When you're a kid traducir francés
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You're like a kid whining to his mom when something goes wrong!
Vous êtes comme un enfant qui pleurniche à sa mère quand quelque chose ne va pas!
Leave a place when you're a kid, maybe 17, 18 years ago... and you forget all about it.
Tu quittes un endroit gamin, il y a environ 1 7-18 ans, et tu l'oublies.
When I asked for somebody to handle this, Miss Harris said you're the smartest kid here.
Je voulais qu'on s'occupe de ça. Mlle Harris t'a désigné comme le plus malin.
- That's great when you're a kid... but you're pushing 30.
- C'est bien quand t'es gamin... mais t'approche la trentaine.
Now, look, you're not sailing until tomorrow, so we can spend the evening together... and I'll tell you all about how I used to beat up my dad when I was a kid.
Tu ne prends le bateau que demain, on pourrait passer la soirée ensemble, et je te raconterai comment je battais mon père quand j'étais petit.
â ™ ª When you're a Jet â ™ ª â ™ ª You're the top cat in town â ™ ª â ™ ª You're the gold-medal kid â ™ ª â ™ ª With the heavyweight crown â ™ ª
Quand on est un Jet, on est le roi du pavé et le champion des compétitions.
You're just trying to - you can't lock the door against spooky voices or - it's like the forts i used to build out of apple crates and cardboard when i was a kid.
- Tu essaies seulement de... - On ne ferme pas la porte à une voix bizarre. Cela me fait penser aux châteaux en carton que je construisais quand j'étais enfant.
Maybe you're right, because I remember when I was a kid, my mom used to tell me when I started growing, she would say :
Peut-être vous aviez raison je me souviens quand j'étais un gamin, ma maman chaque fois que je me suis trompé... Na maman disait :
You're damn right it's always me, the way it's you, they way you had the kid when we shouldn't have had a kid.
Tu as raison, tout tourne toujours autour de moi, de toi, et du gosse que nous n'aurions pas dû avoir,
Those are very scary moments, and you think a lot about that when you're a kid.
- Bien. Un enfant traverse des moments effrayants parfois dans sa vie.
When I was a kid my father told me, "Never hit anyone in anger... unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it."
Gamin, mon père me disait : "Ne frappe jamais par colère, " sauf si tu es sûr de t'en tirer. "
" He meant you're gold when you're a kid, like green.
" Pour lui, on est de l'or quand on est gosse... la fraîcheur.
" When you're a kid everything's new. Dawn.
" Quand on est gosse, tout est neuf... aube.
When you're young, you're a kid, you got time.
Quand on est jeune, enfant, on n'a que ça, du temps.
It's a tough act to follow... but if you ski like you did when you qualified... you could be the kid we're looking for.
Difficile, mais si tu skies comme pour la qualification, tu peux être celui que nous cherchons.
You're telling me about this bureau creep... who's trying to take me apart in his spare time... because his kid got smacked when we took Marcellino.
Vous venez me raconter qu'un abruti du FBI veut ma peau parce qu'on lui a dessoudé son fiston... en réglant le cas Marcellino.
When you're a kid and don't understand anything you think when you grow up it will all make sense.
Quand on est gosse, on ne comprend rien, on se dit que, quand on sera grand, tout aura un sens.
Well... When you're a kid, the whole world doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Et bien... quand tu es gamin, le monde entier n'a aucun sens pour toi.
It's like the church telling you not to drink or not to have sex... when you're a kid.
C'est comme l'Église qui dit de ne pas faire l'amour quand on est trop jeune.
Things like that happen when you're a kid.
Ce genre de choses arrive à des tas de gosses.
When I was a kid, the guy'd grab me by the neck and shake me and say "So, shithead, you think you're smarter than your old man?"
Quand j'étais petit, mon père me secouait comme un prunier en disant "Merdeux, tu te crois plus intelligent que ton paternel?"
When you're a kid, you think you'll grow up to be wonderful instead of an asshole, like everybody else.
Quand on est petit, on veut devenir un type super... et pas un con comme tout le monde.
When you're a kid, you're getting chased from every place anyway.
Gosse, ce n'est rien, on vous chasse de partout.
When you're a kid you can be friends with anybody.
Bien sûr, enfant, on était ami avec tout le monde.
Remember when you're a little kid what are the qualifications? " lf someone's in front of my house that's my friend.
Vous rappelez-vous les conditions requises? Un gamin vivant en face devenait automatiquement notre ami.
I mean, you're so vulnerable to that, right, when you're a kid.
Un enfant, c'est si vulnérable.
You know you're crazy when you're a kid.
T'es cinglé quand t'es gosse.
