Guard the door traducir francés
210 traducción paralela
I'll guard the door and see nobody busts in till you get it locked.
Je garderai la porte et je veillerai à ce que personne n'entre avant que tu ne te sois enfermé.
You guard the door. I'll go warn them.
Je les préviens.
Fresh air's good for him. Besides, he'll guard the door.
Il a besoin d'air et il gardera la porte.
Guard the door.
Et garder la porte.
Guard the door.
Monte la garde.
They should guard the door, so that sort doesn't get in!
Il faut mettre un garde, il n'a rien à faire ici!
- I stand outside and guard the door.
Dehors. Je laisse personne entrer et sortir.
Many women, for instance, confess that - transformed into cats - they soiled the altar during the night, while two devils in the shape of animals stood guard at the church door.
Beaucoup de femmes, par exemple, admettent que - transformées en chats - elles ont souillé l'autel pendant la nuit, tandis que deux diables transformés en animaux gardaient la porte d'église.
But you notice Suderman was awfully anxious to get the guard off Pendleton's door.
Mais tu as remarqué que Suderman tenait à renvoyer le garde de Pendleton.
I knew something was wrong when I saw the guard wasn't on the door.
Je me suis méfié quand j'ai vu que le garde n'était pas à la porte.
Guard, close the door! Drive on.
Gardes, fermez cette portière.
There's a guard on the door.
L'entrée est gardée.
- Chief, go guard the front door.
- Chef, garde la porte d'entrée.
Open up the door, guard.
Ouvrez la porte!
She'll wake up soon enough. - Leave someone to guard the front door.
Mets tout de même un gardien devant la porte.
The guard opens the door.
Le vigile ouvre la porte.
The guard locks the door again without unhooking the chain...
Il referme la porte à clé sans avoir détaché la chaîne
Maybe you could have him put a gun on the guard... and just barrel through the door?
Il pourrait braquer le vigile et défoncer la porte?
If the box with the sandwiches and the coffee is big enough... the guard just naturally has to unlatch that door.
Si la boîte de sandwiches et de café est assez grande, le vigile doit enlever la chaîne.
In the centre there is a door with iron bars.. through which a guard can be seen pacing up and down...
Au centre, il y a une porte en lattes... au travers de laquelle on voit une sentinelle aller et venir...
By the guard's permission the man sits down by the side of the door and there he waits.
L'Homme s'assied près du portail. Et là... il attend.
The man is dying of old age still waiting there. And just at the end the guard tells him that the... door was meant for him, only for him.
Quand l'homme va mourir... le Garde lui dit que la porte n'était là que pour lui.
The guard tells him no one could enter this door.
"Toi seul pouvait franchir cette porte."
Guard, close the door.
You could not have come through that door, unless the guard on duty in here let you in.
Vous n'auriez pas pu passer cette porte à moins que le gardien de service ne vous ait laissé entrer.
Well, the relief guard was the first to reach the outside of the door.
Le garde venu relever son collègue a été le premier à arriver à la porte.
Yeah, we're all so keen they've even taken the guard off the door.
On est si enthousiastes qu'il y a plus de garde.
At the security chiefs signal, a third guard pushes the button, the trap door opens from the front, and the prisoner hangs.
Au commandement, le préposé appuie sur le bouton. La trappe s'ouvre, le condamné est pendu.
I must point out, captain, the flaw in the plan is this locked door and the guard beyond it.
Oui, mais cette porte est fermée à clé et il y a un garde derrière.
Sure. I know the stage-door guard real good.
Je connais bien le concierge.
He smashed the door, knocked the guard out and got away. - The lock must have been...
Il a défoncé la porte, assommé le gardien et pris la fuite...
You go and guard the other door, run!
Et toi qu'est-ce que tu fous? Va surveiller l'autre porte, cours!
Gate and door guard the sacred hall of my joy
De solides remparts protégent le lieu bienheureux de ma joie
- Go guard the back door.
- Vas garder la porte de derrière.
The Imperial Guard bangs on the inn door.
Les gardes impériaux frappent à la porte.
The Imperial Guard is here! " We smash the door down and storm in, killing a few samurai coming down from upstairs.
Nous enfonçons la porte et donnons l'assaut, tuant quelques samouraïs.
I'll go and guard the front door
Chers amis, je surveille la grande porte.
It's the locked door and the armed guard that's the unsolvable problem.
La porte verrouillée et le garde armé sont un véritable problème.
Even if you can get the door open, the guard in the corridor is armed.
Même si vous arriviez à ouvrir la porte, le garde dans le couloir est armé.
There's a guard outside the door.
Il y a un garde devant la porte.
The lock on the door and the guard who put it there.
Le blocage à la porte et le garde qui l'avait mis.
The service door is real solid and is kept locked. The guard says he's been watching the main entrance all the time.
Celle de service est toujours fermée à clé et à l'entrée principale, il y a le gardien.
I'll put you in a stall, and I'll stand guard outside the door.
Vous entrez et je fais le planton dehors.
A guard walks up to the door... tells me, "There's someone out here who wants to talk to you."
Un gardien est venu à la porte et m'a dit : "Ll y a quelqu'un qui veut vous parler."
The only way I'm gonna get out of this is if she croaks, and there's a guard on her door 24 hours a day.
La seule solution pour que je m'en sorte c'est qu'elle claque, et il y a un garde devant sa porte 24 heures sur 24.
Would you guard the door, ma'am? The ladies'room?
Mais c'est bientôt l'entracte!
If the guard sees an open door, it's all over.
Le gardien ne doit pas la voir.
Corridor to the end, turn left, through the door... turn left again, you make a jog, and past the men's room... and the guard will take it from there.
Au bout du couloir vous prenez à gauche, passez les portes, prenez encore à gauche, passez devant les toilettes des hommes et le gardien prendra la relève à partir de là.
But if someone had gone in or out that door going up the stairs to the lobby, they would've had to pass the security guard.
Mais si quelqu'un s'était enfui par cette porte et avait pris ces escaliers il serait passé devant l'agent de la sécurité.
Tommy and Carbone were gonna grab the outside guard... and make him get us in the front door.
Tommy et Carbone devaient obliger le gardien à nous ouvrir la grille.
Guard the door.
Monte la garde!
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the door's open 68
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door was open 50
door slams 187
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
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door closes 936
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door was open 50
door slams 187
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
doors open 18
doorbell ringing 46
door closing 46
doors opening 23
door opening 118
door neighbor 57
doors closing 23
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
doors open 18
doorbell ringing 46
door closing 46
doors opening 23
door opening 118
door neighbor 57
door shuts 99
door neighbour 16
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
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door creaking 24
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door buzzes 59
door neighbour 16
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door buzzes 59