The doctor is in traducir francés
535 traducción paralela
The doctor is in Miss Kellerman's room. Thank you.
- Le docteur Vance est avec Mlle Kellerman.
OK, the paper in Doctor Mondoux's hand : did you find out what it is?
Le papier dans la main du Dr Mondoux, avez-vous trouvé ce que c'est?
Surely it is clear to you that in the evidence for the defense the doctor put forward a theory that it was due to the independent activity of the suppressed experience.
Il est clair que dans la version de la défense... le docteur avance la théorie... d'une activité indépendante du conscient.
Now, look here, Doctor, this is the sixth murder in the same number of months, all committed in the full of the moon with no apparent motive, by means of strangulation and an incision with a strange surgical knife.
Écoutez docteur, ceci est le sixième meurtre en six mois, tous commis par des soirs de pleine lune, les victimes ont été étranglées, puis incisées à l'aide d'un bistouri.
Is there a doctor in the stands?
Y-a-t-il un médecin parmi vous?
My name is Donald Harvey, doctor of medicine in the service of His Majesty.
Je suis Donald Harvey, Docteur en médecine, au service de sa Majesté.
A drop of rum in your tea is supposed to build up your strength... only the doctor says you must take it... after you've got into bed and be sure to keep well covered... as it's heating to the blood... and you're liable to take a chill.
Une goutte de rhum dans le thé est supposée vous fortifier... mais le docteur dit qu'on doit le prendre... après s'être couchés et il faut surtout bien se couvrir... car cela réchauffe le sang... et on pourrait prendre froid.
But the doctor is back in town now, yes, and he will give your case his personal attention.
Le docteur est de retour en ville, oui, et il s'occupera personnellement de votre cas.
Then the doctor is going to feel pretty silly when he sees us in the newsreel. He doesn't? Look here, you can't get away with this.
Ça n'ira pas ainsi.
Is there a doctor in the house? Oh!
Il y a un médecin dans la maison?
Doctor Mudd is under arrest for conspiracy in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
M. Mudd est accusé de conspiration dans le meurtre du président Abraham Lincoln.
And, doctor, remember, I'm counting on you. The success of the sanitarium is in your hands.
Mais n'oubliez pas que notre sort est entre vos mains.
Is there a doctor in the house?
Y a-t-il un médecin dans la salle?
- Is the doctor in? - Yes, he is.
- Le docteur est ici?
Is there a doctor in the courtroom?
Y a-t-il un médecin dans l'assistance?
I mean, my dear wife has and much as I dislike discussing it in this hour of our trial I believe the Doctor is right.
Ma chère femme, plutôt. Bien que l'heure ne soit pas aux discussions, je crois que le docteur a raison.
Haven't you fellows caught on yet, there is such a thing as lunacy in the world? I can't get a thing out of him, doctor.
Vous n'avez pas entendu parler de l'aliénation mentale?
Yes? Hello. Is the doctor in?
- Le docteur est-il présent?
But according to your theory Doctor Watson, everyone in the village is under suspicion.
Selon votre théorie, Dr Watson tous les habitants du village sont des suspects.
Excuse me, Doctor... but the man who killed his brother is in the vicinity.
Veuillez m'excuser, docteur... mais l'homme qui a tué son frère est dans les parages.
The wind is our only hope. A change in the wind. Is that it, Doctor?
Notre seul espoir, c'est que le vent tourne, non?
The minute the doctor falls in love with his patient, from then on he is as effective as a papoose.
Dès l'instant où le docteur tombe amoureux de sa patiente, il devient aussi efficace qu'un papoose.
If there is a solution to her problem it ought to be in the hands of someone other than a hick doctor.
S'il y a une solution à son problème, ce n'est pas à un médecin de campagne de s'en charger.
- Is the doctor in?
- Le docteur est-il là?
Here it is. The doctor's name was Lawrence Stoneman, office in the Chaffee Building.
Dr Lawrence Stoneman, Chafey Building.
And in the second story of the bank building is the doctor's office, the only doctor in Loyalton.
Au-dessus de la banque, le cabinet du médecin, le seul médecin de Loyalton, mais il est fermé.
Is there a doctor in the organization?
Y a-t-il un médecin dans l'organisation?
