Come and get me traducir francés
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Come and get me!
Venez me prendre!
Now come and get me!
Maintenant, venez me chercher!
Come and get me.
Viens me chercher.
I think I'm going to stay here, and let the recapitator come and get me. I mean, think about it.
Je pense que je vais rester ici et laisser le recapitateur venir et me tuer.
- Why didn't you come and get me?
- 15 minutes. - Il fallait venir me chercher.
You're coding a patient in here, and nobody bothered to come and get me?
Vous avez un arrêt et personne n'est venu me chercher?
Come and get me!
Venez m'attraper!
- I know it sounds bad. - He'll come and get me.
- Je sais que ça parait mal.
Can you come and get me?
Tu peux venir me chercher?
All he had to do was come and get me.
Tout ce qu'il avait à faire était de venir et de m'emmener.
You'd come and get me too, wouldn't you?
– Tu viendras me sauver aussi?
You said you was gonna come and get me. You got me.
Tu disais que tu viendrais me libérer, tu as tenu parole.
just come tomorrow and we'll get to know each other- - you know what's so offensive about this to me?
Viens demain, et on apprendra à se connaître... Tu sais pourquoi je te trouve particulièrement agaçant?
See, I like to entertain and on occasion a husband ll get angry, come lookin for his wife, so to avoid an awkward scenario...
Voyez, j'aime me divertir et à l'occasion un mari se fâche, vient chercher sa femme, alors pour éviter toute scène déplaisante...
You want me to come down, come in here and get me down.
Si vous voulez que je descende, venez ici et faites moi descendre.
Tell me something, Sindy, how'd you like to come down here and get naked for us?
Dis-moi Sindy, tu aimerais venir ici et te mettre à poil pour nous?
Later I'll come get you and Aunt Maria to live with me.
Je reviendrai pour vous chercher.
Seemed to me Stars Hollow was in want of a real neighborhood joint, a watering hole where the townsfolk could mingle, a place where a fella could come and get a piece of pie, a cup of Arbuckles, and a soupçon of small-town charm.
Il m'a semblé que Stars Hollow avait besoin d'un resto convivial, un endroit où les gens pourraient se retrouver, où on pourrait venir prendre une part de gâteau, une tasse de café et un soupçon de charme provincial.
You get drunk, you come on to me, and it's my fault?
Tu te bourres la gueule, tu viens me chercher, et c'est de ma faute?
Anyways, now I have come to terms with that and I just wanna get as much done in the time I have left and not waste my time on a bunch of mumbo jumbo I'm not going to understand anyways.
De toute façon, je dois me faire à cette idée maintenant et je veux juste accomplir le plus de choses possible durant le temps qu'il me reste et non le gâcher avec un tas de blabla que je ne comprendrais pas de toute façon.
So, why don't you tell me where you are, I'll come get you and bring you home.
Alors dis-moi où tu es et j'irai te chercher pour te ramener à la maison.
I need to get out of town, and I need you... to come... with me.
Il faut que je quitte la ville, et il faut que tu... viennes... avec moi.
Uh, I come here and get the Aztec burger, every day, leading up to a game.
Je viens ici, je prends un Aztec burger, chaque jour, pour me préparer au jeu.
In about a day or two, we'll come and get you for your next fight.
Je me suis porté garant pour toi.
Why don't you tell me where you are, I'll come get you and bring you home.
- Dis-moi où tu es, je vais venir te chercher et te ramener.
So you have got to talk to Sarah and find out what's going on and get her to come to me.
Tu dois parler à Sarah et tout faire pour qu'elle vienne me parler.
Drowning is horrific- - don't get me wrong- - but once you give in and let the water come into your lungs, there's a certain euphoria... I hear.
tu peux me croire... mais quand on se laisse aller et qu'on laisse l'eau envahir les poumons, on ressent une certaine euphorie... apparemment.
I need you to get dressed and come downtown and help me interrogate the solid citizen who gunned down these three bastards.
J'aimerais que vous vous habilliez et que vous veniez m'aider à interroger ce solide citoyen qui a abattu ces trois bâtards.
We need to get her out of here. - Can you come and give me a hand?
Tu peux m'aider?
And don't you dare go to the nurse's office and me come and get you.
