When it was over traducir francés
652 traducción paralela
Quand ça a été fini, ils n'ont même pas tiré.
He'd only gotten his wings when it was over.
Il était devenu pilote après.
And when it was over, they beat her to death with a club.
Quand ils ont eu fini, ils l'ont tuée d'un coup de gourdin.
But when it was over, went on vacation, it was a beautiful long summer
Et quand ce fut fini? Nous partîmes en vacances. Ce fut un bel et long été.
James Rae himself, who, like the other troopers of Kingston's Light Horse, played his pan in the battle when it was over, is later to return to Nottingham, where his regimental colours are to be laid to rest
James Rae, comme les autres cavaliers de Kingston, a fait son devoir après la bataille. Il retourna à Nottingham où l'on rendra les honneurs au drapeau du régiment.
But then when they saw the Pounds as well, you know the 16,000, it was all over.
Mais quand ils ont vu les livres, vous savez, les 16.000, c'était le comble. Imaginez leur joie.
It's the chair Bernardt sat in... when she was rehearsing Queen Elizabeth over here.
Sarah Bernhardt s'y asseyait en répétant "La Reine Elisabeth" ici.
When we were pulling out of it, I was bending over.
Pendant que nous redressions, j'étais penché.
And he picked up a poker and hit Red over the head with it. When Red was down, he swung at me twice.
Il l'a assommé avec le tisonnier et il m'a frappée.
Louisa and I were sent off to Rochester. Then when we came back that night, Miss Fiske was gone and it was all over.
Quand nous sommes... revenues de Rochester, Louisa et moi, Mlle Fiske était partie
When he flew over, he'd cut his engine so they'd know who it was.
Quand il survolait sa maison, il coupait ses moteurs et faisait ça :
When I got there it was all over.
C'était déjà fini.
Two hours! And then when it was all over, what?
Cela a pris deux heures!
When we asked you, you knew the race was over and it was time for the next thing.
Tu sais que la course est finie. Tu passes à la chose suivante.
She was here when it happened... the friend of the lady that went over the cliff.
Elle y était. C'était l'amie de la pauvre dame.
But when I leant over his cradle at night, it was me he smiled at.
Mais quand je me penchais sur son berceau le soir, c'est à moi qu'il souriait.
When they were before Stalingrad, I thought that it was all over.
Quand ils étaient devant Stalingrad, j'ai pensé que tout était fini.
You were right when you said it was over between us..
Tu disais bien que tout était fini entre nous.
If it was 10 : 45 when I left you, it was 9 : 00 this morning when I woke, over ten hours lost.
S'il était 22h45 quand je suis parti et 9h ce matin à mon réveil cela fait plus de dix heures.
When I was a kid, it meant the holidays were over. Back to school.
Pour moi, ça voulait dire la rentrée des classes.
- Yes, it does. When I drove around, that car was turning over but she was already on the road, yelling.
Pendant que la voiture se retournait encore... elle était déjà sur la route!
I was 21 when I took it over.
J'ai pris la direction à 21 ans.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was everybody's century when people all over the world, free people, found a way to live together?
Ce serait merveilleux si c'était celui de l'être humain, quand les peuples libres du monde entier apprirent à vivre ensemble?
Yes, I know it, and yet when I had to kneel before you and you crossed the sword over my head, and you raised me to the rank of the Count of Bergamo, it was a feeling of...
Oui, je sais. Mais en m'agenouillant pour que vous m'éleviez au rang de comte de Bergame c'était un sentiment assez...
He knew what he was doing when he turned them over to us. Mighty cute of him, wasn't it?
Il savait ce qu'il faisait en nous les confiant, ce vieux futé.
I thought it was over when I left school and met Bill.
Je pensais que c'était fini quand j'ai rencontré Bill.
What's come over you, John? When you were sailing with Flint, it was cut and rip.
Avec Flint, tu avais moins de scrupules.
It's like when you look for something all over the place, and then you find it was right in front of you all along.
