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That being said traducir francés

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That being said, you should know that though I might be indulgent with amateur gangsters, I wage war on professional criminals.
Ceci dit, il faut tout de même que vous sachiez que s'il m'arrive d'être indulgent avec les gangsters amateurs moi, les professionnels du crime, je leur fais la guerre totale.
Her stomach was in such a pain... Then, when you said that you were going to see your mother... you were being serious?
Son estomac lui donnait de telles douleurs... quand vous avez dit que vous alliez voir votre mère... vous étiez sérieux?
You've not brought to that stand one human being who has said this is so.
Vous n'avez pas produit un seul témoin pour corroborer ses dires.
She laughed and she said we were being very silly... that we didn't care for each other anymore but we needn't hate each other.
Elle riait, elle disait que nous étions idiots, que nous ne nous aimions plus, mais ne devions pas nous détester.
And all she said about Ed being in love with her, that's all lies too.
Et ce qu'elle a dit sur Ed, c'est des mensonges.
She seems to like me, too, and that's about all that can be said for me except that we have a grand chance of being happy.
Elle a l'air de m'apprécier aussi et c'est tout ce qu'on peut dire de moi, sauf que nous avons de grandes chances d'être heureux.
And, oh, yes, I remember she said something that struck me as being very peculiar at the time.
Et elle a prononcé des paroles qui m'ont paru étranges.
I think you should know the things that are being said against you in London.
Vous devez savoir ce qu'on dit de vous.
If I say that's anti-Semitism, your feeling that being Christian is better than being Jewish you'll tell me I'm heckling you or I'm twisting your words around or it's just facing facts, as someone else said to me yesterday. Face me, Miss Wales.
Si je dis que votre attitude est une forme d'antisémitisme, vous rétorquerez que je vous tourmente, et qu'il s'agit d'un simple fait, comme on m'a dit hier.
You recall that the witness himself said something about not being able to live with the knowledge of having betrayed his beloved master.
Le témoin lui-même a dit ne pouvoir vivre avec l'idée d'avoir trahi.
What you said before about cream being lighter than milk, that wasn't quite accurate.
Ce que vous avez dit, sur la crème plus légère, n'est pas juste.
I wonder if it's chemistry that makes two people understand each other without a word being said.
Qu'est-ce qui fait que deux personnes se comprennent sans se parler?
Mr. La Guardia, is it true you made a speech in New York... in which you said Col. Mitchell is not being tried by a jury of his peers? That is correct.
Monsieur LaGuardia, avez-vous déclaré à New York que le colonel Mitchell n'est pas jugé par un jury composé de ses pairs?
You said that since you'd known me, you'd been afraid of being a lonely old woman teaching dancing.
Et que depuis que tu m'avais connu, tu redoutais de devenir un vieux professeur de danse solitaire?
Remember when I said that being near you is like being near a pot-bellied stove?
Je t'ai dit qu'être près de toi, c'était comme d'être assis près d'un poêle chaud?
They said that Mr Feldenstein was being held and that he requested that I serve as his counsellor.
On m'a dit que M. Feldenstein avait été arrêté et qu'il souhaitait m'avoir comme avocat.
In your letter, your rather odd letter you said that my presence here was urgent to your well-being.
Dans votre lettre, une lettre assez étrange... vous disiez que ma présence ici était indispensable à votre bien-être.
Some character once said that being vice president isn't exactly a crime. They can't put you in jail for it. But it is a sort of a disgrace, like living in a mansion with no furniture.
Quelqu'un a dit un jour qu'être vice-président n'est pas un crime plutôt une infortune, comme habiter un château vide!
She'd seen some of our papers, I suppose. I stalled and said we'd had a warning from the police and that we were being used as a cover.
Je lui ai dit que la police nous utilisait comme couverture.
Your grandfather said that Shake was always being taller just to spite me. I knew it.
Ton grand-père a dit que Shake est plus grand pour me mépriser
Does that surprise you? He said he was being held by a bunch of spies.
Il se disait entouré d'espions.
You said you loved that feeling of being full.
Ça te plaisait de bien manger.
that's what the boss said how could he do such a terrible thing, and at the same keep being nice toward his friends
C'est que le patron a dit
We, the undersigned, do hereby petition for the immediate removal of the willow tree that stands on the property of Darrin and Samantha Stephens said tree being a menace to the community. "
Les personnes soussignées s'adressent à vous par la présente pour que vous procédiez à l'enlèvement du saule qui se trouve sur la propriété de Darrin et Samantha Stephens. Cet arbre étant devenu une menace pour la communauté. "
We watched as he said that there was a saboteur being hidden.
On l'a vu dire qu'un saboteur se cachait en ville.
When it is said that I concern myself with the education of many young people so as to be paid and to teach them to make an incorrect cause correct, a lie is being told.