There's nothing more fun than cursing when you're a kid.
Rien n'est plus drôle que de jurer quand on est gosse.
You're a kid having the fun for him now... that he couldn't have when he was a kid. - Okay, sure.
Et maintenant qu'il est vieux et riche tu peux faire les choses qu'il n'a pu jamais faire.
Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
La vie est toujours aussi dure, ou c'est seulement quand on est petit?
You know how when you're a kid and someone dresses up like Santa, and you say, "That's really Santa Claus here to see you."
Tu sais quand tu es gosse, quelqu'un se déguise en Père Noël et tu te dis : "C'est vraiment le Père Noël qui est là pour toi."
A diet's good when you're a kid. Makes it easier later.
C'est bien d'habituer l'enfant à un régime.
You're the same as when you were a kid
Tu es le même que lorsque tu étais enfant.
I think that's when it starts, when you're a kid.
C'est là que ça commence... quand t'es gamin.
When you're a kid, you think what's the big deal?
Quand on est gosse, on ne voit pas où est le problème.
Especially when you're a kid they threaten you.
En particulier quand vous être gamin ils vous menacent avec.
You know when you're a kid and you tore the legs off a bug for no reason?
Vous savez quand vous êtes enfant et que vous arrachez la patte d'un insecte sans raison?
When you see a kid with this kind of talent, it's almost normal for him... to take that into consideration with the kind of money that they're getting now.
Pour un garçon aussi talentueux, il est normal de s'intéresser aux fortunes qu'obtiennent ses pairs.
I ain't got nothing to say, Coach. When I was a kid, my mother used to go, "Arthur, you're a capo tost."
Ma mère me traitait de tête de lard.
You dream about so many things when you're a kid but in the end nothing goes as planned.
- La vie est toujours comme ça. Tu rêves de trucs quand t'es gamin et à la fin, rien ne se passe comme prévu.
So the first time you hear the concept of Halloween when you're a kid your brain can't even process the information.
La première fois qu'on entend parler de Halloween quand on est gosse, le cerveau ne peut même pas traiter l'information.
lt-lt's like when you're a kid who's afraid of the water, and you suddenly realize that you can swim.
Un peu comme avoir peur de l'eau quand on est enfant et réaliser soudain qu'on sait nager.
'Cause when you're a kid you never question the whole faith thing.
Quand vous êtes gosse, vous ne remettez pas la foi en cause.
When you're a kid, you... You see the life you want... and it never crosses your mind... that it's not gonna turn out that way.
Quand on est gamin, on voit sa vie toute tracée, sans imaginer qu'elle puisse être tout autre.
When you first arrived I felt... you're a hotshot from NASA and I'm a dumb country kid... with the arse fallout out of me daks.
À ton arrivée, j'ai eu l'impression... voilà le ponte de la NASA, et le pauvre plouc... qui perd ses brailles.
Anthony, my dear Tonuzzo, you're so handsome and strong, and you look so American, but I still remember when, as a kid, you'd bring water to me and your dad, over there, in the vineyard,
Anthony, mon petit Tonuo. Je te vois, si beau, si fort, américain. Quand tu étais petit, tu nous apportais de l'eau, à ton père et à moi, dans les vignobles.
You know, when you're a kid.
Comme quand j'étais môme.
It's funny how when you're a kid, a day can last forever.
C'est drôle comment, quand on est enfant... une journée ne finit jamais.
It's funny when you're a kid, isn't it?
C'est drôle quand t'es enfant, non?
When you're six, seven years old, you're not thinking "pro surfer" too hard, but just be a surfer, be a kid, you know?
À 6 ou 7 ans, tu ne penses pas faire une carrière du surf. Juste faire du surf, être gamin.
Sharing is a nice gesture... like when you're a kid and you have a Popsicle... and you break it in two and offer half to another kid.
Quand on est enfant et qu'on a une barre de chocolat, on la casse en deux et on offre l'autre moitié à l'autre.
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when you're ready 256
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when you're 91
when you're older 32
when you're here 16
when you're ready 256
when you're right 37
when you're done 105
when you're dead 37
when you're alone 31
when you're married 16
when you're 91
when you're older 32
when you're here 16
when you're young 31
when you're in love 21
when you're with me 16
when you're finished 34
when you're there 17
when you're burned 80
you're a kid 46
a kidnapping 18
a kid 116
when they 28
when you're in love 21
when you're with me 16
when you're finished 34
when you're there 17
when you're burned 80
you're a kid 46
a kidnapping 18
a kid 116
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when he was born 18
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was nine 31
when you die 79
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when i was little 263
when he was born 18
when i was your age 229
when i was young 206
when i was nine 31
when you die 79