The point being traducir francés
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The point being, that among great art forgers... your grandfather is the da Vinci?
Votre aïeul est LE De Vinci des faussaires?
Being the severely pathological case that he is, he has no doubt already had some kind of contact with the authorities.
Un homme dérangé à ce point a sûrement déjà eu affaire à la loi.
Will you call the High Commissioner for Canada and tell him an important... That'll do now. .. important secret is being taken out of this country by a foreign agent.
Appelez le haut commissaire du Canada et dites lui qu'un important secret est sur le point d'être emporté par un agent étranger.
Captain, I've reached the point of being fair crazy trying to understand you.
Capitaine, je deviens complètement folle à essayer de vous comprendre. - Je peux fumer?
On a 2000 mile front, from Norway to France, .. the whole Nazi blitz program was being stalled, because the RAF was still in the air.
Sur un front de 3000 kilomètres allant de la Norvège à la France, le programme nazi de Blitz était au point mort parce que la RAF était toujours dans les airs.
No point in my being the only one that don't hear it.
Je ne serai pas la seule à ne pas savoir.
Carol mentioned your being frightened of howling dogs of late. I merely added up the facts.
Carol m'a dit à quel point les hurlements de chiens... vous effrayaient dernièrement et j'en ai déduit ça.
I'm not saying I didn't argue the point... but if you insist on being stubborn there's nothing I can do.
Je ne dis pas que je n'ai pas argumenté... mais si vous restez obstiné, je ne pourrais plus rien faire.
From a dramatic standpoint, we didn't even have the advantage of being very poor.
D'un point de vue dramatique, nous n'avions même pas la chance d'être très pauvres.
There's no point in giving you the routine about baseball being a great game, and keeping it clean for the kids.
Inutile de t'expliquer que le base-hall est un super sport qu'on ne doit pas corrompre, surtout pour les enfants.
I think he's right about it being the safest place.
- Je pense que sur ce point, il a raison.
About your not being disappointed when you found out Esther invented the formula.
Tu n'es pas déçu que ce soit Esther qui ait mis au point la formule.
Then what's the point of being family?
Alors à quoi bon être une famille?
All emergency equipment is being mobilized at Point Diego... where the bodies of two students, victims of the Gill Man, were found.
Tout l'équipement d'urgence est mobilisé à la pointe Diego... où les corps de deux étudiants, victimes de l'homme aux ouies, ont été trouvés.
Now, what's the point your being a nun if we're all alone? Answer me that.
Ça sert à quoi d'être nonne si nous devons rester seuls?
Ah, it's depressing how much the human being does instinctively what is foolish. And whereas...
C'est déprimant à quel point l'être humain fait instinctivement ce qui est idiot... et pire.
Point is you're in the position now to do something besides making a lot of money and being one of the social lions.
Tu peux faire autre chose que gagner de l'argent ou être un lion de la société.
What's the point of being a widower if you let a chance like this slip by?
Comment es-tu resté veuf?
I allowed for being delayed near the Japanese coast, but this was too much!
Je savais qu'il me faudrait du temps pour gagner le large, mais pas à ce point.
She's certainly worse than when I last wrote you, but not to the extent of being committed.
Son état a certes empiré depuis ma dernière lettre, mais pas au point de la faire interner.
The United States intelligence makes a point of never being too sure about anything.
Les services secrets américains ont pour principe de n'être jamais sûrs de rien.
If then thou be a son to me, here lies the point! Why, being son to me, art thou so pointed at?
Si donc tu es mon fils, la question se pose :
Confidence tricksters make a point of being familiar with people in the news.
Les filous mettent un point d'honneur à connaître les célébrités.
Sir Kisoya, your concern is that... what if Sir Tsuruchiyo... becomes one of the conspirators. These days, those wanting to become a samurai can do so by being of service to the clans of Mito, Satsuma, or even Choshu.
Si vous êtes inquiet à ce point c'est parce que vous craignez que Tsuruchiyo soit embauché comme samouraï par le clan Mito, le clan Choshu ou le clan Satsuma.
You know, I wish we could stop somewhere for a while and take stock of ourselves instead of being surrounded by dangers all the time.
Vous savez, j'aimerais que nous puissions nous arrêter pendant un temps pour faire le point sur nous-mêmes, plutôt que d'être sans cesse submergés par le danger.
Cars are being tuned manufacturers are leaving nothing to chance in the rugged competition.
On met au point bien sûr, un peu partout, les voitures qui vont s'affronter dans cette compétition particulièrement difficile compte tenu des conditions atmosphériques.
I intend being short, sharp and to the point.
J'ai l'intention d'être bref, clair, et direct.
What's the point of being a gangster?
On doit payer es impôts? C'est ridicule!
What is the point of being a general when corporals prefer to be corporals?