With a heavy jolt you go suddenly, in a matter of hours... but if the stuff is taken in a lesser degree, you last a while... and then... and then? Maybe it's not as bad as you think, Doctor. That's characteristic.
Une forte dose vous tue en quelques heures.
The number of accomplishments in my life, Doctor, is one...
Le nombre de mes accomplissements est unique :
- Joe. Is the doctor in his office?
- Le docteur est là, Joe?
The likeness is perfect. From the people in honor of Doctor Spiletti.
"La population reconnaissante, moins les communistes."
Well, in books, the ship's doctor is usually a man with a shadow over him.
Dans les romans, le médecin de bateau a souvent un squelette dans le placard.
A subdural clot, Doctor, is a haematoma anywhere in the cranial cavity. Thank you.
Oui, docteur, c'est un hématome de la cavité crânienne.
- Is the doctor in please?
- Le docteur est-il là?
Tucker, his night nurse is with him now and Perkins comes on in about half an hour. - The fella is good as any doctor.
Tucker est avec lui en ce moment et Perkins va arriver, ce sont presque des vrais médecins.
That decision belongs to the doctor in charge, who is also the surgeon.
La décision appartient au médecin traitant, qui est aussi chirurgien.
You see, the doctor is a friend of mine, so we were very lucky in that respect.
En fait, le docteur est un ami, donc nous avons eu de la chance.
My dear doctor, the rule is already rescinded in your favour.
Mon cher docteur, la règle est suspendue en votre faveur.
His father was hanged by white men for killing one of the white men that his mother brought home and your reasoning, and God only knows I respect you and I respect your experience but Doctor, in this case, your reasoning is wrong.
Son père a été pendu pour avoir tué un Blanc que sa mère fréquentait. Dieu sait que je vous respecte. Et je respecte votre expérience.
I take it that the bone doctor is not in the running.
Je présume que l'ostéologue n'a pas une chance?
The Herr Doctor is a very charming gentleman and his table is one of the best in the country.
Herr Docteur est un charmant gentleman, et sa table est l'une des meilleures au pays.
Is there a doctor in the village?
- Y a-t-il un docteur au village?
Marco, we're all in need of rest, and the Doctor is still very weak.
Marco, nous avons tous besoin de repos et le Docteur est toujours très faible.
Dr. Blake is the only other doctor in town, and we work at the clinic together and he is gonna
C'est le seul autre médecin de la ville, nous travaillons ensemble à la clinique, et il...
- Is the doctor in?
- Le docteur est là?
As far as is known, it is at present planned by the Civil Defence that each doctor, working in a forward medical-aid unit, place every casualty into one of three carefully defined categories to determine whether or not that casualty is worth hospital treatment.
Actuellement, selon une note du ministère de la Défense, chaque médecin travaillant dans une unité de secours doit placer chaque blessé dans 3 catégories bien précises pour déterminer si un traitement hospitalier est vraiment utile.
Ladies and gentlemen! At the close of our symposium Doctor Berankova is going to demonstrate the results achieved in her research.
Mesdames et messieurs, pour conclure notre symposium, le professeur Berankova va présenter les résultats de ses recherches.
Don't worry, doctor. There is not a trick in the world Nestor the Great cannot explain.
Pas de problème. ll n'existe pas un seul tour au monde que Nestor le Grand ne puisse expliquer.
Perhaps, but if we were to agree that the Doctor and his fiends could, what is the value in expelling them from the spaceship?
Peut-être... mais si nous convenons que le Docteur et ses amis le peuvent, quel est l'intérêt de les expulser du vaisseau?
I don't follow. Look, the Doctor said that it's not only Earth that's in danger but that Mondas itself is in far greater danger.
Le Docteur dit que la Terre est en danger, mais que Mondas l'est encore plus.
You'd better make sure that police box is well covered-up, in case the Doctor starts snooping about.
Assurez-vous que la cabine soit bien cachée, au cas où le Docteur déciderait de fouiner.
the doctor 415
the doctor said 57
the doctors 61
the doctor will see you now 25
the doctor says 25
the doctor's here 23
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the doctor said 57
the doctors 61
the doctor will see you now 25
the doctor says 25
the doctor's here 23
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the day before yesterday 39
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the duck 18
the duke 46
the day after tomorrow 108
the day 56
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the day before 49
the dress 56
the door was locked 29
the dog 197
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the door opened 17
the door 306
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49