Quand on dit que je m'occupe de l'éducation de tant de jeunes afin d'être payé, pour enseigner à rendre juste la cause injuste, un mensonge est dit.
I pencilled it in first, but I said, " No, that's being dishonest.
J'ai commencé au crayon, puis je me suis dit : C'est malhonnête.
Sister, now that you said that, it looks like I was being reckless too...
Oryu, dans ce cas, tu sous-entends que je le suis, moi aussi.
Bought a horse, traps and other truck that went with being a mountain man. And said good-bye to whatever life was down below.
S'acheta un bon cheval, des pièges, de quoi être homme des montagnes... et dit au revoir à la vie d'en bas.
She said we couldn't leave, that we were being raised up special.
Elle disait qu'on devait rester, qu'on était dans un élevage spécial.
Well that's what he said. I'm being called a liar by a goddamn fish?
C'est ce qu'il dit Je me fais traité de menteur par un fichu poisson?
Katie said that as she was being followed, the camera was taking pictures.
Katie a dit que pendant qu'on la suivait, l'appareil prenait des photos.
He said that you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast it would be good for the family.
Il a dit que tu étais très dur en affaires, mais qu'avec un coup de pouce, ça se conclurait vite. Ce serait bon pour la Famille.
And since Mr. McQueen had overemphatically said that Ratchett spoke no languages, I was being deliberately maneuvered into believing that Ratchett was already dead when a voice cried out from his room in French.
M.McQueen ayant clamé à tous vents que Ratchett ne connaissait pas les langues étrangères voulait me faire croire qu'il était déjà mort lorsque j'ai entendu crier en français dans son sleeping.
He said something about, uh, Mabel being in a nuthouse. Is that right?
Mabel est à l'asile, c'est ça?
You said Enzo Staiola, not Bruno Ricci. That means the human being, not the fictitious character, to whom intimate things were added to reach the goal of the... the... the plan.
Staiola, pas Ricci, c'est-à-dire l'être humain et quelles cordes on fit vibrer afin de...
Julia said I must remind you for her... that you're afraid of being afraid, and so you will do what sometimes you cannot do.
Julia m'a confié que vous étiez parfois emportée par votre tempérament, que vous pourriez entreprendre des actions inconsidérées.
I said, Alma Jean, don't you know that nigger of yours can get 15 years for being felonious?
J'ai dit... "Alma Jean, ton négro va se prendre 15 ans s'il fout la merde!"
He always said that being a civil servant we don't drive out the rascals and... protect the people, but the other way around
Il disait souvent : "on protége les méchants et on opprime les bons citoyens."
Holmes, what he said about the government being involved, that can't be.
Holmes, le gouvernement ne peut pas être impliqué!
Obsian, amused, said it was too late to contemplate such a deception for it was obvious by now that he was being closely watched.
Obsian, amusé, dit qu'iI était trop tard pour envisager une telle tromperie car iI était à présent évident qu'on Ie surveiIIait de près.
I said, "If you ever lose that girl... " you're gonna wind up being a booze-head ex-superstar...
" Si tu perds cette fille... tu vas devenir une ex-superstar doublée d'un poivrot.
Third grand uncle started being unreasonable and said that the inheritance should belong to him.
Sur l'héritage, l'oncle était intarissable.
You know, if I understood it correctly, I think, uh, Heidegger said... that, uh, if you were to experience your own being to the full... you'd be experiencing the decay of that being toward death... as a part of your experience.
Si je l'ai bien compris, Heidegger a écrit que si on pouvait discerner sa propre vie, on verrait la décomposition de son être, on ferait l'expérience de la mort...
I have been accused of being insane, being a drunkard, being everything that you can imagine a derelict to be, as a result of a guilty conscience for doing this, and as I said, no one's ever comes to my defense in that regard.
On m'a traité de fou, d'ivrogne, d'être tout ce que peut être un dépravé qui a mauvaise conscience.
I thought you said you weren't gonna call me stupid now that we're being intimate.
Before you said that fear prevented us being cold blooded.
Avant tu as dit que Ia peur troubIait Ie sang froid.
It's being said in Washington that the Los Angeles was on a routine reconnaissance mission off Iran when she sank last Tuesday with a loss of all hands.
On dit à Washington que le Los Angeles était en mission de routine au large des côtes de l'Iran Quand il a disparu mardi dernier, l'ensemble de l'équipage est mort noyé.
Stan, did you really mean what you said about there not being that much between you and Chrissy?
C'est vrai qu'il n'y avait pas grand-chose entre vous deux?
If I ever discover that you are selling any of what is being said here...
Si jamais je découvre que vous divulguez quoi que ce soit...
What I'm trying to say is that I think we should, for the time being, forget what was said on that plane.
Ce que je veux dire, c'est que, pour le moment, oublions tout ce qui a été dit dans l'avion.

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