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Isn't it funny traducir francés

724 traducción paralela
Come, come, it isn't as funny as all that.
Oh, allez. Ce n'est pas si drôle que ça.
Funny, isn't it, how one girl can be bigger than all the tall buildings?
C'est fou comme une fille peut être plus grande que tous les gratte-ciels.
It's funny I never thought to tell her you were a girl, isn't it?
Drôle d'oubli, ne pas lui avoir dit que tu étais une fille.
Funny, isn't it?
C'est drôle, n'est-ce pas?
- Funny gag, isn't it?
- Marrant, non?
You're so wrong, it isn't even funny.
Ce n'est vraiment pas drôle.
Isn't it funny Helen didn't wire?
C "est b ¡ zarre qu" elle n " a ¡ t pas prévenu.
Funny, isn't it?
Quelle ironie du sort...
Funny, isn't it?
C'est amusant, non?
Isn't it funny?
La bonne blague!
Isn't it funny?
La bonne blague...
Isn't it funny?
n'est-ce pas amusant?
Funny, isn't it?
Amusant, n'est-ce pas?
Everything's funny to you, isn't it?
Tout est drôle pour vous, non? La dame est tombée amoureuse de lui.
Banking, manufacturing and so on. Isn't it funny?
La banque, les usines, etc. N'est-ce pas étrange?
Isn't it funny how things work out?
C'est étrange comment vont les choses.
Funny meeting this way, isn't it?
Drôle de se voir ici, non?
Funny, isn't it?
C'est drôle, non?
Yeah. Funny, isn't it?
C'est drôle, n'est-ce pas?
It isn't so funny at that.
Ce n'est pas si drôle que ça.
Funny twist, isn't it?
Quelle dérision, n'est-ce pas?
Isn't it funny? This morning you were sitting on my bed ; now I'm on yours.
C'est drôle, vous étiez assis sur mon lit, maintenant c'est moi.
Very funny, isn't it?
C'est très amusant.
It is funny, isn't it?
C'est vraiment bizarre.
Funny, isn't it?
That's funny, isn't it?
C'est drôle, non?
Funny, isn't it?
tu es drôle... tu trouves pas!
That just struck me as funny. - It isn't very funny to me.
Je trouve Ça moins drôle.
It isn't funny at all.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle s'imagine?
Well, it isn't funny, you see?
- Ce n'est pas drôle, n'est-ce pas?
It isn't funny and I pay someone else to make the orchestrations.
Ce n'est pas drôle, et je paie déjà quelqu'un pour les arrangements.
Rather funny situation, isn't it? I mean, the two of us...
Nous sommes dans une drôle de situation.
It isn't funny anymore.
Ce n'est plus drôle.
I  s funny, isn't it?
C'est drôle, non?
- Yes. Kind of funny, isn't it? - What's funny about it?
Amusant, n'est-ce pas?
- It isn't funny so far, but wait a minute.
- Ce n'est pas encore drôle, attendez.
No, Tim, it isn't funny.
Non, ça ne l'est pas.
Funny it would pop up here, isn't it?
C ´ est bizarre de la trouver là.
They're written by a type of man so far superior to you it isn't even funny.
Celui qui les a ecrites vous est tellement superieur!
Isn't it funny, Ellen? You can't see the wind and you can't touch it. But it is there.
C'est bizarre, Ellen, on ne voit pas le vent on ne peut pas le toucher, mais il est là
Funny what nasty thoughts people have sometimes, isn't it. Funny how they're right sometimes, isn't it.
Les gens ont de si mauvaises pensées parfois et parfois ils ont raison
- Funny our meeting like this, isn't it? - Yes, isn't it?
- Drôle de façon de nous rencontrer, non?
Say, this is funny, isn't it?
- Dites, c'est drôle, non?
Kind of funny, isn't it?
Drôle d'histoire!
If Harold laughs then I know it isn't funny. Why don't you have Mr. Cohan sing?
Que M.Cohan chante la suite!
- Come here. Look at that. Funny, isn't it?
Regarde, c'est drôle, non?
It isn "t funny. Don" t laugh.
Ne riez pas, ce n'est pas drôle.
It's funny, isn't it, how things work themselves out?
C'est drôle, comment les choses évoluent.
Funny isn't it.
C'est le comble, non?
A lot of people are. That's funny, isn't it?
Il n'est pas le seul.
Isn't it funny?
Drole, n'est-ce pas?

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