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If I could help you with this, don't you think I would've already?
Si pudiera ayudarte con esto, ¿ no crees que ya lo haría?
But I am not who you think I am.
Pero no soy quien crees que soy.
Listen, do you think you could loosen these a little?
Escucha, ¿ crees que podrías soltarlos un poco?
Whatever you think is fair, let me know.
Lo que usted piensa es justo, hágamelo saber.
Do you think that's enough?
¿ Crees que es suficiente?
Look, how-how late do you think this thing is gonna go?
Mira, ¿ cuánto crees que va a tardar esta cosa?
How do you think he pulled that off?
¿ Cómo creen que él la atrajo?
Where do you think it's taking us?
- ¿ Dónde crees que nos llevará?
And where do you think you're going to, young man?
¿ Dónde crees que vas, jovencito?
You think his heart's down here?
- ¿ Crees que su corazón esté aquí?
Look, you clean it up, the place is yours. What do you think?
Mira, si lo limpias, este lugar es tuyo. ¿ Qué te parece?
- You think you need more time...
- ¿ Necesitas más tiempo o...?
What time you think the kids are gettin'up?
¿ A qué hora se van a levantar los niños?
[belches] What do you think?
¿ Qué opinan?
What do you think?
¿ Qué opinan?
Think you can help me out, Stu?
¿ Crees que puedes ayudarme, stu?
Well, you might think of it as a kind of alternative therapy.
Bueno, podrías pensar en ello como una especie de terapia alternativa.
And don't think that I don't know that you don't have a rescue dog.
Y no pienses que no sé que no tienes un perro de rescate.
And contrary to what you might think,
Y contrariamente a lo que se podría pensar,
Think about what mom would say if she could see you right now.
Piensa en lo que mamá diría si pudiera verte ahora mismo.
Can you just stop for a second and think about what she'd say?
¿ Puedes parar un momento y pensar en lo que diría?
You don't think he could have something to do with this, do you?
No crees que pueda tener algo que ver con esto, ¿ verdad?
I think that you have the wrong person.
Creo que tienes la persona equivocada.
I want you to think very carefully about your next move.
Quiero que pienses muy cuidadosamente Acerca de su próximo movimiento.
I honestly think you're gonna dig this place.
Sinceramente creo que vas a cavar este lugar.
You might wanna think about trying to fix that thing on top of your head.
Podrías pensar en tratar de arreglar esa cosa encima de tu cabeza.
I think you're afraid to tell me.
Creo que tienes miedo de decírmelo.
I think you're afraid to tell me because it's true and because you want me to like you.
Creo que tienes miedo de decirme porque es cierto Y porque quieres que te guste.
Because I think everything you've said is bullshit.
Porque pienso que todo lo que has dicho es una mierda.
What I think is that you like being in control.
Lo que creo es que te gusta tener el control.
I think you like tying people up.
Creo que te gusta atar a la gente.
I think you like feeling big.
Creo que te gusta sentirte grande.
Oh. I think it makes you look like a'70s porn star.
Creo que te hace ver como una vieja estrella porno.
- what you really think of us.
- lo que realmente piensan de nosotros.
I don't think I'm talking out of school to say you might be eligible for release soon.
No creo equivocarme al decir... que podrías estar apta para salir pronto.
You really think you can climb that alone?
¿ En serio crees poder treparlo?
You don't think I've swung from masts before?
¿ Crees que no me he balanceado del mástil?
You might not think this story's true. But I know that it is.
Tal vez no creas que esta historia es real, pero yo sé que lo es.
You may think that you can stop me, but that doesn't mean the Final Battle is over.
Crees que puedes detenerme, pero eso no detendrá la Batalla Final.
Did you really think it was gonna be that easy?
¿ Creíste que sería tan fácil?
I think this belongs to you.
Creo que esto es tuyo.
Well, I think you'd rather wear a ball gown down Main Street than do me any favours.
Creo que preferirías exhibirte en vestido de gala por toda la calle principal que hacerme favores.
I would never have kissed him if I didn't think that you were dead.
Jamás lo habría besado de no pensar que estabas muerto.
She wants you to think she's indifferent.
Quiere que pienses que es indiferente.
- What you saw... do you really think it was her ghost?
- Lo que viste... ¿ De verdad crees que era su fantasma?
Think I'll just leave you alone so you can be visited by your three ghosts.
Te voy a dejar solo para que vengan a visitarte tus tres fantasmas.
I think you're gonna surprise yourself with how ready you are.
Pero creo que te sorprenderá lo preparado que estás.
I just want you guys to think that that's how big my pussy is.
Quiero que imaginen que mi vagina es así de grande.
And I don't want you guys to think I'm not giving.
No piensen que no lo hago.
I think you've got to go down.
Creo que es necesario.
And I don't think I'm any better now. You guys, I hope you know.
No piensen que me creo mejor que nadie.
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22