You think that traducir español
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- Why do you think that is?
- ¿ A qué crees que se deba?
- And what makes you think that?
Nos llamará. ¿ Por qué crees eso?
What do you think that was?
¿ A qué crees que se debió?
Sir, do you think that we should not risk this action or do you not trust me to lead it?
Señor, ¿ cree que no deberíamos arriesgarnos con la acción o no confía en mí para que la dirija?
You think that'll satisfy Walker, huh?
¿ Crees que eso satisfará a Walker?
Anyway, the only question that I do have is do you think that I can be dating someone who's...
En fin, mi única pregunta es si debo salir con alguien que...
You think that would spice up the book? Catherine's forbidden affair with your Secret Service agent.
¿ El amor prohibido de Catherine con su agente del Servicio Secreto?
- Ma'am, do you think that Mike - could benefit from closer supervision? - She's not wrong.
Señora, ¿ no sería mejor vigilar más de cerca a Mike?
You think that this shit looks real?
¿ Crees que esta mierda parece real?
You think that means nothing?
¿ Crees que eso no significa nada?
You think that, uh,'cause you take down a big car company that there's a conspiracy underneath every rock?
¿ Crees que, como conseguiste destapar una grande y corrupta compañía de autos, hay una conspiración por todos lados?
You don't think that's what Chuck really wants?
¿ No crees que Chuck quiere esto?
You really think people have a problem with that
¿ Eso le importa a la gente hoy en día?
You can't think it works that way.
No puedes pensar que funciona así.
- Hey. You know, I think that you're not going to the party because of me, which pleases me in a way that it probably shouldn't.
Oye, creo que no vas a la fiesta por mi causa lo que me complace más de lo que probablemente debería.
- I think you know me well enough to know the answer to that question. - Is it true?
¿ Es verdad eso?
She helped them clean out their closets, and you wouldn't think that that was the toughest thing, but the way they wept when they found a favorite t-shirt or an old varsity jacket or a wedding suit.
Las ayudó a limpiar sus armarios uno no pensaría que eso es difícil pero vaya forma en que lloraban cuando encontraban su camisa favorita una vieja chaqueta o su traje de boda.
Do you really think that's the problem?
¿ Crees que ese es el problema?
Because your background tells me you're an intelligent... a good person, so I'm just gonna come out and ask. And you think I fit that description? Yes.
- ¿ Crees que yo cumplo el perfil?
You think I can't control this, or you? That you're teaching me some, some fucking lesson?
¿ Crees que no puedo controlar esto o a ti que me estás enseñando una maldita lección?
You think you can do better than that?
¿ Crees que lo podrías hacer mejor?
Huh? You really think Nick can handle something like that?
¿ De verdad crees que Nick puede soportar algo así?
Well, that's, uh... That's well and good, but I think you're gonna stay within the fence.
Bueno, eso es... bueno, pero creo que te quedarás en la reja.
What'd you think of that new sign-off?
¿ Qué tal la despedida?
- Quartie, I'm a country girl. I think you keep forgetting that like you forgot to clean up that oil spill of yours in the Gulf. - Uh-huh.
Quartie, soy campesina.
- Excuse me. I tell you, if more people would've seen that side of you during the election, my God, you would've gotten their vote and you would've gotten mine. I think you probably would've won.
Si te hubieran visto así durante las elecciones todos habríamos votado por ti y hasta habrías ganado.
- Absolutely. I mean, you should be honored that I would think your story was special enough to even consider using it.
Claro, deberías estar honrado de que me pareciera tan especial tu relato que hasta considerara usarlo.
You'd think that'd count for something.
Debería contar por algo.
I didn't think that you drank.
Creía que no bebía.
Your dad's strict, but you really think he'd do something like that?
Tu padre es estricto, ¿ pero de verdad crees que haría algo así?
Uh, I think that was directed at you, Max.
Creo que eso iba dirigido a ti, Max.
You think your mom needs help putting out that macaron?
¿ Crees que tu madre necesita ayuda para sacar esos macarones?
I have a hobby that I haven't told you about because I don't think it's something you'll like.
Tengo una afición de la que no te he hablado porque no creo que sea algo que te vaya a gustar.
Now think about that before you question me again.
Ahora piénsenlo antes de cuestionarme otra vez.
You don't think that's weird?
¿ No crees que es extraño?
Do you think you can help with that?
¿ Crees que nos puedas ayudar?
Don't you think you should have told me that in the interview?
¿ No crees que me debiste haber dicho eso en la entrevista?
What if you dropped out of med school before becoming America's favorite TV doctor... although, come to think of it, that was probably House,
que tal si tu sales antes de la secundaria Antes de ser el doctor de TV favorito... Aunque, llegado a pensar que era probablemente la casa,
I don't think you should make that decision that quickly.
Yo no pienso tu deberias tomar esa decision tan rapido.
Do you think, by ditching your mask and gloves that you're protected?
Tu piensas, que por tirar tu mascara y guantes estas a salvo?
Do you really think that the jury is gonna believe...
Realmente piensas que el jurado lo va a creer...
Do you think those cops are talking to that guard for no reason?
No creo esos polis Estan hablando con ese guardia sin razon alguna?
- I don't think you're allowed to do that.
No creo que puedas hacer eso aquí.
Like think that you know better what's in my mind than I do?
¿ Crees que sabes lo que pienso mejor que yo?
Honestly, this is something that I think I've been thinking for a long time and I just haven't been able to... to say anything because of who you are.
Sinceramente, es algo que he estado pensando durante mucho tiempo pero no he podido hablarte de ello... por quien eres.
What do you think about that?
¿ Qué te parece?
- No, I think you should do that.
- No, creo que deberías hacerlo tú.
Yes, I think you made that clear by inviting him for a naked swim.
Sí, creo que lo dejaste claro al invitarle a nadar desnudo.
I mean, you don't think it means something that we tested well.
Es decir, no crees que signifique algo que se nos diera bien.
You don't think that limo driver's gonna eat the rest of my coleslaw, do you?
No creéis que el chófer de la limusina se vaya a comer el resto de mi ensalada de col, ¿ no?
Do you think it's okay to keep that from us?
¿ Crees que está bien que no lo sepamos?
you think that's a good idea 37
you think that's funny 150
you think that's bad 20
you think that i 17
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think that's funny 150
you think that's bad 20
you think that i 17
you think you're better than me 60
you think you know me 62
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you think too much 36
you think i'm lying 56
you think you can handle that 27
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i won't 28
you think i'm a fool 21
you think about it 93
you think i'm kidding 31
you think this is a game 37
you think you're so smart 30
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm joking 22
you think 2028
you think i won't 28
you think i'm a fool 21
you think about it 93
you think i'm kidding 31
you think this is a game 37