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Timing is everything traducir francés

91 traducción paralela
First of all, let me impress upon you that the timing is everything. Everything.
Laissez-moi d'abord vous rappeler que le timing est la clé.
Remember, timing is everything.
Il va falloir être rapide.
Timing is everything.
C'est le timing qui fait tout.
As Al would say, timing is everything.
Comme le dirait Al, tout est dans le minutage.
Timing is everything. You just have to know when to move.
Regarde moi.
But timing is everything, so that was not going to be today.
C'est une question de timing, mais il était evident que ce ne serait pas aujourd'hui.
Timing is everything.
Tout est dans le timing.
- Seeing how timing is everything... why don't you wait until I'm done reading my stars?
Le temps est si précieux, je finis de lire mon horoscope.
- Well, timing is everything.
- Comme de bien entendu.
I realize things got a little fishy along the way... but you realize timing is everything... in the "run for your life" business.
Navré pour les odeurs de poisson, mais le temps est précieux, en cavale.
You know what they say? Timing is everything.
Comme on dit, il faut tomber à pic.
And most important, folks, timing. Timing is everything.
Et le plus important, les gars, c'est d'être synchro.
Theresa, timing is everything.
Il y a un temps pour tout.
I guess timing is everything.
Cest juste une question de timing.
I think timing is everything.
Le plus important, c'est le timing.
Now in artificial insemination, timing is everything... so you have to hurry.
Dans l'insémination artificielle, le temps est un facteur déterminant. Il va falloir que tu fasses vite.
Well, timing is everything, as if they want me away.
Et bien, le timing est parfait, comme s'ils voulaient m'éloigner.
Fundamental truth, but timing is everything.
Vérité fondamentale, mais le timing est tout.
Timing is everything.
Le timing c'est essentiel.
Well timing is everything, right?
Il y a un moment pour tout.
And sometimes, timing is everything.
Et parfois, il faut sentir le bon moment.
You know, with these things, timing is everything.
Pour ces choses, le timing est important.
Timing is everything with this job.
Le timing est tout dans ce boulot.
It's a souffle, and timing is everything.
C'est un soufflé, et le temps est crucial.
You taught me that timing is everything.
Tu m'as appris que tout est histoire de timing.
Like i said, timing is everything.
Comme je disais, le timing change tout.
But as they say, "Timing is everything."
Mais c'était pas le bon moment.
Timing is everything.
Le timing fait tout.
In my world, timing is everything, and occasionally we get lucky.
Il fallait saisir les occasions et parfois, nous étions chanceux.
Timing is everything, you little brute.
Tu tombes toujours à pic, espèce de petite horreur!
Now, timing is everything.
Il faut y aller au bon moment.
Timing is everything.
Et ça tombe bien.
And as they say, timing is everything.
Et l'on dit que tout est dans le timing.
But timing is everything.
Mais le synchronisme est essentiel.
Timing is everything.
Le timing est essentiel.
- Give me that. "Timing is everything."
"Tout est question de moment".
Timing is everything, Face.
Le timing est crucial, Futé.
Timing is everything.
Le timing est primordial.
Timing is everything.
Le timing c'est l'essentiel.
Now you must remember, everything Is exact timing and coordination.
Souvenez-vous, tout doit se faire au bon moment et en coordination.
Timing is everything.
Le temps, c'est crucial.
Timing is everything On the entrance.
Merci, l'Ohio!
The timing here is everything.
Il a bien calculé.
Timing is everything.
Tout est dans le minutage.
Is timing everything?
Tout dépend-il du moment et de l'endroit?
Timing is everything. When we built the Hacienda, it was too soon.
Le tout est d'être dans les temps.
It's, uh... the timing is probably not great, given everything.
ça ne tombe pas très bien, c'est tout.
Timing, my friend, is everything.
Le timing change tout, mon ami.
Kids, sometimes in life the planets align, everything links up, and your timing is perfect.
Les enfants, parfois dans la vie, les planètes s'alignent, tout s'enchaîne, et votre timing est parfait.
Timing, it really is everything.
Le moment est mal choisi.
As I ease into my dotage, I've realised that everything in life is about timing, from sex to the golf swing. It feels like the appropriate moment.
C'est simplement le bon moment.

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