As i was saying traducir francés
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As I was saying, Alvin, of course, I always figured on marrying you and Gracie myself, but I ain't one to take the job away from the Governor of the State.
Donc, je voulais vous marier, Gracie et toi. Mais le gouverneur veut aussi. Je le laisse faire.
Well, as I was saying, Baron, I am thoroughly familiar... with every detail of your investment in your airline.
Comme je disais, Baron, je suis bien au courant... de tous les détails de votre investissement dans votre compagnie aérienne.
As I was saying, page 27.
Comme je disais, page 27
Now, as I was saying... I told her we were all washed up. She sent me three or four letters, but I didn't answer them.
Comme je vous le disais... je lui ai dit que tout était fini et n'ai pas répondu à ses lettres.
As I was saying, the first lesson to be derived from this present war is the futility of a stationary defence.
Je disais que... cette guerre prouve le caractère illusoire d'une défense fixe.
As I was saying, I got off the bus and I suddenly remembered that Vin was due down from Oxford tomorrow.
Je suis descendue du bus... et je me suis souvenue que Vin rentrait d'Oxford demain.
Mais comme je le disais, avec l'avènement de la prohibition, nombre de mes clients commencèrent à remplir des tombes prématurées.
- As I was saying...
- Je disais...
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Je disais donc, meille sewell m'a dit que vous aviez joué aux cartes à l'ambassade d'allemagne, avec le jeune phili von ramme et sam chandler, qui est un parent et a toujours fait scandale.
As I was saying, I've been in the theatre a number of years and...
Je disais que je travaille dans le théâtre depuis...
- As I was saying, I've been in the theatre...
- Donc, je suis dans le théâtre...
As I was saying, we'd hate to see the policies lapse. Of course, we give them 30 days. That's all we're allowed to give.
Nous avons prolongé sa police de 30 jours, mais c'est le maximum.
As I was saying, it is very easy to take one person as another.
Comme je le disais, M. Rashleigh, il est très facile de prendre une personne pour une autre.
As I was saying, it was a shame to throw her out.
Ça aurait été dommage de la mettre dehors.
Now, as I was saying...
Comme je disais...
As I was saying, what am I doing here with these kids?
Comme je disais, je n'ai rien à faire au milieu de ces gosses.
Now, as I was saying, if it was up to me I'd concentrate on Dilling's chauffeur.
Moi, je me concentrerais sur le chauffeur de Dilling.
Well, as I was saying, Mr Novak, there is an element of risk involved.
Comme je vous le disais, vous présentez très peu de garanties.
- Well, gentlemen, as I was saying... there I was, besieged on all sides... the citizens to the front, the howling investors behind me... the sheriff's men closing in.
Comme je vous le disais, j'étais là, cerné de toutes parts. Les citoyens devant, les investisseurs derrière. Les hommes du shérif tout près.
As I was saying, you ought to be more sunburned.
J'ai dit : Vous devriez être bronzé.
As I was saying to Mr. Wanzer, I prefer regular guests,... although one earns less than with comers and goers. Beacuse, you know, they dirt everywhere...
Comme je l'ai dit à M. Wanzer je préfère clients réguliers, mais gagnent moins que ceux qui vont et viennent, parce que, comme vous le savez, tout ce gâchis.
As i was saying, i went to the farm.
- Je suis allé à la ferme. - Il y était?
As I was saying, I also ordered lunch and dinner while we're here.
J'en ai profité pour commander aussi nos repas pour ces jours-ci, tant que nous serons ici.
- As I was saying... - Are you a bridesmaid?
- Vous êtes demoiselle d'honneur?
So as I was saying...
Tu vois, comme je te disais...
As I was saying, about the housekeeping money, it's no good going through his pockets, he hides his money.
Et il cache son argent, inutile de lui faire les poches. Pas vrai?
As I was saying...
Comme je vous le disais...
As I was saying, Stevenson, according to our information- - and we have accurate sources- - since you decided to disassociate yourself from us... you've accumulated quite a stock... of which you have been able to dispose of only one-third.
Comme je disais, Stevenson, d'après nos informations... et nous avons des sources très exactes... depuis que vous avez décidé de nous séparer... vous avez accumulé une vraie réserve... et vous avez été capable de vous débarrasser d'un tiers seulement.
As I was saying, I came to show you that with a lot of hard work, you can triumph.
Je disais donc : je suis rentré partager mon humble réussite gagnée à la sueur de mon front...
Well, as I was saying... or rather, as I was hoping I would be able to say... the purpose of any summation in any "lourt" of "caw"... in any court of "caw"...
Comme je le disais... ou espérais pouvoir le dire... tout rappel des arguments... devant tout Britunal... Tubrinal...
Besides, as I was saying yesterday, long have I admired you from afar.
De plus, comme je te disais hier, ça fait longtemps que je t'admire de loin.
But as I was saying, my company stands to put out over $ 400,000.
Mais ma compagnie va devoir sortir plus de 400 000 dollars.
As I was saying, I hope the mountain brute didn't frighten you.
Le fauve ne vous a pas effrayée?
As I was saying... I've been to the bank and things are being sorted out.
Comme je vous disais, je suis allé á la banque et tout va trés bien.
As I was saying - Where was I?
Au fait, Masako... où en étais-je?
And as I was saying, what are you doing?
Je disais donc, que faites-vous?
As I was saying, no matter where you go you always find a man who reminds you of a welcher.
Où qu'on aille, on rencontre toujours des gens qui esquivent leurs dettes.
As I was saying, he thinks my law suit can be won... and I'll have my land back in two months!
Donc, selon lui, je dois gagner mon procès sans douleur. C'est l'affaire de deux mois.
Donovan's dead, Dr. Cory, and that seems to me... As I was saying... In such a way that the statute of limitations would ultimately cause the government's case to be thrown out.
Donovan est mort, Dr Cory, et il me semble... comme je disais... de telle sorte que les statuts des prescriptions... entraîneront finalement le procès du gouvernement... à être rejeté.
But as I was saying...
Comme je le disais...
As I was saying, fortunately those two men did not get very far.
Je disais donc : Ces deux hommes n'ont pas été loin!
I'm sure you'll make it. As I was saying, Peterson, you have nothing to worry about. My friend won't pull out unless I tell him to.
Comme je vous l'ai dit, il n'y a pas à s'inquiéter, mon ami ne se retirera pas à moins que je ne lui dise.
- As I was saying, this man...
- Mais je vous disais...
You're forgetting yourself, sergeant. As I was saying, sir, Custer's the type that wins brawls, not battles.
Custer gagne les bagarres, pas les batailles!
As you know, Mr Owen's saying that I was responsible for the death of one Edward Seaton.
Selon Owen, j'aurais causé la mort d'un certain Edward Seaton.
Of course, I am not saying it is not blowing as much as it was, but it is near the end of it.
C'est vrai, le vent souffle toujours aussi fort, mais ce sera bientôt fini.
Charles was not with you that afternoon, sister. I remember your saying so when you came home.
Charles n'était pas avec toi ce jour-là, tu l'as dit toi-même.
I kept saying to myself, "Hanging those cattle thieves was his duty."
Quand tu as pendu ces voleurs c'était ton devoir, un devoir public
I was saying the same as you.
Je disais la même chose que vous.
But about your pitching, like I was saying, you've got a nice easy motion.
Mais pour ton lancer, comme je disais, tu as un beau mouvement.
As I was saying, our search planes
Comme je disais...
as in 815
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as i said 662
as it goes 32
as it turns out 330
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as i said 662
as it goes 32
as it turns out 330