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Is he in trouble traducir francés

364 traducción paralela
- Is he in trouble again? - No, no, no.
- Encore des ennuis?
- Is he in trouble?
- Il a des ennuis?
Since you were going through a lot of trouble because of the repayment of the investment... so our Hyun Min is thinking about 1 billion... Since he's in lots of trouble, let him just get buried in trouble!
Comme vous avez été confronté à pas mal de problèmes en raison du remboursement de l'investissement... donc notre Hyun Min a pensé à 1 milliard... laissons-le s'enliser dans le pétrin!
Well, there he is. The gent that caused all the trouble, still in his black nightshirt.
Voilà notre fauteur de troubles, vêtu de sa chemise sombre.
Trouble is he's got a landlady in every town in the country.
Il a fait pareil dans chaque ville.
- He ain't in trouble, is he?
Pauvre Sam! - Il a des ennuis?
He's in trouble.What is it?
Yeah. I'll give him a letter saying he is not mannion. Then if he gets in trouble, he can flash it.
Je vais lui donner une lettre officielle prouvant son identité.
Now, our president says we've had enough trouble in Europe as it is, and he wonders if you would be kind enough to look at a selection of straw hats?
Notre président dit que l'Europe a eu assez d'ennuis comme ça, et il se demande si vous aimeriez jeter un œil sur les chapeaux de paille.
Trouble is, after he's left my business he'll set up his own office in opposition.
Il est à craindre qu'il ne me quitte lorsqu'il sera suffisamment formé.
The trouble with Gallardo is he has cats in his belly.
Gallardo n'a rien dans le ventre.
And the trouble with this country is that every second man thinks he's born to be a missionary... and every third man has a bee in his bonnet.
Dans ce pays, 1 personne sur 2 se prend pour un missionnaire, et une sur trois a une idée fixe.
He is always in trouble.
Il est toujours dans les ennuis.
He's in trouble, but nobody knows where he is.
Il est dans la mouise jusqu'au cou.
And if he is innocent, you're in trouble.
Si jamais il est innocent, gare!
I wanted to say Henry never came back from that telephone call... and he is in trouble- - desperate trouble.
Je dois te dire qu'Henry n'est pas revenu après cet appel... et qu'il a des problèmes, des problèmes importants.
Is he in some sort of trouble, Mrs. Johnson?
Il a des ennuis, Mme Johnson?
Trouble is, even if he gets just three months he'll still be in the stockadefor the boxing finals.
Mais s'il prend trois mois, il sera en détention pendant la finale.
One thing is certain, he's in trouble.
Sa situation financière est désespérée.
I'm in no trouble, he is.
Qu'as-tu, Kid? Moi rien, c'est lui.
He's in trouble. I know he is.
Il a des ennuis, je le sais.
- What kind of trouble is he in?
- Il a des ennuis?
He said the main thing in the army is not to start off in trouble.
A l'armée, faut commencer du bon pied.
- I'm in no trouble, he is.
- C'est pas des histoires!
If a man's country is in trouble he helps or he ain't a man.
Si on ne défend pas son pays, on n'est pas un homme.
Monk's not gonna be in big trouble, is he?
Monk's aura des problemes?
See, the trouble with your uncle is that politically... he's living in the age of the dinosaur.
Le problème avec ton oncle est que politiquement... il vit à l'ère du dinosaure.
Look, maybe he froths, maybe he don't froth. All I know is, he's in trouble. And so am I.. so get to work, will you.
Enragé ou pas, il est dans le pétrin.
- Is he in police trouble?
- La police le recherche?
He is in a lot of trouble.
Il a des ennuis, tu as vu.
But you may be assured, he remains close to her, and when Hitomi is in trouble, the president feels himself responsible...
Mais bien sûr, il reste très proche d'elle, et quand Hitomi est en cause, le président se sent responsable...
Darrin is in some kind of trouble and he needs help.
Darrin a des ennuis et il a besoin d'aide.
He has promised his wife he will stay out of further trouble with the law, but he is three months behind in the rent.
A promis à sa femme de rentrer dans le droit chemin, mais doit 3 mois de loyer.
Wait a second, he says, "The trouble with the world today is that if a guy wants to play golf in the street people stare at him."
Et il disait : "Le problème, aujourd'hui, c'est qu'on ne peut pas jouer tranquille au golf dans la rue."
Is he in some kind of trouble?
A-t-il des ennuis?
I said, is he in some kind of trouble?
- J'ai dit : A-t-il des ennuis?
He can often put his finger on the trouble... when old Dr. Williams is still groping in the dark, can't he?
Il diagnostique souvent une maladie alors que le Dr Williams n'a encore rien trouvé, non?
If there's a strong wind, I'm in trouble. - There he is.
S'il vente, j'ai des problémes.
Actually, I think he ran into trouble after the war and there's some kind of ex-Nazi thing which is based in the Mediterranean.
Il a dû avoir des ennuis après la guerre. Il y aurait une base nazie en Méditerranée.
One of us is in trouble, he yells and they all come running.
Tu es dans le pétrin, tu fais signe et tous les autres rappliquent.
Hey, listen. If he's half the genius they say he is, we're in for real trouble.
Écoutez, s'il a la moitié du génie qu'on lui prête... on va avoir de sérieux ennuis.
Is he in bad trouble, that hero of yours?
Il a de gros ennuis, ton héros?
A good fighter and a friend of our master. He's in some trouble and is laying low here.
Il a un bon Kung-Fu, c'est un réfugié.
He could escape the last time, but this time he is in trouble.
Il a su s'échapper la dernière fois, mais cette fois il ne m'échappera pas.
'Doctor. he is in trouble.
J'ai besoin d'aide.
- What? - The trouble is, he's madly in love with Edie.
- ll est amoureux d'Edie.
When Vic is gambling, he's always in some sort of trouble.
Dès que Vic joue, il a de sérieux problèmes.
He's in great trouble, if you know where he is, tell us.
Il a de graves ennuis. Si vous savez où il est, parlez.
If she turns up with a girlfriend and he's faced with two women, he's going to fall in love with both women, so we sense that trouble is brewing.
Dis donc, j'ai le droit de mettre ma main là?
It's true he's not a good manager of his affairs. But he is in grave trouble now, your Lordship.
Il gère assez mal ses affaires, mais il a de gros problèmes.
I think the trouble is he just got in with real bad company.
Le problème, c'est qu'il a eu de mauvaises fréquentations.

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