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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You asked for it

You asked for it traducir español

1,402 traducción paralela
OK, you asked for it.
OK, tu lo pediste.
You asked for it!
¡ Tu te lo buscaste!
Fine. You asked for it.
Bien, ustedes lo pidieron.
You asked for it, slut!
¡ Tú te lo buscaste maldita puta!
- You asked for it!
- ¡ Tú lo has querido!
- You asked for it.
- Tú te lo buscaste.
You asked for it, I'm calling my friend!
Tú lo has querido, llamaré a mi amigo!
You asked for it!
¡ Tú te lo has buscado!
You asked for it.
Tú lo has querido.
Well, you asked for it, you got it.
Bueno, lo pediste y lo recibiste.
[Freddy] Okay, you asked for it.
Muy bien, te lo buscaste.
- Okay, you asked for it.
- Tú te lo buscaste.
- You asked for it.
- Te lo buscaste.
"You asked for it..."
" Pediste por esto...
- "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota."
- Lo pediste, lo tienes, Toyota.
"You asked for it..."
"Lo pediste..."
OK, you asked for it!
¡ Tú lo has querido, Bruce Lee!
You asked for it.
Tú lo pediste.
- Well, you asked for it, you got it.
Bueno, lo pediste, aquí lo tienes.
You asked for it and now...
O sea, me preguntas, y ahora...
You asked for it.
Si quiere.
All right, you asked for it!
Bueno, usted se lo ha buscadol! ¡ No!
You asked for it.
Tú te lo has buscado.
You asked for it, man.
Tú te lo has buscado, tío.
All of you asked for it and I did it!
Todos ustedes me lo pidieron y lo hice!
All right, you lot, you've asked for it.
Bien, vosotros lo habéis querido.
She asked for you but she came to me trial because it was a murder case. Coincidentally, right?
Ella le preguntó por ti, pero ella vino a mí juicio porque se trataba de un caso de asesinato.
You know. they asked for things. we gave it to them.
Saben, ellos nos pidieron cosas y nosotros se las dimos a ellos.
You asked for it!
¡ Lo habeis querido!
I told you not to bother me, now you've asked for it
Os he pedido que no me hicierais enfurecer, ¿ cómo os atrevéis?
Well, I've asked them back tonight, and you'd better be ready for it.
Bueno, les pedí que vuelvan esta noche, y mejor que estés preparada.
You get on the phone right now. Get on the phone and tell them that I want to be in the Faust Suite. It's the one I asked for.
Llama por teléfono y diles que quiero la suite Faust.
It is what you asked for.
Usted lo pidió.
When I asked for it, I was turned down. How come you got it?
Cuando le pedí, me negó ¿ Cómo es que te io dio?
I asked them to set it up for you.
Te lo mandaron hoy.
It must be twig... We would have written notes for you if you just asked us.
Hubiese sido mejor que hubiéramos escrito notas para ti si tan solo lo hubieras pedido.
Do you agree? - Sure, he asked for it.
- ¿ Estáis de acuerdo vosotros?
We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
¡ Te lo pedí en la tienda!
Dirce, you asked for the Erebus test and you got it.
Dirce, pediste la prueba Erebus, y se te concedió.
is it true you asked for help on this case?
¿ Es verdad que solicitó ayuda en este caso?
But you said... she asked for it.
Pero dijiste... ella me lo pidió.
I trust my map to the street you asked for was satisfactory? It was.
¿ Confío en que el mapa que le hice resultó satisfactorio?
- You asked a girl for her number and you tore it up.
- Le pediste el número y lo rompiste.
You asked for nothing and got it all. Success!
No pedías nada y lo tienes todo. ¡ El éxito!
Look, you asked for cash, I provided it.
Pediste efectivo.
You work for me, too. When I ask you to do something, you are to do it immediately, no questions asked!
Nina trabajas para mi y cuando te digo que hagas algo, lo haces inmediatamente sin preguntar
I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you guys asked for it.
No quería llegar a esto, pero vosotros lo habéis querido.
Lo haria y...
The man you asked us to look out for was on it.
El hombre que dijo estaba a bordo.
I have never asked you for anything but you took away my honor and only you can give it back.
Nunca te he pedido nada pero me has arrebatado el honor y solo tú puedes devolvérmelo.
The only thing I asked you to do for this party was put on clothes and you didn't do it.
Lo único que te he pedido que hicieras es que te vistieras y no lo has hecho.

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