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You worried traducir español

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You worried about the sex tape?
¿ Te preocupa el video sexual?
You worried about what's gonna happen to your dad?
Te preocupa lo que le ocurra a tu papá?
Are you worried he might have?
¿ Le preocupa que podría tener?
Are you worried about her?
¿ Te preocupa?
What are you worried about?
¿ Qué es lo que te preocupa?
Well, I was jealous of you and how much attention you got, how much Mom and Dad worried about you.
Bueno, Yo estaba celosa de ti y de cuanta atención tenias, lo mucho que mama y papa se preocupaban por ti.
We should be worried about that because where's it going to be 20 years from now? I just wanted it all, fucking there and then, you know what I mean?
Debemos estar preocupado por eso porque ¿ Donde vamos a estar de aquí a 20 años? Yo lo quería todo, sabes lo que quiero decir?
Are you actually worried about me?
¿ De verdad estás preocupado por mí?
- Reason for you to be pretty worried, I imagine?
- ¿ Imagino que eso lo preocupó?
You're worried about me?
Estás preocupado por mí?
Because from where I'm standing, you're the one I should be worried about.
porque desde donde estoy mirando, eres el único del que debería preocuparme.
Why are you even worried about her hands right now?
¿ Por qué te importan sus manos?
- She's worried about you.
- Ella está preocupada por ti.
I'm glad you're safe. I was worried about you.
Me preocupé por ti.
Everyone was worried about you, you know.
Todos estaban preocupado por ti.
Look, you're worried about your boy.
Mira, te preocupa tu hijo. Lo entiendo.
Now, your roommates aren't going to be worried about you, being away for the weekend?
¿ Tus compañeras de habitación no van a preocuparse por ti por estar fuera el fin de semana?
I know you're worried about me, but sitting around the house worrying isn't going to help anyone.
Sé que te preocupas por mí, pero quedarte en casa preocupándote no me ayudará.
Just thinking about how much we could accomplish if people weren't so close-minded. You're worried about him again, aren't you?
pienso lo que podriamos lograr si las personas no fuera de mente cerrada estas preocupado por él, verdad?
I was worried about you.
Estaba preocupada.
Well, you tell us what's going on, and we get worried, that's all.
Bueno, nos cuentas lo que sucede y nos preocupamos, eso es todo.
You are worried I'm here to make troubles for you. No.
- Teme que vaya a traer problemas.
You know, I'm a little worried about Alan.
Me preocupa Alan.
Worried you were out there alone, afraid.
Estaba preocupado de que estuvieras ahí fuera sola, asustada.
It's you I'm worried about.
Eres tú quien me preocupa.
Your dad, he's been real worried about you...
Tu padre ha estado realmente preocupado por ti...
You are literally impervious to bullets and I'm worried for your safety right now.
Eres literalmente insensible a las balas y temo por tu seguridad ahora.
Is that what you're worried about?
¿ Eso es lo que les preocupa?
She found out your little secret, and you were worried Janine would too.
Descubrió tu secretito y temías que Janine también lo hiciera.
You're not worried about getting jammed up for harassment?
¿ No teme que le amonesten por acoso?
I, I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but... it's up to you.
Mira, mentiría si dijera que no estoy preocupada, pero... depende de ti.
Call as soon you hear this, mother is worried.
Llama tan pronto oigas esto, mamá está preocupada.
Oh, I was so worried about you.
Oh, yo estaba muy preocupada por ti.
I was worried you'd all be gone.
Me preocupaba que os hubieseis marchado.
That's what you're worried about?
¿ Eso es lo que te preocupa?
We didn't tell you'cause we were worried you might blow the surprise.
No te dijimos porque temíamos que pudieras arruinar la sorpresa.
She's probably worried sick about you.
Seguramente esté muy preocupada por ti.
You don't seem the slightest bit worried.
No pareces preocupado en absoluto.
You- - you're worried about your kid's biology test?
¿ Estáis preocupados por el examen de biología de vuestro hijo?
I appreciate you guys being worried.
Les agradezco que se preocupen por mí.
Your mom's worried about you, buddy, even though there's absolutely no reason to be...
Tu madre está preocupada por ti, colega, aunque no haya ningún motivo para...
You're not worried about being seen here with a Democrat?
No está preocupado por ser visto aquí con un demócrata?
I'm fine, I'm just worried about you guys.
Yo estoy bien, solo estoy preocupado por ustedes, chicos.
You're worried about the crappy kiss.
Estás preocupado por el beso de mierda.
If you're that worried about it,
Si usted es esa preocupado por eso,
They must have been worried you wouldn't understand the questions.
Les debería preocupar que no entendieras las preguntas.
I was worried that you were a minor.
Estaba preocupado de que fueras una menor.
I would still be worried if I were you.
Todavía estaría preocupado si fuera usted.
If I just stayed around and worried and did nothing, you'd have a dead body now.
Si me quedaba quieta y preocupada y sin hacer nada... ahora tendría una cadáver.
Hey, how can you be worried about your patients?
Oye, ¿ cómo puedes estar preocupada por tus pacientes?
You're worried about me?
¿ Está preocupado por mí?

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