Say what you will traducir francés
1,041 traducción paralela
Say what you will, I'd rather spend my money on this than a Manet or a Picasso.
Dites ce que vous voulez, j'aime mieux m'offrir ça qu'un Manet ou un Picasso.
Say what you will, but compared to the Bonnot gang, this is teeny, teeny, teeny...
- Dites ce que vous voulez, mais à côté de la bande à Bonnot, c'est petit, petit...
I don't care what people say about you for myself. But I got the kids to think about, and if I don't think about them, nobody will.
Je me moque de l'opinion des gens, mais je dois penser à mes enfants.
But when you hear later what I have to say, or better, to announce, concerning a young lady not too far away, I am sure you will agree that sometimes an omission is an admission.
Mais quand vous entendrez... ce que j'ai à annoncer à propos d'une jeune personne... qui n'est pas très loin, vous conviendrez avec moi que parfois... omission rime avec admission.
- What will you say to Estella?
Que lui dire!
What I have to say to Estella I will say before you in a few minutes. It will not surprise you, it will not displease you.
Ce que je lui dirai ne vous surprendra pas... et ne vous déplaira pas non plus.
Will you tell me exactly what to say?
Vous me direz quoi dire?
Will you ever believe I mean what I say?
Ne vas-tu jamais croire que je pense ce que je dis?
When you're with me, I want you to forget about everyone else in the world, your duty, and what the world will say.
Quand vous êtes avec moi, oubliez tout.
- What are you doing now? What do you think the newspapers will say when they find out about this?
Que vont dire les journaux?
What will my husband say when he sees you?
Que dira mon mari quand il vous verra?
I have a warrant for your arrest and it is my duty to warn you that you need not say anything, but what you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence upon your trial.
- J'ai un mandat d'arrêt contre vous. Vous pouvez garder le silence. Tout ce que vous direz pourra être retenu contre vous.
It will not shock you, I assume, to learn that I'm a woman... What would you say? A woman who has seen a great deal of life.
Cela ne vous choquera sans doute pas d'apprendre que je suis une femme qui a beaucoup vécu.
Well, what will you say?
Que diras-tu?
That's what you will say.
C'est ce que vous direz.
What you say, I will do.
- Je ferai ce que vous dites, señor.
But you're not worried about what Mrs. Bourne will say.
Vous ne vous inquiétez pas de la réaction de Mme Bourne.
Now, Catherine. If you will stay by me this evening, you will see that what I say is not always of the greatest importance but, dear, that doesn't keep me from talking.
Catherine, si tu restes près de moi ce soir, tu verras que ce que je dis n'est pas toujours très important.
You know that the verdict will depend what you say and will do
Tu sais que le verdict dépendra de ce que tu diras et feras
What will you say to him when he comes begging for your hand?
Que diras-tu s'il se déclare?
What will you say?
Que vas-tu lui dire?
- You're afraid of what people will say.
Elle a tout simplement peur du qu'en-dira-t-on!
You're afraid of what people will say too?
Vous aussi, vous avez peur du qu'en-dira-t-on.
Say what you like, this will be a wedding both you and I will remember.
On dira ce qu'on voudra. C'est une noce dont on se souviendra.
I don't know what your reaction will be, but here's what I hope : I hope you say, "Let's take off our insignia, step out in the boondocks and settle it!"
Je ne sais pas ce que vous pensez, Commandant... mais je voudrais régler nos comptes d'homme à homme.
Satoko, just listen to what I have to say, will you?
Satoko, écoute-moi un instant.
What do you think Petronius will say to this?
- Qu'en pensera Pétrone?
Therefore, we are also contrary to the use of the incriminating flag. What do you say, Father? Before speaking, I will hear the Mayor's opinion.
Mais comme dans ce village, les communistes commandent, en qualité de chef communiste, je me fiche de vos conseils.
I will do what you say, MacGregor memsahib.
Je ferai ce que vous me demandez, Mme MacGregor.
- You know what Harry will say. - Yeah.
J'entends Harry d'ici.
When your dear aunt finds out about your blushing bride this human shooting gallery what do you suppose she will say?
Quand ta chère tante verra ta rougissante fiancée, cette reine humaine du tir, que penses-tu qu'elle va dire?
You're worried about what people will say. We can leave.
Si tu crains le qu'en-dira-t-on, quittons ce pays.
What will you parents say? No one will employ you if they know I have thrown you out
Personne ne voudra plus de toi au quartier des courtisanes si tu es renvoyée d'ici.
If you take care of his needs, and thus help Mr. Kusuda, I will ask him to forget all this and I shall continue to employ you, just as before. What do you say?
Si tu changes d'attitude à son égard pour mettre en valeur M. Kusuda, je lui demanderai de tout oublier et je continuerai de t'aider, comme avant.
Perhaps you'll point your finger at me. Perhaps you'll say, "It's Keller." That's what you will do, is it?
Vous me désignerez du doigt en disant "voilà l'assassin!", hein?
What you have to say, I will with patience hear and find a time both meet to hear and answer such high things.
Je t'écouterai encore. Nous prendrons le temps de poser et résoudre ce délicat problème.
Will you do what I say?
Faites ce que je vous dis!
I need to go to the office and meet him. - What will you say?
Tu as dit oui?
As for the rest of what I have to say you will find it neatly typed, at some length, on this piece of paper
Quant au reste de ce que j'ai à dire, tu le trouveras décrit sur ce morceau de papier.
You know what Curt will say.
Tu sais ce que dira Curt.
What will you say about money?
Que direz-vous pour l'argent? Ne vous en souciez pas :
You will meet them in a moment as I talk with them and I warn you that what you hear them say you will find hard to believe but they speak the truth.
Vous allez les découvrir je vais leur parler, et je vous avertis que ce que vous entendrez va vous sembler difficile à croire mais c'est pourtant la vérité.
You will do what I say when I say it.
Tu dois m'obéir quand je te donne des ordres.
If they catch you, nobody will believe what you say.
Si tu te fais pincer, tout t'accusera!
I'm sure my father will be interested in what you have to say.
Je suis sûre que mon père sera intéressé de vous écouter.
What do you say you and Georgie bury the hatchet and Sunday morning the three of us will sail up there and catch our limit.
Si toi et Georgie enterriez la hache de guerre... - et si nous y allions tous les 3, dimanche?
I wonder what Cousin Andre will say when you tell him we're in love.
Je me demande ce que dira cousin André quand tu lui diras qu'on s'aime.
Do what I say, Lou, will you?
Fais ce que je dis, d'accord?
Mr Hocker, what I'm about to say is, I think Mother will be awfully angry if you call her.
M. Hocker, ce que je veux dire, ma mère sera en colère si vous l'appelez.
- What do you all say? - How much will it cost?
Combien ça va coûter?
If what you say pleases me, I will give you your price.
Si ce que tu me dis me plaît, je te donnerai ce que tu demandes.
say what now 22
say what 525
say what you mean 19
say what you want 62
say whatever you want 20
say what you like 21
say what you have to say 25
say what you need to say 29
you will be 199
you will be dead 18
say what 525
say what you mean 19
say what you want 62
say whatever you want 20
say what you like 21
say what you have to say 25
say what you need to say 29
you will be 199
you will be dead 18
you will regret it 32
you will see 125
you will die 193
you will understand 30
you will have 22
you will come 25
you will not 133
you will fail 20
you will never 26
you will lose 34
you will see 125
you will die 193
you will understand 30
you will have 22
you will come 25
you will not 133
you will fail 20
you will never 26
you will lose 34