The police came traducir francés
643 traducción paralela
The police came.
La police est venue.
Well, the police came, and...
Eh bien, la police est venue et...
- He didn't exactly leave. One nice Sunday afternoon, the police came along and took him.
En fait, un dimanche après-midi, la police est venue l'embarquer.
And when the police came, I - I got frightened and told him.
Et quand la police est arrivée, j'ai pris peur et je lui ai dit.
And one day the police came and arrested my father.
Un jour, la police est venue pour arrêter mon père.
- Saturday. - Before the police came.
- Quand l'avez-vous rangée?
My dear Frank, these gentlemen of the police came to me.
Mon cher Frank, ces messieurs de la Sûreté se sont adressés à moi.
You see, if the police came while you were still alive... they would investigate the strange story you would tell them.
Si les policiers venaient alors que tu es encore vivante... ils enquêteraient sur l'étrange histoire que tu leur raconterais.
And we left before the police came.
La police n'était pas arrivée.
Why did you run away when the police came to arrest you?
Pourquoi vous êtes-vous enfui quand la police est venue vous arrêter?
Why the police came here, Dad?
Pourquoi la police est t'elle venue, père?
- The police came for it just before this...
La police a pris le respirateur.
Then the police came.
La police est venue.
Then the police came around.
Puis la police est venue.
The police came looking for me.
Ce matin j'étais paniqué.
No, if the police came, Zurich would kill her.
Non, si la police venait, Zurich la tuerait.
Later the police came asking questions, Her family were worried.
Avant hier, la police est venu faire une enquête, car la famille s'inquiétait.
We held him till the police came.
On l'a tenu jusqu'à ce que la police arrive.
The police came. The police came.
La police est venue.
Right after, the police came and asked me where he'd gone.
Tout à coup, la police est arrivée et m'a demandé où j'allais.
I had to work hard, until the police came pouring down on me.
Firmino a bossé dur et la police est devenue son ombre.
The police chief often came to Coke Ennyday for help.
Le chef de la police venait souvent demander de l'aide à Coke Ennyday.
Mrs Schuyler left orders that if this person came again, I was to call the police.
Mademoiselle, Mme Schuyler a dit que s'il revenait... - je devais appeler la police.
Before the police came.
200F avant les gendarmes.
Listen, Remy, I told dick when we became engaged in Paris that I couldn't marry a man who didn't work, no matter how much money he had, so he came home and joined the state police,
Quand on s'est fiancés à Paris, j'ai dit qu'il devait travailler, même s'il était riche. Alors il a rejoint la police d'État et je trouve ça formidable.
The accident policy came through. I've got it in my pocket.
La police est dans ma poche.
The chief ofpolice came close to the truth when he talked of the number of suspects that would be picked up.
Le chef de la police ne se trompait guère quant au nombre de suspects.
The police ballistics expert has already stated that it came from the gun found on the person of John Waldron.
Les experts de la police ont conclu qu'elle provient bien de l'arme trouvée sur John Waldron.
- Look, a certain young man came here. This young man I remembered seeing outside Mrs. Palmer's house at police headquarters, at the funeral parlor where Mrs. Palmer was laid out.
- J'ai suivi un homme qui rôdait autour de chez Mme Palmer, au Q.G. de la police, et qui a suivi l'enterrement.
On the ninth day, a policeman came and put a stamp on my forehead and drafted me.
Le neuvième jour, un agent de police m'appliqua un sceau sur le front et me réquisitionna.
The police never came?
La police ne l'a pas trouvé?
Shall I confess to you, my dear M. Zafari... that I was astonished to see your comrades agree so quickly... to my sending the first who came along to the Minister of the Police?
Vous avouerai-je, cher Monsieur Zafari, que je m'étonnais un peu de voir vos camarades accepter si vite que j'envoyasse le premier venu chez le ministre de la Police?
On January 4, a routine request... one of approximately 26,000 received daily by the F.B.I.... came into the identification division from the police department of Center City.
Le 4 janvier, une demande de renseignements, l'une des 26 000 reçues quotidiennement par le FBI, parvenait au Service des Identifications en provenance du commissariat de Center City.
I came immediately... Police and courts are one and the accused is presumed guilty and a few ways to disculper.
Je suis venu immédiatement... police et tribunaux ne font qu'un et l'accusé est présumé coupable et a peu de moyens de se disculper.
Maybe if the police find out about Backett and find the two men or find where the money came from originally, why Backett said it wasn't his.
Si la police trouve Backett ou les 2 autres, d'où venait l'argent, pourquoi Backett dit qu'il n'est pas à lui.
Police department, a call just came through information, get me... From brighton 634, the address is...
Police, nous avons reçu un appel de Brighton 634.
I naturally thought that he would call the police from the hotel... -... before he came here.
J'ai pensé qu'il s'en chargerait.
Before you came, he was trying to persuade me to go to the police with the most fantastic story you ever heard. Apparently, I bribed Swan to murder my wife so that- -
II voulait que je raconte à la police une histoire extravagante, selon laquelle j'aurais payé Swan pour tuer ma femme...
But then he came back, and the only way I could get her out was to call the police.
Mais il est revenu, et j'ai dû appeler la police pour la faire sortir.
- They came for me an hour ago. - The police?
La police était chez moi.
You know, we thought maybe you came from the police.
On a pensé que vous étiez de la police.
Didn't hear the scream, did run out in a panic, calmed down later and came back for the knife, risking being caught by the police.
Il n'a rien entendu, il a paniqué, il est revenu chercher le couteau au risque de se faire pincer.
All I know is that the policeman came,... and he said he didn't know anything.
L'inspecteur de police est venu et a dit qu'il ne savait rien.
we came in to call the police.
Ma voiture a heurté un truc.
The day after they searched Dairyu and arrested Wada, you came flying into Iwabuchi's office, your face all pale.
Quand la police a perquisitionné chez Dairyu, vous avez bondi dans le bureau d'Iwabuchi.
He came to tell me you'd been to the police.
Il venait me dire que tu es allé à la polce.
We were negotiating, but after the police raid the press got hold of the story and things came to a head
On allait traiter. Mais après la descente de police, la presse s'est déchaînée et bien sûr les chiffres sont devenus exorbitants.
They came with the police and they should have left with the police.
Ils n'avaient qu'à repartir avec.
Because I came to you and not the police.
Três bien.
He said he was a police officer. But since I don't trust the likes of them, I came right up.
Il était du commissariat, mais je ne lui fais pas confiance, et je suis venue tout de suite.
He came to our studio to tell you the police are vigilant.
Il vers notre studio est venu pour raconter vous que la police veille.
the police 666
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the police station 24
the policeman 19
the police are on their way 50
the police are looking for you 21
camera 269
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came 33
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the police station 24
the policeman 19
the police are on their way 50
the police are looking for you 21
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came 33
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camera shutter clicks 92
camera clicks 41
camera shutter clicking 109
camera clicking 22
cameras clicking 16
camel 60
cameraman 36
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camels 27
camera shutter clicks 92
camera clicks 41
camera shutter clicking 109
camera clicking 22
cameras clicking 16