Besides which traducir francés
192 traducción paralela
Besides which, its raining.
En plus, il pleut.
Besides which, on account of you disobeying'me, you bought an unhappy land.
De plus, comme vous m'avez désobéi... - vous avez acheté une mauvaise terre.
Besides which, I'm thinking of running for Congress in the fall.
En outre, j'envisage de me présenter au Congrès, à l'automne.
Besides which, that particular day happens to be my wedding anniversary.
De plus,, c'est notre anniversaire de mariage.
Besides which I've got an appointment with a beautiful young lady
J'ai rendez-vous avec une jolie femme.
He's been working night and day for three weeks. Besides which, he hardly ever drinks.
Il travaille sans relâche depuis trois semaines et il ne boit presque jamais.
Besides which, what could Hollywood possibly offer us?
D'ailleurs, que peut-on bien nous proposer à Hollywood?
Besides which, Hollywood hasn't asked us.
D'ailleurs, on ne nous a encore rien proposé.
Besides which, if it gets too bad we can always move to Greenwich Village.
Si ça se passe mal, on pourra toujours déménager à Greenwich Village.
Besides which you see I have confidence in me
Et par-dessus le marché J'ai confiance en moi
Besides which you see I have confidence in me
Et d'ailleurs, voyez-vous J'ai confiance En moi
Besides which, you must know this place better than they do.
POLLY : Tu connais mieux cet endroit qu'eux.
Besides which, I'm first-generation Italian, they'd shoot me as a traitor.
Avec mon sang italien, ils me fusilleraient comme traître!
Besides which, I'm nosy.
En plus, je suis curieux.
Besides which, it was dark, and I was running my tail off to serve all my tables.
En plus, il faisait noir et j'étais à la bourre... occupé à servir toutes mes tables.
Besides which, Phil, nothing you have is legally germane to anything.
D'ailleurs Phil, vous n'avez rien qui soit légalement recevable.
And besides which, a police officer has been killed.
Et de plus, un officier de police a été tué.
A new departure, besides which my other enterprises are of little consequence.
Un nouveau départ, à côté duquel mes autres affaires sont insignifiantes.
Besides which, if I get this... maybe I'll buy you your own damn ski resort.
En plus, si on me donne ce boulot je pourrais t'acheter ta propre station de ski!
"Besides which, I am planning to make history."
D'ailleurs, j'ai l'intention de faire l'histoire. "
Besides which, he didn't like me.
De plus, il ne m'aimait pas.
Besides which, you're not wearing a suit, so we wouldn't let you in anyway.
Et puis, vous n'êtes pas en costume. - Vous ne pourriez donc pas entrer.
Besides which, you can't carry a blowtorch for me when I'm carrying little Holling Junior.
Sans compter que tu ne peux pas être dingue de moi alors que je porte l'enfant d'Holling.
Besides which, you wanted to kill my wife and you would have killed me.
Et puis vous vouliez me tuer ainsi que ma femme.
- Besides which, we're lesbians.
- En plus, nous sommes lesbiennes.
Besides which... you don't want her involved if we get caught for last night, do you?
En plus de ça... tu veux pas qu'elle soit impliquée si on nous arrête pour hier soir, n'est-ce pas?
Besides which, they have nothing.
En plus de cela, ils n'ont rien.
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings. He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big just to sign the contract.
Voyons, la plus alléchante... est celle de M.Billings. 50000 francs en plus de mes cachets.
Besides, there's another risk which Sir John fails to reckon. Should England attempt to vie in sea power... it may cost her the friendship of Spain.
Sir John oublie que notre seule tentative pourrait nous coûter l'amitié de l'Espagne.
And besides, I'll send to her in a minute the document which proves who you really are.
En outre, elle recevra en une minute - le document qui lui apprendra qui vous êtes.
Besides a temperament, which consists mostly of swooping about on a broomstick and screaming at the top of my voice.
À part un tempérament, qui consiste à menacer tout le monde avec un balai et hurler de toutes mes forces.
Besides... I had finally faced something which I suppose... had been disturbing me all the time.
Et puis j'étais face à quelque chose qui devait me faire peur.
Besides, I'd run out of reading material and I was beginning to be bored by my cuisine, which, while adequate, was somewhat limited by my equipment.
D'ailleurs, je n'avais plus rien à lire et je commençais à m'ennuyer de ma cuisine, qui, bien qu'adequate, était limité en équipement.
Well, you see, besides the money I owe Mrs. Cabot, which I intend to pay back, there's still quite a bundle I owe the bookmakers.
- Voyez-vous, à part l'argent que je dois à Mme Cabot, que je compte bien rembourser, j'en dois encore beaucoup aux bookmakers.
Besides which, I was at the...
En plus, j'étais au...
Besides, I've never given up the idea ofbringing you on the right path. Which is only one, as the truth, eh?
Voyez, d'ailleurs, je ne renonce pas encore à vous conduire sur le bon chemin qui est unique, comme la vérité.
Besides, the spell will be in my book which is coming out next month and I do not believe in giving away anything for nothing.
La formule sera dans mon livre qui sort le mois prochain, et je ne crois pas en l'altruisme.
Besides, I'm not only invisible, I'm intangible, which means that I can't pull the switches.
Et je suis invisible, mais aussi immatériel. Je ne peux donc pas me servir des manettes.
Besides, I'm not an apparition. I'm a woman... which is the opposite.
Et puis je ne suis pas une apparition, je suis une femme.
Senator Malipiero, besides putting at my disposal his precious library, lets me also share his table, which is very well stocked.
Le sénateur Malipiero, en plus de mettre à ma disposition sa bibliothèque, m'invite aussi à sa table, qui est fort bien fournie.
Besides the family! Which I love!
Que me reste-t-il, sinon ma famille, une famille que j'adore, oui!
Besides... tragedy isn't top 40... which is just as well.
De plus... la tragédie, ça ne se vend pas... Et tant mieux.
Besides, you're Sagittarius, which is just great.
En plus, vous êtes Sagittaire. C'est parfait.
Besides being a dilettante in the studies of alchemy, which almost led me to increase the volume of mercury, - I am an expert in divination. - Take this.
Outre des travaux d'alchimie qui m'ont quasi conduit à faire croître le volume du mercure, je suis un cabaliste émérite.
Besides, he's disappeared, which means Francesca doesn't matter to him.
En plus, il a disparu, ce qui signifie que Francesca lui importe peu.
Besides, even I cannot tell which is which.
D'ailleurs, moi-même, je ne peux pas les distinguer.
besides, even if I did still hate you, which I don't, you don't think I'd do anything to hurt steven, do you?
Même si je te haïssais encore, et ce n'est pas le cas, je ne ferais rien contre Steven.
Besides the liquor and the drugs, which always seem to accompany such an event, the thing that distresses me even more, Ren,
Sans parler de l'alcool, ni de la drogue qui sont le cortège habituel de tels évènements, il est une chose que j'estime encore plus déplorable :
Besides, which would we rather hand over to the police a dead body, or a live murderer?
Qui préférez-vous livrer à la police? Un cadavre ou un meurtrier?
This is the dining room, which really doesn't get used for much besides... when we have a lot of company, and the company will come and sit in here.
La salle à manger. On l'utilise surtout quand on reçoit. Les gens se mettent là.
Besides, if Junior's mine... which he well might be... I imagine I'd have some say-so in the matter, don't you think?
Et si Junior est à moi... ce qui est possible, j'imagine que j'ai mon mot à dire, non?
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which i did 99
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which i did 99
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is weird 83
which is what 194
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which is to say 26
which is awesome 34
which is weird 83
which is what 194
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which is to say 26
which is awesome 34