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There was a witness traducir francés

141 traducción paralela
I told you, there was a witness.
Je te l'ai dit, il y avait un témoin.
There was a witness to the murder, a man who used to work on Terminal Dock.
Un homme a été témoin du meurtre, un docker.
There was a witness. A little stevedore who played the harmonica saw the whole thing.
Un manutentionnaire qui jouait de l'harmonica a tout vu.
And supposing there was a witness to the murder?
Et qu'il y avait eu un témoin de ce meurtre? Et alors?
There was a witness.
Il y a un témoin.
Except that in Paris, there was a witness.
- Mais, il y avait un témoin à Paris.
There was a witness.
Nous avions un arbitre officiel.
There was a witness to my presence.
Il y a un témoin à charge.
Whoever wanted him dead didn ´ t know there was a witness.
Les commanditaires de ce crime ignorent qu'elle a vu.
Commodore, there was a witness who saw a young woman leaving the scene of Mr. Snow's murder.
Un témoin a vu une jeune femme quitter la scène du meurtre.
There was a witness...
Il y avait un témoin.
- There was a witness.
- Il y eut un témoin :
- I didn't know there was a witness.
- J'ignorais qu'il y avait un témoin. - Si.
Doctor, if I may. We have heard that there was a witness.
Docteur, si vous me permettez, nous avons entendu dire qu'il y a un témoin.
This time, there was a witness. But by the time the police got there the body was almost unrecognizable.
Un témoin avait appelé la police, mais à son arrivée, elle était méconnaissable.
- There was a witness.
Il y eut un témoin :
There was a witness, and we found his prints on the murder weapon.
Il y avait un témoin, et ses empreintes étaient sur l'arme du crime.
There was a witness in Sean's case... who thought he saw a guy with a small dog in the campground.
Il y a un témoin dans le dossier de Sean qui disait avoir vu un gars avec un petit chien traîner.
I was told there was a witness.
On m'a parlé d'un témoin.
There was a witness eating lunch across the street around 11 : 45. He saw three guys walk in here. They stood here, rat-a-tat-tat, like fish in a barrel.
Il y a eu un témoin, il déjeunait de l'autre côté de la rue vers 11h45 il a vu 3 hommes entrer ici, ils se sont tenus ici, pan-pan-pan-pan, comme à un peloton d'exécution
There was a witness.
Il y a eu un témoin
They say he acted alone, but recently, I've learned there was a witness... who saw two people robbing the store. If this is true... maybe there's a chance to prove my son is innocent.
On dit qu'il était seul, mais récemment, j'ai appris qu'un témoin avait vu deux personnes voler le magasin, auquel cas on peut peut-être prouver l'innocence de mon fils.
There was a witness who saw them being taken away, yo.
Il y avait un témoin qui les a vus étant emportés, yo.
Isobe! So there was a witness?
Il a pris les devants.
It seems like... there was a witness. Heshoy, you do it.
Il semblerait que nous ayons un témoin.
He said to make sure there was a witness.
Je devais m'assurer qu'il y ait un témoin.
There was a witness to the shooting, and the witness said that she saw fire.
Il y avait un témoin de la fusillade, et le témoin a dit avoir vu du feu.
There was a witness outside your apartment.
Il y avait un témoin devant votre appartement.
If there was a witness to what happened in the desert that night, we'd have all been picked up by now.
S'il y avait eu un témoin de ce qui s'est passé dans le désert cette nuit, on aurait déjà tous été arrêtés.
Mrs. Williams, was there a witness to the threat you mentioned?
Quelqu'un l'a-t-il entendu vous menacer? Non!
There was no witness.
Il n'y a aucun témoin.
A witness said that there was a thief with pants of cavalier! - I have only these!
Un témoin a dit qu'un des voleurs portait une culotte de cavalier.
Mr. Witness, I'd rather go out of this world standing on my two hind legs... fighting like a man for things I believe in, than to yield and concede and crawl... till there was nothing left of our freedoms and way of life... but a handful of lost dreams and a fistful of dry dust.
Monsieur, je préférerais quitter ce monde dressé sur mes ergots, en me battant en homme plutôt que de ramper de concessions en abandons jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste plus de nos libertés qu'une poignée de rêves déçus, et de cendre!
I was talking to the witness. I'm suggesting there hasn't been a piece of paper written in the history of mankind that could serve as a deterrent to a Pearl Harbor.
Aucun chiffon de papier... ne nous aurait évité Pearl Harbor.
Between 10 and 12, I had a breakdown on my way home. I was there the whole time and I have a witness to prove it.
Entre 22h et minuit, je suis tombé en panne, puis je suis resté ici, j'ai un témoin.
And a witness who was there says he saw it all.
Et avec un témoin qui dit avoir tout vu.
Even your own expert witness said there was no negligence.
Et ton propre témoin dit qu'il n'y a pas eu négligence.
You said there was one witness - a little girl.
Vous avez parlé d'un témoin : Une petite fille.
Mike wanted me to go to this gunfight, then... Well, then there was this witness...
Mike a voulu que j'aille sur ce coup... et il y avait ce témoin...
there's a witness on the scene that said there was a third guy... in the car past the two victims, so we gotta make that guy you.
- Bobby? - Je dois voir le patron. Stu, Andy?
How did he get caught? There was a call from a witness
Elle avait de beaux yeux, cette fille.
On the Beechum case, was there a record of a kid who was a witness?
Dans l'affaire Beechum, il y a un autre témoin, un jeune?
But I was, like, there, so some would consider that I was a witness or some shit.
- Non! Non! J'ai rien à voir.
Now, I know there was a-a-a guy, a witness.
Enfin, je sais qu'il y avait un mec, un témoin.
I got mixed up in a robbery, but I was just there, a witness.
J'ai assisté à un vol. Mais j'étais juste là, seulement comme témoin.
So there was a witness?
- Il y a donc un témoin?
They can lean on that witness... that kid that he shot, the one that was there in the store.
Ils peuvent influencer le témoin. Le jeune sur qui il a tiré, celui qui était dans la boutique.
Figure our guy was watching it live, high-tailed it out of there when the complaining witness found the camera.
Il devait regarder en direct et a déguerpi quand le témoin a découvert la caméra.
Look, I don't know who this witness was but he didn't see me, because I was never there.
Je sais pas qui est ce témoin, mais il n'a pas pu me voir parce que j'y étais pas.
A police officer called Scaglia was there to witness the whole thing.
Le commissaire de police, Scaglia, a tout vu.
Witness says there was an accident, bus rolled over.
Un témoin a vu l'accident. Le car s'est renversé.

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