It could be anything traducir francés
389 traducción paralela
- It could be anything.
- Ou autre chose.
- It could be anything.
- Tout est possible.
I never dreamed it could be anything like that.
Je n'aurais jamais imaginé que cétait comme ça.
- Take two men and find out. It could be anything.
Prends deux hommes et va voir.
I never imagined it could be anything like this.
Je n'imaginais rien de semblable...
It could be anything.
Ça peut être n'importe quoi.
The problem is it could be anything. Some spores, or pollen in the air, some chemical.
Ca peut être n'importe quoi : des spores, du pollen, un produit chimique.
If they knew that the sun was dying, it could be anything up to mass suicide.
Il y a peut-être eu suicide collectif.
- With her, it could be anything
- On peut s'attendre à tout avec elle.
But it could be anything.
C'est peut-être tout à fait autre chose.
Given the security of the KIVA Laboratories, I don't see how it could be anything else.
Etant donné la sécurité du laboratoire KIVA, je ne vois rien d'autre.
It could be anything.
Tout est possible :
Jeez, it could be anything.
Ca peut être n'importe quoi.
Well it could be anything but I suspect it's a sequel to his story of last night, you know my'idée fixe.'Finish your coffee there's a cab at the door.
- Je l'ignore, mais je suspecte fort qu'il s'agit de l'affaire dont nous avons parlé hier. Vous savez, "L'idée fixe"? Finissez votre café.
it could be anything. it's perfect for the film we're doing.
Après tout, où en serait la science sans la libre pensée?
Well, it could be anything from a pair of crutches to the American flag.
N'importe laquelle, d'une paire de béquilles au drapeau américain.
It could be anything from a pair of crutches to the American flag.
N'importe laquelle, d'une paire de béquilles au drapeau américain.
But would it be asking too much of you to keep your opinions to yourself in the future, because I'm not interested in anything more you could possibly say.
Mais pourrais-je vous demander de garder vos opinions pour vous à l'avenir? Je ne suis plus intéressée par vos propos.
The check's just made out to the company, so it could be for anything.
Mais c'est valable pour n'importe quoi.
I could be there 100 years and never have anything to show for it.
Je pourrais y passer 100 ans sans avoir quoi que ce soit.
It might not be anything, and, then again, it could be just what you're looking for.
C'est peut-être rien, mais c'est peut-être ce qu'il te manque.
That's wax, how could it be anything else?
C'est de la cire, qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être d'autre?
If you could have anything... an-y-thing... what would it be?
Si vous pouviez avoir n'importe quoi... qu'est ce que ça serait?
I know I'm kind of slow sometimes, Marian, but I see things. And I know if anything happened to me, you'd be took care of. You'd be took care of better than I could do it myself.
Je ne prétends pas réfléchir très vite, mais je suis sûr que s'il m'arrivait malheur, quelqu'un serait là pour veiller sur toi... mieux que moi-même.
It could be almost anything.
Ca peut être n'importe quoi.
It could be practically anything.
Il peut s'agir de n'importe quoi.
If these particulars were brought out in a trial... as undoubtedly they would be... and it was then suggested that Mrs. Rath was so old... so nearsighted that she would sign anything you put in front of her... don't you see what that could lead to?
Si ces faits étaient cités devant le tribunal, et si par surcroît on envisageait que Mme Rath était si vieille et si myope... qu'elle aurait signé tout papier présenté par vous, vous imaginez la suite?
If this is it, as large as a monstrous creature we looking for I doubt whether anything that ever lived could be as deadly.
Si c'est le cas, vu l'énormité de la créature recherchée, il pourrait s'agir de la créature la plus mortelle qui soit.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Si je pouvais faire en sorte qu'iI ne se mette jamais entre nous, si je pouvais te prouver que je n'envisageais pas de te voler, tout serait pareil entre nous, si je pouvais Ie faire, tu m'aimerais de nouveau, n'est-ce pas?