Et n'essaye pas d'aller à l'infirmerie pour que je vienne te récuperer.
What? I drag myself out of bed at 4 : 00 in the morning, go home, get dressed, come in here, and he doesn't even mention my name?
Je me suis traînée hors du lit à 4h, suis rentrée chez moi, me suis habillée suis venue ici, et il ne mentionne même pas mon nom?
Now you can either come with me or wait for them to come and get you.
Et tu peux soit venir avec moi, soit attendre qu'ils viennent te chercher.
Just go get it over with and then when you're done, come back and tell me all about it because I could really use a pick-me-up.
Va juste en finir et quand tu l'auras fait, reviens et raconte moi tout parce qu'un remontant me ferait vraiment du bien.
Tell me where you are and i'll get in a taxi and i'll come get you.
Dis-moi où tu es, je prends un taxi et viens te chercher.
- Hey, listen to me. Look, as soon as it's safe, I'll come and get you, okay?
Écoute-moi Quand le danger sera écarté, je viendrai vous chercher.
They wanted to get rid of an audience they'd have someone like me come out and sing.
Quand on voulait que le public sorte, on faisait venir quelqu'un comme moi pour chanter.
I'm not asking you to get involved in her life. I'm asking you to come to vegas with me and see a fight.
Je crois qu'il y a un malentendu, je te propose d'aller à Las Vegas pour voir un match de boxe.
So come down here and get me out of here.
Alors viens me sortir d'ici.
You get a solid lead on the killer, and it just doesn't come up when we're passing in the hall?
Tu as une piste sérieuse, et tu penses pas à me le dire?
And on that score... when you and he converse, if you confide to him I told you he asked me to come get you, this is the last I would speak off of the ventilator.
Et... à ce propos... quand vous parlerez avec lui, si vous lui dites que je vous ai dit qu'il m'a demandé d'aller vous chercher, ceci serait ma dernière conversation avant d'être sous respirateur.
But when I get out, crime's gonna be like, " Come out and play, Wally.
Mais quand je sortirai, Le crime me dira "Laisse-toi tenter, Wally, allez".
Well, you tell that sumbitch, he thinks he's gonna come over here and get my recippes... well, I got a double-barreled answer to his query right inside.
Vous direz à cette enflure, s'il croit qu'il va venir me piquer mes recettes... j'ai une réponse à deux barrillets dedans.
All I'm saying is, people come to town and get caught up in the folklore.
Vous ne me croyez pas? Ce que j'en dis c'est que les gens viennent ici et se prennent au folklore.
You know, if you get it open, you're gonna have to come down and let me in.
Si vous arrivez à ouvrir, vous reviendrez me chercher.
They get to a point where they can experience each other's feelings, even death, and every time that he tries to remember what happened, the ghosts come, just not clearly enough for me to reach them.
Ils peuvent ressentir les expériences des autres. Même la mort. Et chaque fois qu'il essaye de se rappeler, les fantômes arrivent, pas assez clairement pour moi.
I finally get people to come here on one of my shift, and you worked to undermine me.
J'arrive enfin à attirer les gens quand je suis là, et tu fais tout pour me saper.
Come get me and give me all my stuff, and I'll start. I don't...
Viens me chercher quand il sera temps que je commence.
Dude, come on, let's just find bizarro me and get out of here.
Viens, trouvons l'autre moi et partons d'ici.
Mrs. Cutler, you have to listen to me. People come here all the time, and they keep things from us, they get embarrassed or ashamed, or they think it doesn't matter.
Mme Cutler, il faut m'écouter, des viennent ici tout le temps et ils nous cachent des choses, qui les embarrassent ou dont ils ont honte, ou qu'ils pensent sans importance.
Tu veux que je descende te chercher?
Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?
Pourquoi Voldemort m'a-t-il attiré ici?
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and look 40
come and see 180
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and sit here 19
come and help me 44
come and eat 47
come and see this 26
come and take a look 24
come and have a drink 24
come and sit down 160
come and have a look at this 21
come and help 21
come and dance 23
come and help me 44
come and eat 47
come and see this 26
come and take a look 24
come and have a drink 24
come and sit down 160
come and have a look at this 21
come and help 21
come and dance 23