And meanwhile traducir francés
871 traducción paralela
And meanwhile I can talk to you.
Pendant ce temps, on parlera.
And meanwhile, mother will make you very welcome.
Maman s'occupera de toi.
And meanwhile,... secretly,... nature was preparing the fate.
Et pendant ce temps, en secret, la nature, elle, prépare le destin.
We oughtn't to hurt curtis any more than we have to, and meanwhile, we'll have days like this together, oh, darling, so many days.
Sois patient. Ne faisons pas davantage de mal à Curtis. Nous aurons beaucoup d'autres journées comme celle-ci.
And meanwhile, bad people triumph and good people always lose.
Mais les méchants triomphent et les bons perdent toujours.
And meanwhile, I sleep in bathtubs?
Et en attendant, je dors dans les baignoires?
They will, of course, be replaced, and meanwhile, the authorities will be happily deluded into believing that we have been rendered impotent.
Pendant ce temps, nous tromperons les autorités qui croiront nous avoir rendus impuissants.
You've the right to dance and look into his eyes, and meanwhile...
On danse, on a le droit. On se regarde dans les yeux. Et pendant ce temps-là...
And meanwhile, the police are searching his room.
... des policiers fouillent la chambre de René.
And meanwhile, I'll clear everything off here.
Pendant ce temps, je vais tout nettoyer.
And meanwhile, peace!
Je vous ordonne la paix...
And meanwhile, everyone who sees me, everyone who hears me, everyone who knows me,
Et, en attendant, à tous ceux qui me voient, à tous ceux qui m'entendent à tous ceux qui me connaissent,
Meanwhile, Maciste and the young girl have arrived in town.
Entre-temps, Maciste et la jeune femme sont arrivés en ville.
Meanwhile, raise some steam and pull the whistle.
Bien, capitaine. En attendant, fais monter la pression et joue du sifflet pour qu'ils prennent patience.
Meanwhile, beyond the Chaco jungle, the Commander in Chief of the Paraguayan Army shares the suffering of his troop and takes it to victory.
Au même moment, dans les jungles du Chaco, le Commandant en Chef des Armées partage la souffrance de ses troupes, et les mènent à la victoire.
Meanwhile we'II take with us your gun and ammunition, axes, et cetera.
Entre-temps, nous prendrons votre fusil, vos munitions, vos haches.
- Meanwhile, we sit back and wind up broke.
On perd de l'argent.
Meanwhile, time presses and we've work to do outside before it gets too late.
D'ici là, nous avons à faire avant la tombée de la nuit.
Meanwhile, I'll try to find Hendricks and send him for the police.
En attendant, je vais demander à Hendricks... de prévenir la police.
Meanwhile, see if you can't interest Mr. Haverstock... in some eggs and bacon.
C'est très important. Ceci ne prendra pas longtemps. En attendant, propose des œufs et du bacon à M. Haverstock.
Jimmie'll call me, and I'll tell him you're here. Meanwhile, watch out for Sargent.
Quand Jimmy arrivera, je lui dirai où vous êtes allés.
Go ahead and insist. Meanwhile, I'll continue settling my own problems in my own way.
Exige ce que tu veux, mais je vais continuer à régler mes problèmes comme je l'entends.
Meanwhile, Captain, goodbye and good luck to you and your men.
D'ici là, capitaine, au revoir et bonne chance à vous et à vos hommes.
Meanwhile, I'm running this outfit, and I expect to give the orders.
En attendant, c'est moi qui dirige et qui donne les ordres.
Meanwhile, Burrito and I were, uh, uh, jockeying for position.
Pendant ce temps-là, Burrito et moi... on essayait de se placerjudicieusement.
Meanwhile, our attacks have continued without a pause since June the 15th... and have laid much of the British capital in ruins.
Notre attaque s'est poursuivie sans discontinuer depuis le 15 juin, transformant la majeure partie de Londres en ruines.
Go on. Meanwhile, if God's good to me... and I manage to make it down there, I'll be waiting for you.
Si Dieu le permet, et que j'arrive à aller là-bas, je vous y attendrai.
Meanwhile,'Ntoni has convinced his family to mortgage the house for cash... and now explains to his friends... how they too can work on their own like the Valastros... to throw off their yoke.
[En attendant, Antonio, qui a réussi à convaincre les siens,.. ] [.. veut faire comprendre à ses amis.. ] [.. que eux aussi peuvent faire comme les Valastro..]
