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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ J ] / Just stay right here

Just stay right here traducir francés

167 traducción paralela
Just stay right here.
Tu dois rester ici!
We'll just stay right here.
On va rester ici.
You just stay right here.
Surtout, restez là.
Why, just stay right here and take care of them kids.
Je vais rester ici pour m'occuper des enfants.
You just stay right here.
Restez ici.
Now, you just stay right here and don't go no place.
Tu restes ici et tu ne vas nulle part.
Well, you just stay right here.
- Restez donc ici!
Then the smart thing for me to do is just stay right here until they're gone... and not take any chances.
Il serait plus sage que je me cache jusqu'à leur départ.
You just stay right here with me.
Vous pouvez rester avec moi.
You just stay right here on the bed?
Repose-toi sur le lit.
Just stay right here.
Ne bouge pas.
- Well, you can just stay right here.
Vous pouvez rester ici.
Just stay right here and don't move.
Reste là et bouge pas.
Just stay right here, honey, don't want to look at that mess.
- Reste là, ne regarde pas ce gâchis.
You Just Stay Right Here, All Right?
Reste ici.
- No, you just stay right here.
- Non, ne bouge pas.
Why, we can just stay right here.
On peut rester ici.
I'll just stay right here.
Je reste ici.
Just stay right here.
Reste là.
You just stay right here. We'll take care of you.
Tu restes ici et on va s'occuper de toi.
- You just stay right here.
Bouge pas d'ici.
We just stay right here and fight it out.
On devrait rester et les affronter!
I'll just stay right here.
Je vais rester ici.
Just stay right here, all right?
Toi, tu restes ici, d'accord?
Just stay right here, then I'll be right back.
Reste là, je reviens tout de suite.
You just stay right here, all right? Stay here, OK? Ok.
Ne bougez pas d'ici, d'accord?
All right. Look, look, you just stay right here, and you look after your sister, all right?
Ne bouge pas d'ici et surveille ta soeur.
I'll go. Come on. You two stay here, if the driver comes back, just all stay with the car, all right?
j'y vais allez vous deux restez si le chauffeur revient... restez à la voiture
Just a little. You know, so I can get rid of him. You can stay right here.
Laissez-moi seulement un peu de temps pour me débarasser de lui.
We've been chased all over the world and they stay right here in Brooklyn, and they do just as good as you do.
On nous poursuit dans le monde entier. Elles restent ici... et en font tout autant!
- No. I'll just stay here and celebrate the new sign. All right.
Non, je vais arroser ma nouvelle enseigne.
It'll make you stay right here. This is just as important as carrying a gun.
Élever des bêtes est aussi vital que de combattre.
If you want me to go, I'll go, but I can find a spot right here in the ranch, stay there real quiet, and just not go no place.
J'irai si vous voulez, mais je peux trouver un endroit calme ici et me planquer.
All right, we'll just have to stay here all night.
On va rester là toute la nuit.
All right. I'll just stay here then.
Alors, je reste là.
Okay, you just stay right here and I'll be right back.
Ne bougez pas, je reviens.
l`ll just stay right here.
Je vais rester là.
Right, sir. I'll just stay on here and... Gestalt a while.
Oui, je vais rester ici... et "gestalter" un peu.
Well, I'll stay here for another hour... just to see if he's right.
Et bien je serai avec vous encore une heure... et on verra s'il a raison.
If it's all right, I'll just stay here.
Je vais rester ici.
Just stay here, all right?
Reste ici.
All right. Just stay here and get ready to call the marines.
Bon, si ça tourne mal, vous alerterez les Marines.
Right... I'll just stay here and watch the boat.
C'est ça, Et moi, je reste surveiller le bateau!
All right. Let's just stay calm here.
Bon, restons calmes!
You just stay right fuckin'here, all right?
Bouge pas de là, okay?
- Just stay here, all right?
- Tu restes ici, d'accord?
You just stay right out here.
Tu restes ici.
Just stay here, and I'll be right back.
Reste là, je reviens.
Everything will be all right, we just need to stay here calmly.
Tout va bien se passer. Dès que Buffy sera là... ce sera encore pire. Il faut rester calme.
You just stay here with Griffiths, all right?
Reste ici avec Griffiths.
Stay right here for just a second.
Attendez ici un moment.

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