A quoi bon devenir général quand les caporaux restent caporaux?
And all indications point to their being swept with the tide... out through the Golden Gate to a watery grave.
Ils ont sans doute été entraînés par le courant jusqu'à leur tombe sous-marine.
Hey, and what's the point of me being here?
Ecoute, et moi, je sers à quoi?
- the main point of attack being the...
- Où l'on s'attaque surtout...
This will be a test of the spacecraft, the systems and most of all the men. In preparation for interplanetary deep-space missions which are now being planned.
Cela fera le point sur le matériel, et surtout sur les hommes... en vue des missions en projet... vers les autres planètes.
In love to the point of not being able to do any less than what she's doing now.
Amoureux au point de ne pouvoir me passer d'elle.
We should realize the degree in which the violence of the students is now being overplayed and that of the establishment is being minimized
Il faut voir à quel point la violence des étudiants a été exagérée, et celle du système minimisée.
Do you have any idea how the Colombian clergy differs from that in Brazil in the circle about Monsignore Camarne in terms of the theories being disseminated?
Savez-vous en quoi le clergé colombien diffère du clergé brésilien? Dans l'entourage de monseigneur Camarne, du point de vue des théories prêchées?
Yes, I quite agree with you. I mean, what's the point Of being treated like a sheep?
Pourquoi être traités traités comme des moutons.
What's the point of being carted around in buses Surrounded by sweaty, mindless oafs From kettering and boventry?
A quoi ça sert d'être trimballé en bus, entourés d'abrutis transpirants et sans cervelle, venus de la bampagne profonde.
You're afraid of losing points, of being the weaker one.
Tu as peur de perdre un point, c'est-à-dire d'être le plus faible.
Sure, being the situation at this point, it's best to wait.
Vu la situation, le mieux est d'attendre. Attendre?
But we're not so proud, either of us... as to lay any superior claim... to being very much worse than the rest of you.
Mais nous ne sommes pas plus fiers, pas au point de prétendre être pires que le reste d'entre-vous!
What's the point of being afraid?
Pourquoi avoir peur?
What's the point in being alive?
- Rien? A quoi sert d'être vivant?
And for the time being you must not contradict me, but on the contrary, try to please me in every way.
Et au point où on en est, tu ne dois pas me parler comme ça. Bien au contraire, tu dois me caresser dans le sens du poil.
You know the point about being conventionally unconventional... Is that it provides a mask behind which one's true squalor can rest in peace.
Le non-conformisme conventionnel est un masque sous lequel la crasse repose en paix.
Injustice, which is omnipresent, struck him this time in a vital and unarmed part of his soul, but Massigny did his duty as a leader, being the first in the line of fire.
Ainsi, l'injustice partout présente l'a frappé cette fois à un point vital et comme au défaut de l'armure de l'âme. Néanmoins, Massigny a fait son devoir de chef en essuyant le premier feu.
My point being is, why doesn't anyone here just, I don't know, say the truth?
pourquoi personne n'est honnête ici? - Qu'est ce qui te prend Mike? - Il se sent pas bien.
I'd finally gotten to the point where... I liked being unattached.
J'en étais arrivée au stade où j'étais heureuse d'être sans attache.
- What point is there in being sharp if the steel isn't hard and stout? - you'll really like the blade.
Tu vas être fier de son fil
Sir, I would like to point out to my learned colonial colleague... that the fact of the crime being previously committed... in no way pardons the behavior of Lt. Morant and his friends.
J'aimerais signaler à mon très érudit collègue colon, que le fait que le crime ait déjà été commis avant ne pardonne en aucun cas l'attitude du lieutenant Morant et de ses amis.
Hey, look, Doctor, we got a brutally murdered woman here, who passed the point of being embarrassed by anything you might tell me.
Ecoutez, Docteur... Une femme a été brutalement assassinée... et il n'y a rien que vous puissiez dire... qui puisse l'embarrasser.
the point is 1527
the point 85
the point is this 23
point being 36
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
the point 85
the point is this 23
point being 36
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
being alone 20
being a woman 17
being here 45
being alive 20
being dead 20
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the police are coming 33
being a woman 17
being here 45
being alive 20
being dead 20
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the piano 29
the police station 24
the party 90
the plane 59
the phone rang 17
the park 61
the policeman 19
the party's over 96
the people 229
the piano 29
the police station 24
the party 90
the plane 59
the phone rang 17
the park 61
the policeman 19
the party's over 96
the people 229
the player 16
the phone rings 24
the prince 110
the patient 39
the painter 35
the phone's ringing 18
the police came 16
the phone 197
the princess 70
the planet 19
the phone rings 24
the prince 110
the patient 39
the painter 35
the phone's ringing 18
the police came 16
the phone 197
the princess 70
the planet 19