You'll get it traducir español
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I'll get it for you.
Voy a por ti.
You'll get them back, I swear it.
Usted obtendrá de nuevo, te lo juro.
Gabriel, if you just take it easy, you'll get out quicker and we can play double.
Si lo tomas con calma, saldrás más rápido.
It's my mom's. I'll come back and get it when you're home safe, okay?
Volveré y lo cogeré cuando estés en casa sana y salva, ¿ de acuerdo?
You'll get used to it.
Se van a acostumbrar.
Do I take it you'll try to get revenge on Kansas City, apprehend those responsible?
¿ Supongo que tratarás de vengarte de Kansas City, atrapar a los responsables?
He'll give up and that's the end of it and most of the time you don't even have to do that, but sometimes you get in their face hard, you know?
Se rendirá y ahí se acaba la cosa, y la mayor parte del tiempo ni siquiera tienes que hacer eso, pero a veces te pones duro con ellos, ¿ sabes?
But if we correct the mistake, then you'll get some money back, and it'll be fair.
Pero si corregimos el error, les devolverán dinero y será lo justo.
It comes with a lot of responsibility, Fin, but you'll get used to it, the spotlight.
Viene con mucha responsabilidad, Fin, pero te acostumbrarás a ella, a ser el centro de atención.
♪ I still won't get you back ♪ ♪ and that beer is all I'll have to hold ♪ ♪ and it's cold as you at the end of the telephone line ♪
* y que nunca encontrarás un hombre como yo * * y esa cerveza es lo único que puedo abrazar * * y es tan fría como tu voz al teléfono * * en mitad de la noche *
- You'll get it.
- La tendrás.
Look, it's gettin'late so I'll go upstairs and make up Micah's room for you so you get some sleep.
Se hace tarde así que subiré y te prepararé la habitación de Micah... para que puedas dormir un poco.
Uh, yeah. I'll get it for you.
Si, yo te la traigo.
I agree that the best way to keep the business is to keep your status on your accounts. Oh. And you'll certainly get the respect you desire, now it's just you and me.
Estoy de acuerdo que la mejor manera de mantener el negocio es mantener tu posición en tus cuentas. Y seguro que obtendrás el respeto que deseas, ahora somos solo tú y yo.
Just pull when you get to the barrier, and I'll raise it for you.
Apriete cuando lleguen a la barrera, y lo levantaré.
Maybe you'll finally get it when your girlfriend and the others are chained to this bench, too, because they will be.
Quizá lo entiendas finalmente cuando tu novia y las otras estén atadas a este banco, también, porque lo estarán.
Can I just answer it real quick, and I'll get back to you?
¿ Puedo contestar rápido y luego regreso contigo?
It's ready to flush away at the push of a button - oooohhh - any imprisonable evidence, some of which at least you will need in court, and, trust me, if the button de shit is deployed, then for the little evidence you'll get you might as well do a couple of student flats on a Friday night.
Está listo para expulsar toda evidencia... al pulsarlo, alguna de ellas al menos, se necesitarán en la corte, y créanme, si el botón de mierda es pulsado, entonces, las pruebas que obtendrán... podrían ser de un piso de un par de estudiantes un viernes de noche.
We'll come get you when it's time.
Vendremos a recogerte cuando sea la hora.
~ You'll never get it, Ross.
- Nunca lo conseguirás, Ross.
Tonight, I'm meeting the guy and I'll get it to you.
Esta noche, me reuniré con el sujeto y te lo daré.
Um, well, I'll let you get back to it.
Bueno, te dejo que continúes.
I'll get it. Can I help you?
Yo abro. ¿ Puedo ayudarle?
Why don't you get your camera, so you can take a picture of it and ask how much it'll cost to build?
¿ Por qué no vas por tu cámara para tomarle una foto y preguntar cuánto costaría construirla?
You'll get used to it.
Te acostumbrarás.
So you'll let whoever did this just get away with it?
¿ Dejarás que el que hizo esto se salga con la suya?
Elephants are sensitive creatures and if you just get one, then it'll get lonely.
Los elefantes son criaturas sensibles y si solo tenemos uno, se sentirá solo.
