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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ P ] / Perhaps later

Perhaps later traducir francés

290 traducción paralela
Perhaps later on... When the script is finished... You'll allow me to give you another reading.
Lorsque le texte sera terminé... permettez-moi de faire une autre lecture.
Well, perhaps later.
Oh, peut-être plus tard
- Well, perhaps later.
- Aprês, peut-être.
Perhaps later.
Plus tard, peut-être.
- Perhaps Later on. - What would be the point?
- Plus tard, peut-être.
- Perhaps later can give more information.
- Aurai peut-être renseignements.
Perhaps later, when the tunnel's finished and there's an opportunity. ... to achieve some geometric patterns with lights and shadows.
Peut-être quand le tunnel sera terminé, et que je pourrai photographier des motifs géométriques avec lumière et ombres.
You're not anyone I know now. Perhaps later, on my hunting trip to Africa.
Il est encore trop tôt pour vous avoir rencontré... mais ça me reviendra.
Perhaps later I might like to study again. I'd like to have her scores to study from.
J'aimerais avoir ses partitions si j'étudie.
Perhaps later.
Peut-être plus tard.
Perhaps later then.
Alors, peut-être plus tard.
- Oui, peut-être. - Bonsoir.
- Bonsoir.
You know, perhaps later on, we'll be able to get Dov to America, too.
Plus tard, peut-être pourra-t-il nous rejoindre en Amérique.
I'll tell you later on in the house, perhaps even in the cold light of morning.
Je vous la dirai plus tard dans la maison, ou bien dans la lueur froide du matin.
- Later, perhaps.
- Peut-être plus tard.
Perhaps I can see him later?
- Peut-être plus tard?
Later, perhaps. Not now.
Plus tard, peut-être.
Perhaps he'll join us later.
Il nous rejoindra peut-être plus tard.
- Perhaps to you later. To you alone.
Je vous le raconterai en tête-à-tête, plus tard.
- Later, perhaps.
- Plus tard.
Later, perhaps.
Allez, venez.
Peut-être plus tard, mais pas maintenant.
Later perhaps, if he finds himself better situated, we'll... reconsider their application.
Par la suite, si un jour sa situation vient à s'améliorer, nous réétudierons leur demande.
Perhaps if you just talked and let me listen and later on, let me wander through the rooms in which he lived I could get to know the man I want to write about.
Peut-être que si vous me parliez et si j'écoutais. Et si je pouvais visiter les pièces où il a vécu, j'apprendrais à connaître l'homme qui m'intéresse.
Perhaps you will remember later, Herr Burgomaster.
Peut-être vous rappellerez-vous plus tard, monsieur le bourgmestre.
Oh, that's all right. Perhaps I can see them later.
Je verrai les autres après, peut-être?
Miss Martin, perhaps we can finish our business at some later date.
MIle Martin, nous pourrons peut-être terminer une autre fois.
Then perhaps you'll join me later at the opera. My sister's box number is 27.
Vous me rejoindrez à l'Opéra.
Perhaps you'll have a sandwich for me at the hotel later
Prépare-moi un sandwich à l'hôtel.
I'm not tired. Later, perhaps.
- Je ne suis pas fatigué.
There'll be time to talk of that later, perhaps with your grandfather.
On aura le temps de parler plus tard, peut-être avec ton grand-père.
Still, perhaps better now than later, when the blossom comes. ( Sniggers )
C'est peut-être mieux maintenant que lorsque les fleurs sortiront.
Later, perhaps. Right now, we may expect visitors ourselves.
Plus tard. occupons-nous d'abord de nos visiteurs.
Later, perhaps. I'm not very good company right now.
Plus tard, peut-être.Je ne suis pas de très bonne compagnie.
Perhaps we can talk later.
On pourra en parler plus tard.
- Perhaps you'd consider it for later on.
Repenses-y pour plus tard.
Later perhaps.
Plus tard, peut-être.
Perhaps you would care to come over for some blueberry muffins and coffee later on.
Peut-être voudriez-vous passer pour des muffins aux bleuets... et un café plus tard.
However, I'll be there later. Perhaps we might have a drink together. Well, no, come up to our suite.
Donc, à tout à l'heure...
We have our own research department on the 40th floor. Perhaps you'd like to see that later?
A cet étage, nous avons notre propre département de recherche.
Perhaps I'll join you later.
Plus tard, peut-être...
Perhaps I shall be more fortunate later on.
J'espère avoir plus de chance une prochaine fois!
Later, perhaps?
Plus tard, peut-être?
Later perhaps.
Plus tard.
- Vous pouvez attendre ou revenir.
Perhaps those thanks should be reserved for later.
Je préférerais que vous attendiez un peu avant de me remercier.
Perhaps later we can go fishing together?
On pourra pêcher ensemble.
Perhaps you can explain to Roberto later. He wouldn't listen.
Explique-le bien à Roberto.
Perhaps, but sooner or later there'll be other.
Peut-être, mais il en viendra d'autres.
Perhaps you'd like to dine early and go off later.
Vous pouvez aussi dîner tôt et aller plus tard.

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