We should go out traducir francés
469 traducción paralela
All I'm saying is we should go out and get Jube.
Je suis en train de dire qu'on devrait aller le chercher.
I think we should go out more often.
On devrait sortir plus souvent.
Maybe we should go out there and give O'Hanlan some help.
On ne devrait pas prêter main forte à O'Hanlan?
We should go out again.
Nous devrions re-sortir ensemble.
Well, then, I think we should go out on a Sunday night.
On devrait sortir le dimanche soir alors.
We should go out sometime.
On devrait organiser un truc.
I just meant that we should go out there and serve those people some drinks.
Je voulais dire qu'on devrait aller servir à boire.
I think we should go out there and have a look.
On devrait aller jeter un œil.
Maybe we should go out and find some....
Faudrait trouver des bandits.
Jesse, I know what I said before but I think maybe now we should go out. I mean, who knows, maybe this could turn into something.
Je sais ce que j'ai dit par le passé, mais je pense qu'on devrait peut-être sortir ensemble.
We should go out and have a good time.
On devrait sortir, avoir du bon temps.
Know how people talk about "We should go out"?
Les gens ne pensent qu'à ça.
I reckon we should go out one night... and get ourselves a couple of sugar daddies.
On devrait sortir un soir nous chercher deux vieux riches.
Maybe we should go out to dinner or something.
Samedi soir peut-être. 0a me plairait!
Well, maybe we should go out and buy a couple of.357 Magnums and rob banks... like Bonnie and Clyde.
- On devrait sortir, s'acheter des.357 magnum et braquer une banque. Comme Bonnie and Clyde.
I don't think we should go out anymore.
Je ne veux plus qu'on sorte ensemble.
Yeah. We should go out.
Si on dînait ensemble?
We should go check it out.
On devrait y aller.
We two should go out together somewhere and say good-bye properly, hmm?
On devrait sortir tous les deux quelque part et se dire au revoir correctement.
We should go ashore and get some real food! It'll be such a relief to get out of here...
Si nous allions faire un vrai repas?
If we should go to such a place, the chances are all you'll get out of it... is that in the end you'll be hung by a Mongol instead of a Norman.
Si nous nous rendons là-bas, tout ce que tu y gagneras, c'est que tu seras pendu par un Mongol au lieu d'un Normand.
Yes, i think we should go out of town.
Oui, il faut s'en aller.
We should all go out together.
On devrait sortir ensemble un soir.
Don't you think we should go to a larger city where shoes wear out faster?
Si on allait dans une grande ville, où les chaussures s'usent plus vite?
Look, I think we should go back to the hotel, pick up Hank, and get out of here as quickly as we can. Maybe.
Nous devrions rentrer à l'hôtel, récupérer Hank et partir d'ici à toute vitesse.
We won't go out any more than we have to, but there's one thing we should arrange, whether Mother comes here or the boys go and stay with her.
Maman vient-elle ici ou les gosses vont-ils chez elle?
I think we should get out and go on to Spain.
Je crois qu'on devrait partir vers l'Espagne.
We should've made you go to college or come out or something. - I can see that now.
On peut dire qu'on t'a mal élevée.
We should go to the Golden Crown Find out what that inn keeper knows
- Allons d'abord au Golden Crown pour faire parler le réceptionniste.
It's like he said now, we should all go out and try to swing as many as possible over.
Bientôt. Comme il l'a dit, il faut en lever le plus possible.
It's such a beautiful night, we should row out to the centre of the lake and... go for a swim.
C'est une si belle nuit. On devrait faire une balade en barque sur le lac et se baigner.
Now we should see a race develop between the mechanics, and they will determine who's going to be the first to go out.
Les mécaniciens se font la course pour voir qui sera le premier à repartir.
We should go see with the people upstairs. - But they've gone out.
- On devrait aller voir les voisins du dessus.
Go back to your respective factories and places of work, hold meetings and let's find out if we should continue.
Je vous propose de vous rendre à vos lieux de travail. Organisez des meetings pour savoir si on va continuer ou non.
You should know this if we're gonna go out.
Il faut que tu le saches si on sort ensemble.
perhaps WE should go up and talk to Mrs. BlaisdEl together. get this thing straightened out.
Nous devrions peut-être aller parler à Mme Blaisdel pour éclaircir les choses.
I think maybe we should well, go out sometime.
On devrait peut-être... sortir ensemble.
Broadcast say we should not go out.
Les informations nous recommandent de ne pas sortir.
But we should call at Scotland Yard for Inspector Gregson and then go straight out to Beckinum, where we know that a man is being done to death,
La vie du frère est plus importante que le passé de la sœur! Nous allons à Scotland Yard pour prévenir l'inspecteur Gregson, puis nous irons à Beckenham.
Cut it out! We should go.
Idiot, on n'est pas à Hong-Kong.
I just don't think you should go out with a guy until we find out a little bit more about him.
Je pense que tu ne devrais pas sortir avec ce gars tant qu'on en sait pas un peu plus sur lui.
Well, maybe we should go and find out who this nice guy is.
On devrait peut-être aller rendre une visite à ce mec bien.
I do have a couple errands I could run before we go out, so maybe we should just leave now.
J'ai quelques courses à faire alors on pourrait y aller maintenant
Hey, I should go and slip on my silk tuxedo and then we can trot out the champagne and the escargots.
Je devrais peut-être aller enfiler mon smoking en soie, sabrer le champagne et servir les escargots.
You know, we should really go out and celebrate tomorrow.
- Tu devrais. - Je devrais aller leur dire.
do you think we should get an antique? Because that's another way to go. Rip out my tongue.
Vous savez quoi, votre portier m'a éternué dessus.
Timothy, perhaps we should go below, out of the way.
Tu devrais quitter la passerelle et venir avec moi.
Should we stay in or go out for dinner?
On reste ici ou on sort dîner?
- Should I go out and hail one? We'll work it out.
Tu veux que je t'en trouve un dans la rue?
I mean, why should we go out and punish ourselves when these guys can make double, triple, what we can?
je veux dire, pourquoi devrions-nous le faire et se punir nous-mêmes alors que ces gars peuvent faire le double ou le triples, de ce que nous pouvons?
Anyway, I think we should go out and celebrate.
J'ai vu les garçons.
we should talk 155
we shouldn't 98
we should 517
we should go 706
we should do this more often 34
we should stop 39
we shouldn't do this 20
we should go inside 16
we should go now 26
we shouldn't be here 56
we shouldn't 98
we should 517
we should go 706
we should do this more often 34
we should stop 39
we shouldn't do this 20
we should go inside 16
we should go now 26
we shouldn't be here 56