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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Don't even think it

Don't even think it traducir francés

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Don't even think about it.
Ça va pas être possible.
I don't think she wants to even think about it anymore.
Je ne crois pas qu'elle veuille y repenser.
Don't even think about it, Jay.
N'y pense même pas, Jay.
Don't even think about it.
N'y pense même pas.
Don't even think about it.
N'y pensez même pas.
I don't even like to think about it.
Je préfère ne pas y penser.
Don't even think about it!
N'y pense même pas!
Don't even think about it.
N'y pense même plus.
- Don't even think about it.
- N'y pensez même pas.
Oh, don't even think about it.
N'y pensez même pas!
So you can go ahead and stay mad at me, even though I really don't think I deserve it, not that you are really mad at me.
Continue à être furieuse contre moi, même si je ne le mérite pas. - Pas que tu sois vraiment furieuse...
Don't even think about it.
Ce n'est rien.
And I'm telling you that even though you don't think you can forgive your father it is possible.
Et même si vous pensez que vous ne pouvez pas lui pardonner, je dis c'est possible.
I think it's awful she's where she is and now you don't even want to visit her.
Je pense qu'il est horrible qu'elle soit là où elle est et maintenant tu ne veux même pas lui rendre visite.
Don't you think it's a little impulsive for you to proposition an engaged woman you don't even know?
Vous ne trouvez pas que c'est un peu impulsif de faire des propositions à une femme fiancée que vous ne connaissez même pas?
The plan has always been Don't even think about it until you're 30.
Le plan a toujours été de ne même pas y penser avant d'avoir 30 ans.
Don't even think about it, Trevor.
- Not quite. There's my pension fund. - No, Albie, don't even think about it.
Je ne suis intéressé que si on augmente le pot.
Don't even think about it, honey.
Aubrey, ma puce, prends ma main.
Even if I did, I just don't think it's the thing... No.
Même si je le faisais, je ne pense pas que...
Don't even think about it!
Ne touchez à rien!
Don't even think about it.
Bas les pattes!
And even if it were true, I don't think you could do it.
Mais même si elle est vraie, tu n'en es pas capable.
I'm so fed up, I don't even think it's worse complaining about.
Je suis vraiment énervée, mais je ne pense même pas que ça vaille la peine de se plaindre.
Don't even think about it, Cohen.
N'y pense même pas Cohen.
I don't even think Jake's going to court to challenge it.
Je ne pense pas que Jake ira se défendre devant le juge.
Don't even think about it.
Je t'interdis!
You know what? I don't even want to think about it.
Je préfère pas y penser.
I don't think she really even believed it when he confessed.
Même quand il a avoué, elle ne le croyait pas.
Even if you don't think you're worthy of it.
Même si vous ne vous en croyez pas digne.
Don't even think about it.
On a amené quelqu'un aux urgences.
Don't even think about it!
N'y pensez même pas!
I don't think it would work, even if we tried.
Je ne pense pas que ça marcherait même si on essayait.
Don't even think about it.
Enlève-toi ça de l'idée.
I kind of figure it starts when you get up in the morning and I don't think it's over, even when you walk away from the table.
et ne pense pas que àa se termine, quand tu quittes la table.
Don't even think about it.
- N'y pense pas. - Tu me voles?
I'm savin'a spot for my tribe so don't even think of stealing it!
Je garde la place pour ma tribu. N'essayez pas de me la voler!
Well, even if it was, I don't think they'll be coming back here again.
je ne pense pas qu'il reviendra.
No, don't even think about it!
- Non.
I think that the music we see on MTV and these music channels, that kind of music will disappear, more or less and I don't care, because I don't even like it.
Je pense que la musique du style MTV va disparaitre et je m'en moque complètement.
I'm clean almost five years. I don't even think about it.
Je suis clean depuis 5 ans.
Don't even think about bringing it here, V.
Ne pense même pas à l'amener ici.
Don't even think about it, you are staying on board until we are back home
C'est même pas la peine d'y penser! Tu resteras à bord jusqu'au retour.
Don't even think about it, Trey.
Prends garde, Trey.
My boss said it was somehow my fault, and it's coming out of my paycheck which I don't even think is legal.
Mon patron dit que c'est ma faute et que ce sera retenu sur ma paie, ce qui doit même pas être légal.
Oh! Don't even think about it here.
Ce n'est pas une bonne idée, petit.
He says it's so big it's almost like a little cock which says all kinds of weird things about him that I don't even want to think about.
Il dit qu'il est si gros, que c'est presque comme une petite bite... ce qui me dit tout un tas de trucs tordus à son sujet auxquels je ne veux même pas penser.
Don't even think about it.
N'y pensé pas!
Don't even think about it.
Tu peux faire une croix dessus.
I'm saying that I don't think it's healthy for you to have a long distance relationship with someone you've never even met!
C'est malsain, une relation à distance avec un parfait inconnu.

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