I went to bed traducir francés
598 traducción paralela
I went to bed but I couldn't sleep.
Je m'étais couché et j'ai pas pu dormir.
At your age I went to bed right after supper.
A ton âge, j'allais me coucher après le dîner.
Or would you rather I went to bed with it on?
Vous voulez que je me couche avec mon maquillage?
They were both at home last night when I went to bed.
Ils étaient là quand je me suis couchée hier soir.
I went to bed.
Je suis allé me coucher.
It's so nice out, I thought I'd get a breath of air before I went to bed.
Il fait si bon, je voulais prendre l'air avant d'aller au lit.
I went to bed almost immediately after Tom brought me home.
Je suis allée me coucher presque immédiatement après mon retour.
Oh, don't even mention it, last night I had one that left me more tired than when I went to bed.
Vous souffrez peut-être de faiblesse nerveuse.
You won't believe it, the first 6 years, I shaved at night before I went to bed.
Les 6 premières années, je me rasais tous les soirs.
I tell you I wasn't smoking when I went to bed.
Je vous répète que je ne fumais pas quand je suis allé au lit.
Last night, I went to bed, I started to think.
Hier soir, j'ai commencé à penser.
I went to bed.
Je me suis couché.
I wonder, would it be too much trouble if I went to bed? That is, if Commodore Gill wants to let me stay.
Accepteriez-vous que je passe la nuit ici?
The other night, I went to bed early and he came home late drunk, knocking on my door.
La nuit dernière, je suis allée au lit plus tôt et il est rentré tard, ivre, frappant à ma porte.
I took him his supper before I went to bed.
Je lui ai apporté son repas avant de me coucher.
Searching the window for a flint, I found this paper thus sealed up, and I am sure it did not lie there when I went to bed.
En cherchant un silex sur la fenêtre, j'ai trouvé ce papier. Il n'y était pas quand je suis allé dormir.
Well, since you wouldn't go out with me, I went to bed early.
Tu n'as pas voulu sortir avec moi alors je me suis couché tôt.
- I was tired, so I went to bed.
Je me suis endormie.
It's time I went to bed.
C'est heure que je me couche.
" Then Judd drove me home and I went to bed.
" Ensuite, Judd m'a raccompagné.
Last night I went to bed thinking I would be able to reflect upon so many different things, and then I fell asleep.
En me couchant, j'avais l'intention de penser... mais je me suis endormie.
I went to bed early, was sleeping very soundly.
Je me suis couché tôt, je dormais profondément.
I went downstairs, but then I went to bed.
Je suis descendue, puis je suis remontée me coucher.
I used to pray every night before I went to bed and ask for something that I wanted.
A une époque, je priais chaque soir avant d'aller au lit, et demandais quelque chose que je voulais.
Jane, would you excuse me if I went to bed now?
Jane, m'en voudriez-vous si j'allais me coucher?
He came and he wanted to borrow some cigarettes. He'd lost his case or something, and then I went straight to bed.
Il voulait des cigarettes.
Well, last night I went to smoke in bed just before I went off, you see? So I took out that case.
Hier je le sors pour fumer avant de m'endormir.
But last night, after everyone went to bed, I saw my father bending over Rowitz's body.
Hier soir, après que tout le monde est allé se coucher, j'ai vu mon père se pencher sur le corps de Rowitz.
Or I went without supper, and didn't go to bed.
Parfois je ne dînais ni ne dormais.
Then I felt the pain in me side again, and I went to me bed.
Mes douleurs ont repris, je me suis couché.
I got up at six in the morning and went to bed at nine at night.
- Je me levais à 6 h du matin, je me couchais à 21 h.
When she accepted, the fever went down to normal and I hopped out of bed.
Dès qu'elle a accepté, la fièvre a chuté, et j'ai bondi du lit.
I don't know. I do know he always went heavily armed, and he never went to sleep without covering the floor around his bed with newspapers so that nobody could come silently into his room.
Mais il était toujours armé, ne se couchait pas sans couvrir le sol de journaux froissés, pour entendre si quelqu'un venait.
I got home about 7 : 30 and went to bed early with a headache.
Je suis rentrée vers 19h30 et suis allée me coucher tôt avec un mal de crâne.
When my parents told me to go to bed, I went without arguing.
J'ai toujours obéi à mes parents.
No, I think she went to bed.
Je crois qu'elle est couchée.
Well, they... they went to bed and I wasn't sleepy, so I thought "Why not come down and see Butch?"
Ils sont allés se coucher et j'avais pas envie de dormir, alors j'ai pensé à toi.
When I was ready for bed, I went to the door...
Quand j'ai été prêt, je suis allé à la porte, et...
They all went to bed, during the long hours of sleep in which I immersed you.
Ils sont alles se coucher pendant que les heures passaient sur le sommeil ou tu es plonge.
I was still in bed when school opened, but the parson went down as usual to start the term off in style.
J'étais toujours alité à la rentrée mais le pasteur se rendit à l'école comme d'habitude.
I went to de Maynes. The lord was in bed and the house well guarded by servants.
Je suis allé chez le marquis, il dormait, bien gardé.
I figured something'like that was brewin when she went to bed last night.
Je me doutais de quelque chose depuis hier soir.
I ran a reflex test on him after you went to bed last night.
J'ai testé ses réflexes hier soir, lorsque vous êtes allée au lit.
Then I went home and went to bed.
J'ai été ensuite me coucher.
It's all right. I left the office at 8.30 and went straight home and to bed.
J'ai quitté le bureau à 20 h 30 et je suis rentré me coucher.
I went into the sitting room to see if the mistress wanted anything before she went to bed.
Je suis allée voir si madame désirait quelque chose avant d'aller se coucher.
The folks went to bed, so I thought I should just come on over.
Mes parents sont couchés. Ne te voyant pas, je suis sortie.
And then one night I went to her room and she told me from her.. Sweet-smelling bed.
Jusqu'à cette nuit où elle m'a dit, couchée dans son sublime lit d'apparat,
Je me suis couché à 23h30.
I guess the students all went to bed.
Les écoliers ont dû s'endormir.
I went to her room and found it empty, her bed not slept in, her luggage and car gone, and her bill unpaid.
Ses bagages avaient disparus et son lit n'avait pas été défait. Mais sa note est restée impayée.
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
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i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19