You'll get it back at the end.
Las recuperarán al final.
Well, you can give it to me, and I'll get it copied for you.
Bueno, puedes dármelo a mí y te haré las fotocopias.
But you got it, and we'll get this.
Pero lo conseguiste y ahora conseguiremos esto.
You'll get over it.
Lo vas a superar.
Once you take it, nothing else matters, just how you'll get more.
Una vez que lo tomes, nada más importa, solo cómo conseguirás más.
- You'll get the hang of it in no time.
- Lo verá en nada de tiempo.
If you perform on an ankle like that, there's no telling how much worse it'll get.
Si actúas con el tobillo así, no te diré lo peor que se pondrá.
And I'm guessing that's not the first time you heard somebody say that, so however it is you want to handle this, you need to handle it now, or it'll get handled for you.
Imagino que no es la primera vez que alguien le dice algo así, como sea que quiera solucionar esto tiene que hacerlo ahora, o lo solucionaré yo.
I'll find out, even if I have to carve it out of flesh with a blunt fork, so where did you get it from?
Lo voy a descubrir, incluso si tengo que arrancarte la carne con un tenedor sin filo, ¿ así que de dónde la sacaste?
She'll get to the truth no matter how well you think you're hiding it.
Ella sabrá la verdad no importa que piense lo bien que se la oculte.
If your father dies because of something that you've done, there's a piece of you that will go missing and you'll never be able to get it back.
Si tu padre muere por algo que hiciste habrá una pieza de ti que estará perdida y que nunca serás capaz de recuperar.
Chill, you'll get used to it.
Relájate, te acostumbrarás.
We're going to get someone to come and pick you up but it'll be really helpful if you could tell my officer here everything that happened.
Haremos que alguien venga a buscarte, pero sería muy útil si le pudieras decir al oficial todo lo que sucedió.
I'll find a way to get it to you.
Hallaré la forma de hacértelo llegar.
I'll tell you where he was. He was asking that man not to take another drink, begging that bartender not to serve it to him. He was hoping he'd call a cab, go home with a friend, anything but get behind that wheel.
Te diré dónde estaba, le estaba pidiendo a ese hombre que no bebiera más, le rogaba al camarero que no le sirviera, que llamara a un taxi, que fuera a casa con un amigo, algo que evitara que tomara el volante,
You'll get it back, boss.
Ya lo recuperará, jefe.
If you don't want to do it, if you don't want to go through with this, say the word now, I'll drop you at the bus station, and... get the next bus out of town.
Si no quieres seguir adelante con esto, sólo dilo ahora, te dejaré en la estación de autobuses, y, tomarás el próximo autobús para salir de la ciudad.
This way at least he has a chance of not bleeding out before you get what you need out of him and... it'll hurt like a son of a bitch, so bonus.
Así al menos tendrá una oportunidad de no desangrarse, antes de que le saques lo que necesitas saber y... le dolerá como a un perro, así que será un extra.
It'll keep till you get back.
Esto puede esperar hasta que vuelvas.
You've got to speak up or it'll never get any better.
Tienes que decir algo, o nunca mejorará.
And you'll never get it back.
Lo que quitas, no puedes volver a echarlo.
I think it'll feel less huge once we get some furniture in here, you know?
Creo que va a sentir menos enorme una vez que tengamos algunos muebles por aquí, ¿ sabes?
Say that you'll live with me in the great house with the... Crap kitchen once you get out, which will be soon, but I-I'm gonna wait for you to decorate it because we both know I am terrible in the decorating department.
Digamos que usted va a vivir conmigo en la gran casa con la... cocina basura una vez que salga, que será pronto, pero II'm va a esperar para que usted pueda decorarlo porque ambos sabemos que soy horrible
I mean, how do you know that the universe doesn't have your back. And that every time you mess things up, you'll get a chance to fix it?
Quiero decir, ¿ cómo sabes que el universo no te respalda y que cada vez que estropeas las cosas tendrás una oportunidad para arreglarlo?
you'll get it back 37
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it out of your system 27
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it while it's hot 20
get it off 251
get it going 16
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it while it's hot 20
get it off 251
get it going 16