Can it be possible that a man like him could abandon a patient without saying anything?
Est-il possible qu'un homme comme lui abandonne un patient sans rien dire?
I didn't hear it say anything. There must be a way to stop the Nazi submarines. If only I could help.
De temps en temps l'image vacille, quand un assistant tape sur le plexi.
Mrs Massingale, if I could force you to do anything, which obviously I cannot, it would be to go home, and stay home, where all decent women belong.
Si je pouvais vous obliger à faire quelque chose, ce qui n'est pas le cas, je vous renverrais chez vous, c'est la place des dames!
We know they're extending their airfield. Could it be anything to do with that?
Nous savons qu'ils agrandissent leur aérodrome, ça a un rapport?
And now for the first item this evening on the Menu, the team have chosen as a little hors d'oeuvres an item and I think we can be sure it won't be an ordinary item in fact the team told me just before the show that anything could happen, and probably would
Et maintenant, le premier numéro sur le menu ce soir comme hors d'oeuvre, l'équipe a choisi un sketch dont nous pouvons être sûrs que ce ne sera pas un sketch ordinaire en fait, l'équipe m'a dit que tout pouvait arriver et arrivera sans doute
Although I'm not particularly good at anything It could be said I am brave but not reckless
Mes seules qualités, c'est d'être audacieux et méticuleux.
Could it be you was having a quick shufti through his pockets... to see if there was anything worth lifting?
Peut-être avez-vous fouillé ses poches, pour trouver quelque chose à voler?
It would be interesting to see what four people could do, if given the equipment, who didn't know anything about it, and told to get on with it and do something.
J'aimerais bien voir quelqu'un d'autre à notre place, se débrouiller avec ce matériel sans rien y connaître.
Didn't seem to be anything too serious. It could be a whole lot worse.
ça n'avait pas l'air trop sérieux, ça pourrait être bien pire.
Miss Montana, if you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?
Miss Montana, si vous pouviez faire une chose pour l'humanité, ce serait?
Now, if anything does happen, Mr. Handford... it could be blamed on your country.
S'il arrive quoi que ce soit, M. Hanford... on pourrait blâmer votre pays.
We could've been anything we wanted to be... we took the easy way out... with a little training, we've mastered complaining... made us seem unnecessary... we're so rude, it's scary...
On aurait pu être tout ce qu'on aurait voulu On a choisi la facilité Avec un peu d'entraînement, on est les rois de la râlante
We could've been anything we wanted... and I'm not saying we should... but if we tried it... we could be the best... at being good guys.
On aurait pu être tout ce qu'on aurait voulu Et je ne dis pas qu'on devrait Mais si on essaye, on apprendra à s'y faire
Martin, it could be anything.
- Ca pourrait être n'importe quoi.
'suddenly realised what it was had been going wrong all this time,'and she finally knew how the world could be made a good and happy place. 'This time it was right, it would work,'and no one would have to get nailed to anything.
comprit soudain ce qui ne tournait pas rond depuis le début et sut enfin comment faire du monde un endroit agréable et heureux.
It could be any bottle cap really or anything.
N'importe quelle autre fera l'affaire.
How could it be anything but great?
Ça ne peut qu'aller bien!
That truck could be anybody and anything. It could be a cable company...
Ce camion, ça peut être n'importe qui, n'importe quoi, même le câble...
I wondered if there could be anything wrong with it.
On ne vous a rien signalé d'anormal?
Think about it. You never really see him eat anything at all, which could be why he's missing the damn bird all the time, you know.
D'ailleurs, on le voit jamais manger, c'est peut-être pour ça qu'il rate Bip-Bip.
it could be hostile, or have hostile friends or acquaintances. it could be anything.
Le voilà.
It could be a part of absolutely anything.
Ce pourrait être une partie d'un autre objet.
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't hurt 20
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could be anywhere 59
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could be him 22
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could be anywhere 59
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could be him 22
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30