.
Ellos eran los únicos que sabían que yo estaba contigo.
Actually, he was the kind of guy who was so wrapped up in his work and research and whatever else, you could be walking around the house with a bloody stump and he wouldn't notice.
De hecho, era del tipo de persona... que está tan involucrada en su trabajo e investigación... y cualquier otra cosa... que podría haber caminado por la casa con un miembro sangrando... y no se habría dado cuenta.
You know who that was. Horsedick. mpeg with the track " I'm-a Love a White Girl';... offhis multi-platinum CD Donkey Dong.
Penedecaballo.MPEG con la pista "Amo a una blanca"... de su CD multiplatino Popó de Burro.
Who was the girl in the park you were with yesterday?
¿ Quién era la chica de ayer en el parque?
Spencer divined it was you who killed Chavez and Loggins and he was gonna go to the Chief with it, so you shot him.
Spencer "adivinó" que eras tú quien mató a Chavez y a Loggins, e iba a ir con la jefa por esto. Así que le disparaste.
You know, when I broke up with you, I tried to find somebody who was the exact opposite of you.
Cuando terminé contigo busqué a alguien que fuera lo opuesto a ti.
You know, you did nail the guy who was messing with Sierra.
Atrapaste al tipo que estaba metiéndose con Sierra.
If you are seen to take the initiative with the ANC... history will always acknowledge it was you who had the statesmanship... and vision to pull this country back, from the brink of civil war.
Si fuera visto tomando la iniciativa con el CNA la historia siempre lo reconocerá como el que tuvo la habilidad política y la visión para sacar a este país hacia atrás del borde de la guerra civil.
So you thought if she was forced to spend some time with you, she would get to know you, see who you really are, and fall in love with you?
¿ Así que pensaste que si se veía obligada a pasar tiempo contigo, llegaría a conocerte, ver quién eres en realidad, y enamorarse de ti?
So, who was this woman that you wanted to have the affair with, anyway?
¿ Quién era esa mujer que te gustaba?
Didn't you { \ guys also } grow up with that weird kid who was related to H.L. Mencken?
¿ No crecieron también con ese chico raro que estaba relacionado con H.L. Mencken?
The mums and dads who've been to see our nativity play know that, er... you know, things can go a little bit wrong with the little ones. Don't expect... I was going to say, don't expect too much.
No espe... iba a decir, que no esperen demasiado, pero, eh... no debí decir eso.
Tell me. Did you just lose your father and discover your mother, who you thought was dead, is really alive and well and living in Pittsburgh with some cowboy?
Dime. ¿ Acabas de perder a tu padre y descubres que tu madre, que pensabas que estaba muerta, está muy viva y bien y viviendo en Pittsburgh con un vaquero?
So, who'd you say Pete was sleeping with?
Y, ¿ con quién dijeron que Pete se estaba acostando?
I mean I was with her for almost a decade. So... You know, who would know me better?
Estuve con ella casi por diez años, así que... ¿ Quién me conocería mejor?
Once upon a time, there was a bad little boy who loved playing with matches, you see, because fire was his only and best friend, but then after the accident, he learned to respect fire, Murph,
Había una vez un niñito mal portado a quien le encantaba jugar con fósforos. Porque el fuego era su único y mejor amigo.
But, you know, Mike was gonna be with someone eventually and I consider myself lucky that it was someone who, after all is said and done, has always been my true friend.
Mike iba a estar con alguien tarde o temprano y me considero afortunada, de que fuera alguien que después de todo lo que pasó, siempre ha sido mi verdadera amiga.
Wait, so you were on a stakeout with connor who was waiting to find out who molly's new boyfriend is.
Espera... Entonces, tú la estabas vigilando con Connor, a quién estaba esperando. Para descubrir quién es el nuevo novio de Molly
And you saw that girl who was with him?
Y viste la chica deliciosa que anda con él?
- Who was you playin'football with?
- ¿ Con quién has estado jugandoal futbol?
Do you know who at school might have had an argument with Ms. McCartney the day she was murdered?
¿ Conoce a alguien que haya podido tener una discusión con la Srta. McCartney el día que fue asesinada?
We're used to hearing about corporate takeovers with for-profit corporations. But this was a non-profit corporate takeover. And the first thing you have to do is remake the board of trustees so you have a compliant board who is on your side.
Estamos acostumbrados a oír adquisiciones corporativas por corporaciones con fines de lucro pero ésta era una adquisición corporativa sin fines de lucro y lo primero que se hace en esos casos es rehacer la junta directiva para tener una directiva conforme que esté de tu parte.
who was that man with you..
¿ Quién era ese hombre que estaba con usted...?
I thought you left town or... got arrested by some cop who was pissed off you slept with his wife.
Te fuiste de la ciudad o... o que te habían detenido porque algún policía se enfureció porque te acostaste con su mujer.
There are people who can play the piano, or singing I was born, like other people from advertising, with the gift of what they feel will make you feel'on'
Hay gente que sabe tocar el piano, o cantar yo nací, como otra gente de la publicidad, con el don de sentir qué es lo que te va a hacer sentir'on'
Our last king, whose image even but now appear'd to us, Was, as you know, by Fortinbras of Norway dared to the combat, in which our valiant Hamlet did slay this Fortinbras, who thus did forfeit, with his life, all these his lands.
Nuestro último rey, cuya imagen acaba de aparecérsenos, como sabéis, fue desafiado por Fortimbrás de Noruega a un combate en el que nuestro valiente Hamlet mató a Fortinbras, el cual perdió junto con la vida, todas sus tierras.
Hey, you wanna beat that guy up who was flirting with Anne on the way to the car?
Bien. Oye ¿ quieres partirle la cara al tipo que estaba coqueteando con Anne cuando salgamos?

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