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I believed it traducir francés

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- I believed it.
Je l'ai cru.
Like it was true, I believed it.
Et moi qui l'ai cru!
As his relative, I believed it in his best interest.
En tant que proche, je pensais que c'était pour son plus grand interêt.
There was a time when I wouldn't have believed it myself.
Il fut un temps où moi-même, je ne l'aurais pas cru.
I simply wouldn't have believed it!
non, il faut que je l'ai vu pour le coire!
If you'd picked a guy who looked like a millionaire, I still wouldn't have believed it.
Même si le type avait eu l'air d'un millionnaire je l'aurais pas cru!
I've always believed Christianity was merely stupid... but it's vicious if it can do this to you.
J'ai toujours trouvé la chrétienté stupide, mais c'est cruel si ça donne un tel résultat.
I never would have believed it.
Je n'aurais jamais cru ça.
I wouldn't have believed it possible in such a short time.
Je n'aurais pas cru cela possible en si peu de temps.
Mac, if I hadn't been here to see this, I wouldn't have believed it.
Mac, il faut le voir pour le croire.
If you believed me, I swear I'd give it all up, stealing and all this filth.
Si tu me croyais, je te jure que j'abandonnerais tout! et le vol et toute cette saleté.
If I hadrt seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.
Si je ne l'avais pas vu, je n'y croirais pas.
It's going even better than I would have believed.
Ben, ça va! Ça va même mieux que j'aurais cru, tu vois!
At first, I was sincere. I believed in it.
Et pourtant, au départ, j'étais sincère, j'y croyais.
I never would have believed it.
Je ne l'aurais pas cru, à son retour.
I wouldn't have believed It if I'd read it in a book.
Je n'y aurais pas cru si je l'avais lu dans un livre.
I just got here. I've never believed it was stolen.
Je n'ai jamais cru qu'on l'a volé.
And here it is, the last morning... -... the last quarter-hour. - Even if I believed you...
Et nous y voici, au dernier matin, au dernier quart d'heure...
I never would have believed it.
Je ne peux pas le croire.
If I hadn't seen it, I never would have believed it!
Si je ne l'avais pas vu, je ne l'aurais pas cru.
I would never have believed it, a man of his cloth.
Jamais j'aurais cru ça.
If I hadn't have seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.
Si je ne l'avais pas vu de mes yeux, je ne l'aurais pas cru.
If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.
Je ne l'aurais pas cru, sans l'avoir vu.
I assure you, I never believed it for one minute... but this Schultz...
Je n'ai jamais cru...
If I hadn't have seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.
Si je ne l'avais pas vue. Je ne l'aurais pas cru.
I believed in it, when i was a child, as children believe in fairy tales when i grew up, they engaged me to an old man, but he was a visconti, and that meant a great deal to my parents
Enfant, j'y croyais comme aux contes de fées. Adulte, on me fiança à un vieil homme, un Visconti. Cela était important pour mes parents.
Someone said, I don't know who it was, that all the great traitors of history were sincere men, and that they believed in their own hearts that they were patriots.
Quelqu'un a dit, j'ai oublié qui, que tous les grands traîtres de l'Histoire étaient des hommes sincères, et qu'ils pensaient du fond du cœur être des patriotes.
- Why, I have not believed? But it's true!
Pourquoi, vous ne me croyez pas?
But I believed if she did, it was to help me.
Mais je croyais qu'elle l'avait fait pour m'aider.
I never would have believed it.
Je ne l'aurais jamais imaginé.
But I never really believed it.
Mais je n'y croyais pas.
What do you know. I would never have believed it.
Ah, ça, je ne l'aurais jamais cru.
How many times have I told you I hated you and believed it in my heart?
Combien de fois t'ai-je dit que je te détestais en le pensant vraiment?
I never believed it really, but now I do.
Je n'y croyais pas mais maintenant j'y crois.
It wouldn't have been pretty if I had believed in you, if I'd figured,
C'eut été moche sinon. Si je m'étais dit :
It wasn't long when I found out why Walter's father believed my story.
J'ai vite compris pourquoi le père de Walter avait cru mon histoire.
I never believed it.
- Oui.
I'd heard about this place, but I never would've believed it.
J'avais entendu parler de ce lieu, mais je n'en crois pas mes yeux.
I wouldn't have believed it.
Je n'aurais pas cru.
The old man's got a right to expect something to happen because I told him it would, and he believed me.
Le vieil homme a le droit d'attendre quelque chose, car je lui ai promis et il m'a cru.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've been reading in books about love like this... but I never believed it.
Enfant, je lisais des histoires d'amour comme la nôtre. Je n'y croyais pas.
It would be, if the clerk or Mr. Mara or I believed that we were Santa Claus.
Elle le serait si le greffier ou moi nous prenions pour le père Noël.
They might not have believed that I didn't have it.
Ils n'auraient peut-être pas cru que je l'avais pas.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it.
Il faut le voir pour le croire.
As far as my prospects are concerned, you must be aware that... It's generally believed by my uncle and others, that I have qualifications for an outstanding military career.
En ce qui concerne mon avenir, on pense que je suis promis à une carrière exceptionnelle.
Je sais que ce n'est pas vrai, mais il y croyait.
You made it sound so good I almost believed it myself, Grey Eyes.
C'était si convaincant que j'y ai presque cru, Yeux Gris.
It would have stopped me anywhere along the way, if I'd believed it.
Ca m'aurait arrêtée à tout moment, si j'y avais cru.
It would be good if I believed.
Vous devez me croire.
I'd never have believed it!
Je n'aurais jamais pu croire ça!
I'd never have believed it.
Qui aurait cru...

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