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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / Hang about

Hang about traducir francés

601 traducción paralela
Who else do I got to give a hang about?
J'ai personne d'autre au monde.
That kid needs him. It's his own blood, and if he cared a hang about him -
Le petit a besoin de lui, le sang de son sang.
Robert doesn't give a hang about me.
Robert se moque bien de moi.
Bluffing as though death doesn't mean anything. Trying to live for the moment as if they didn't care a hang about going up tomorrow- - And never coming back.
Essayant de vivre l'instant... comme s'ils ne devaient pas voler demain... pour ne pas revenir.
You're not going to ask us to hang about on ropes, I hope.
J'espère que vous n'allez pas nous demander de nous suspendre à des cordes.
Well, get on with your walking. Don't hang about here screaming.
Continuez votre balade.
- Stop pushing! - Don't hang about here.
Me poussez pas!
Somebody who doesn't give a hang about the truth or you will take over.
A quelqu'un qui se fiche pas mal de la vérité et de vous.
Nobody seems to ever care a hang about the other fellow.
Personne ne s'inquiète de son prochain.
It meant a lot to Mama too, because Nels stopped going nights to the street corner to hang about with the neighborhood boys.
Cela interessait aussi maman parce que Nels restait le soir à la maison.
A pretext to hang about cheap dancehalls and drink all night.
Un prétexte pour boire toute la nuit!
I don't give... a hang about the money.
Ta fortune, je m'en... balance!
Who cares a hang about history in wax?
Qui se soucie de l'histoire de la cire?
Just making an excuse to hang about and pick up extra cargo.
Une excuse pour la contrebande et remplir un autre cargo.
Better finish getting dressed. The less we hang about, the better.
Moins vous resterez, mieux ça vaudra!
I don't give a hang about the others.
Je me fiche des autres.
Lex is rich he doesn't give a hang about business.
Lex est riche, il n'a pas besoin de ce business.
Strangways and me, we slip in at night. He take some samples, we came straight back. Don't do to hang about there.
J'y suis allé avec M. Strangways. ll a pris des échantillons et on est vite repartis.
- We don't want to hang about here!
Écoute, on ne va pas se mêler de ça, Ian.
They can't hang about indefinitely if I'm improving like this.
Elles s'en iront, sije progresse ainsi.
Don't hang about.
We don't want to hang about here all night, do we?
On va pas trainer là toute la nuit, hein?
Why did you hang up without talking about me?
Pourquoi as-tu raccroché sans parler de moi?
– You know more about him than I do. You hang around a lot, Princes.
Vous en savez plus que moi sur ce cheval.
Blackie, why don't you take this chance to get away from those hoodlums that hang around you like a bunch of flies, and from gambling houses and rackets and graft, and all the rotten, vicious things about you?
Pourquoi ne pas saisir cette occasion pour fuir tous ces bandits qui te tournent autour comme des mouches, le jeu, les escroqueries, la corruption et toutes ces mauvaises actions?
And as the man said when they were about to hang him, "This will be a lesson to me."
Et comme disait l'homme qu'on allait pendre : "On ne m'y reprendra pas."
Well, Underwood's an old codger, and about ready to hang up his sword.
Underwood est de la vieille école, bientôt retraité.
I interrupted you. You were about to hang somebody for a traitor.
Vous vouliez pendre un traître, Buck.
- I don't know what to do about it. - Well hang on to her, we can use anybody.
Même en vendant tout, ça ne fera que la moitié.
I will tell thee in French, which I am sure will hang upon my tongue... like a newly-married wife about her husband's neck, hardly to be shook off.
Je te le dis en un français qui collera à ma langue, telle une jeune mariée au cou de son mari qu'on ne peut détacher.
One : the sheriff's got just about everybody in this county in a posse that ain't got no other aim in life but to catch you and hang you.
Un : Ie shérif a pris toute Ia population dans sa bande,... et ils n'ont d'autre but que de t'attraper et te pendre.
It's all he gives a hang about.
C'est tout ce qui l'intéresse.
Nice of him to hang on to this, wasn't it? Without it, I'd have gone on about my business and the whole thing would have blown over.
Gentil de sa part car autrement je n'aurais pas poursuivi l'affaire.
Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief.
Il sent son titre flotter autour de lui, manteau de géant sur un voleur nain.
No doubt about that. But His Excellency would never hang a man without evidence.
Je n'en doute pas, mais Son Excellence ne me pendrait jamais sans preuves.
When I told her about Gabey, she was out of the house before I could hang up.
Dês que je lui ai parlé de Gabe, elle est partie comme une furie.
Hang it. I forgot all about you, Willems.
Je t'avais oublié, Willems!
Hey, Sarge, ya know, this is gonna make somethin'nice to hang on the wall when I retire, somethin'I can tell my grandkids lies about.
Sergent, vous savez... ce sera bien pour accrocher au mur quand je serai á la retraite... et pour raconter des mensonges á mes petits-enfants.
- Hang onto him. - What about his hat?
Son chapeau.
Somebody just said we had to hang about here.
Que devons-nous faire?
I don't care a toss about the horses, at dawn they will hang us!
Tant pis pour les chevaux. On sera déjà pendus à l'aube.
How about letting me hang that up tomorrow?
Je peux l'accrocher demain?
They don't hang about here, do they?
Ils ne chôment pas, ici.
I'm sorry about the hang-up.
Désolé du contre-temps.
What kind of justice, to hang a man before he's heard about his appeal?
Pendre un homme sans qu'il sache s'il a gagné en appel, c'est ça, la justice?
Stewing about how I sit down to a drink and play some cards, and how I get up and hang a man.
À ressasser comment je m'assieds pour boire et jouer aux cartes et comment je me lève pour lyncher un homme.
You mean to say you have to know how the fellow you're gonna hang feels about it?
Excusez-moi, vous voulez dire qu'il faut savoir ce que pense le type que vous avez à pendre?
You have this hang-up about men that destroys any possible relationship.
Vous êtes toujours sur la défensive avec les hommes.
If you can hang on for five more minutes, he's about to leave.
- Aux toilettes pour hommes. Patientez encore 5 mn, il va partir.
You know, Melissa's got a real hang-up about you.
vous savez, vous obsédez totalement Melissa.
He feels his title hang loose about him like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief.
Sa grandeur, il sait... qu'elle est une robe de géant affublant un nain voleur.

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