C'est comme quand vous cherchez quelque chose partout, et puis vous le trouvez alors qu'il était juste en face de vous tout ce temps.
I've pondered over it when I was awake... and I think... I have a feelin l'm hearin'the outside world.
"Eveillé, je me suis demandé d'où elles venaient." Je crois qu'elles viennent de votre monde.
And then later, when I married Carl, I thought it was all over and done with.
Plus tard, quand j'ai épousé Carl,
- That's when I figured it was all over.
- Là, j'ai compris que tout était fini.
It was already.. It was like this when I got here. Game over, man.
C'était déjà comme ça quand je suis arrivé.
When I arrived in this county to take over the syndicate plantation... this house was empty, I was told it was haunted.
Quand je suis arrivé pour diriger la plantation du syndicat, la maison était vide. On la disait hantée.
And always thinking about how wonderful... it was going to be when it was all over and you were home again.
J'imaginais que tout serait merveilleux, à ton retour.
Well, I lied to you, but when it's over, I'm more lonely than I was before.
Après son départ, je me sens plus seul qu'avant.
He spent his whole life doing it so I could take over when he was through.
Il y a consacré toute sa vie, pour que je la reprenne après lui.
Go over there sometime and try to imagine what it was like 40,000 years ago, when monsters like these wandered around, where now expensive cars roam.
Allez-y un jour et tentez d'imaginer... à quoi ça ressemblait il y a 40 000 ans, quand de tels monstres... erraient là où on trouve maintenant des voitures de luxe.
When I thought it was over, Ben, I felt good. I felt good inside.
Quand j'ai cru que c'était terminé, je me suis senti heureux.
It was when I was in Canada. I used to slip over the border sometimes.
Parfois, quand j'étais au Canada, je passais la frontière en douce.
I think it was simply wonderful of you not to have kicked it all over the room when you actually did it.
Je crois que ce fut admirable de votre part de ne pas avoir tout envoyé en l'air lorsqu'il l'a fait.
It was ages ago that men were taught to hide when the sirens blew to run from death, but it's over!
Jadis, au son des sirènes, les hommes devaient courir... ils fuyaient la mort, sous terre. Mais c'est fini!
When Badoglio said : the war goes on, it was already over and now that he says it is over, it goes on.
Quand Badoglio dit : la guerre continue, elle se finit. et maintenant qu'elle est finie, tout continue.
Après quoi, nous avons perdu tout contact.
I thought this game was over when Fats said it was.
Je croyais que c'était Fats qui décidait d'arrêter ou non.
When you told me about Phil Stainer, it was over, in the past.
Quand tu m'as parlé de Stainer, c'était du passé.
An old woman brought it to me ten years ago, when i'd first taken over. She said it was magic.
Une vieille femme me l'a apporté il y a dix ans, quand j'ai accédé au pouvoir.
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane,
J'étais là quand vous l'avez dit et j'étais en haut des marches quand il a rejoint sa monture, empoigné sa crinière,
Everything's just as it was when we were friends... and I came over all the time.
Tout est resté comme au temps où nous étions amies... et me voilà revenue.
When they came to, I convinced them it was two years later and the war was over.
A leur réveil, je leur disais que 2 ans avaient passé et que la guerre était finie.
When she ran out that night it was over.
Comme ce courant d " air.
- What? It was when she heard what happened over here last night.
Ce qui s'est passé ici hier soir.
when it comes to you 25
when it rains 55
when it does 42
when it happened 60
when it comes 19
when it's over 71
when it happens 48
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it rains 55
when it does 42
when it happened 60
when it comes 19
when it's over 71
when it happens 48
when it gets dark 17
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
when it's all over 25
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it was over 93
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when it comes down to it 28
when it is 16
it was over 93
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when i 169
when he died 111
when in doubt 76
when you're ready 256
when i was little 263
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when i 169
when he died 111
when in doubt 76
when you're ready 256
when i was little 263