Meanwhile,'Ntoni and his brothers, the young men of the family... haven't yet fully grasped... the extent of their misfortune.
[Alors qu'Antonio et ses frères, les jeunes,.. ] [.. ne mesurent peut-être pas encore l'étendue de leur malheur.]
Meanwhile they're going to say the worst things about us : That the only kind of guests that come here,... are libertines and parasites, cheats, thieves,... and now murderers.
On va encore dire sur mon compte que je n'ai comme convives que des débauchés, des pique-assiettes, des tricheurs, des parasites.
Meanwhile, try and find a way out, an absolving idea.
En attendant, trouve une idée qui nous sauve.
Meanwhile, you run along and take good care of yourself.
En attendant, partez et prenez soin de vous.
Meanwhile, with their beachheads irretrievably secured... Allied tanks and men had fanned out across France... and begun their race for the Rhine.
Pendant ce temps, avec leurs têtes de pont irrémédiablement conquises, les chars et troupes alliés se déployaient dans toute la France en direction du Rhin.
Meanwhile Freddy held his broken hand And felt quite ill at ease
Freddy tenait sa main cassée Et n'osait plus la ramener
It's probably waiting for us around the next corner. Go and have a look... and leave me your gun, meanwhile.
Allez voir après le virage et laissez-moi votre arme.
Meanwhile, the yard chiefs continue to work in calm and imperturbable harmony.
Les chefs de la police travaillent dans le calme et l'harmonie.
Meanwhile, you can sleep in my truck for tonight and you with my mother.
Que j'aille à la mairie. Pour cette nuit... toi tu dors sur le camion.
meanwhile I want you to evacuate all women and children and men over 60.
Entre-temps, evacuez Ies femmes, Ies enfants et Ies hommes de plus de 60 ans.
meanwhile, two of Patton's tank units have been diverted towards Bastogne and are trying to...
Deux unités de chars ont opéré une diversion en direction de Bastogne...
- Yes! Meanwhile, I shall telephone to the police anonymously, Harry, and tell them about that stableboy.
De mon côté, je vais appeler la police de façon anonyme
And in the meanwhile I'll tell you what Uncle Nat will do.
En attendant, écoute ce que va faire tonton Nat.
In the meanwhile, how about buying you and Dobbs a drink for the road?
En attendant, vous et Dobbs, buvez un verre avant de partir.
Well, come along and watch this, meanwhile.
En attendant, venez donc voir ça.
Meanwhile, on the salton sea, crewmen Johnson and Sanders were headed out to meet lt. Hollister.
Sur la mer de Salton, les membres d'équipage Johnson et Sanders allaient à la rencontre du lieutenant Hollister.
Meanwhile, Jeannie grew up the image of her mother, vain, fickle and spoiled.
Et Jeannie grandissait, toute l'image de sa mère, vaine, capricieuse, gâtée.
- Meanwhile, I'll require quarters... for Mr. Heusken, my interpreter, three Chinese servants, and myself.
- En attendant j ´ ai à loger mon interprète - En attendant... M. Heusken trois serviteurs chinois et moi-même.
And now, meanwhile, all that is left to us, to our section is to go forward and fight and kill men like him, like ourselves.
En attendant, tout ce qu'il reste à la section, c'est de se battre, de tuer des gens comme lui, des gens comme nous.
Meanwhile, I putter around the house and go out to do my shopping.
Pendant ce temps, je reste à tourner dans la maison.
Meanwhile, you'll be sent to Cordura. And stay there until we get the telegraph from the War Department approving it.
Vous allez retourner à Cordura... pour y rester jusqu'à ce qu'on ait l'arrêt du Ministère.
Meanwhile they just shot another man and we've waited 3 months!
Ils ont encore tué quelqu'un. Ca fait trois mois qu'on attend.
Meanwhile, I lost my handyman, and I have a lot of work to do.
En attendant, il y a du travail ici. Je viens de perdre mon ouvrier.
meanwhile 1776
and merry christmas 27
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and my sister 48
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and merry christmas 27
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and my sister 48
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and my best friend 18
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and mine 189
and my brother 55
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and mrs 1140
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and mine 189
and my brother 55
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and mrs 1140
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my friend 37
and my mom 49
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and maybe 206
and my dad 65
and mr 568
and mom 52
and my brother lives with them 20
and my friend 37
and my mom 49
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and maybe 206
and my dad 65
and mr 568
and mom 52